Home » The Corvette Showdown: 2001 C5 Z06 vs. 2007 C6 Z06

The Corvette Showdown: 2001 C5 Z06 vs. 2007 C6 Z06

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They’ve let me out of my cage and I’m a feral beast ready to write! The haters kept me down yesterday and I was not able to bring you the shittiest boxes for a showdown (okay I just forgot, and now David hates me [Ed Note: I do not. Griffin is a gem. – DT]),  but I am here to rectify that mistake and give y’all what you want. No, what you need.

We begin with the results of yesterday’s SBSD:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

First and foremost: What the hell is a “Sophie’s Choice?” Is this me being too young again? [Ed Note: No clue. – DT]. I’ve never even met a Sophie; why would I choose her? [Ed Note: Guys, you can just Google things. HERE. Gawd. – Pete] Doesn’t matter, I’m gonna say that I stand with the people on this one. We need to torture Old David and have him rock with this old-school Kaiser truck. Military styling in a boxy body like that? I’m already in love. The Dakota is cute and all but this just ain’t even close for me (with all due disrespect):

Sophie's Vote



Wanna know what else is disrespectful? Disgracing the sanctity of the column that is Shitbox Showdown by showing you something that is firmly established as the antithesis to Shitboxes; something that insists on being the premiere driving experience you can get in the U.S. — something that always earns your attention and affection, all without even trying. I’m, of course, talking about a Corvette.

2001 Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 – $24,000

480150367 997793745748256 2637456438481926026 N
Image Credits: Facebook

Engine/drivetrain:  5.7-liter V8 pushrod OHV, 6-speed manual, RWD

Location: Simi Valley, CA

Odometer reading: 88,000

Operational status: “Car is absolutely perfect”


RAHHH [bald eagles dive bomb overhead] RAHHH! IT’S THE YEAR OF THE C5 BABY! From the mean streets of Bowling Green and into the meaner streets of Simi Valley comes the track attack, fat sacked, rattatat tat something else that rhymes front engine monster! RAHHH!

If you don’t know anything about the C5 generation, let me tell you all about it: The car actually has a 50/50 weight distribution (unlike my C6 which is an imperfect 51/49) and could quite easily reach 170mph+ if the litany of forum posts are to be believed. It also saw the introduction of the head-up display that became popular in the cars, but it also saw the introduction of the often maligned 1st-4th gear manual transmission lockout that was implemented for fuel economy reasons.

What’s really rad about the C5 is the fact that the popup-headlight machine was an absolute monster on tracks all across the world. It raced from ’99-’04 and notched itself a whopping 31 wins out of 55 races total, with 50 of those same 55 getting them podiums in general. The car even won the overall victory at the 2001 Rolex 24 at Daytona, beating all the prototype cars along the way. Sure, the racecar isn’t the same as the production car, but there’s still nothing cooler than a sports car with a rich and impressive racing heritage.

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Image Credits: Facebook
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Image Credits: Facebook
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Image Credits: Facebook

Here’s James Pumphrey’s song about pop-up headlights if you’re into THAT kinda thing. This vehicle’s wheels look great, and to be honest, I’m only including that photo of the trunk because I’ve never seen how they open on a C5. It feels oddly small and like you can’t put anything back there. Am I reading into it too much? Is my sanity stretched too thin as I ooze love for the superior American motoring machine? I’m mush and I shall return to the earth one day.

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Image Credits: Facebook
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Image Credits: Facebook
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Image Credits: Facebook

I dig the two-tone seats dripping with red, however, I think that same red looks pretty tacky on the lower panel. It’s a personal taste thing no doubt, but just my two cents! I’d also swap out that shifter knob because the stock one is pretty butt ugly but that’s not the owner’s fault, that’s on GM. In terms of flaws, the only thing I can really see on this bad boy is the roof’s clear coat, which the owner mentions in the listing. For $24,000, I’m not mad at this.


2007 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Coupe – $44,995

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Image Credits: Craigslist

Engine/drivetrain:  7.0-liter LS7 V8 pushrod OHV, 6-speed manual, RWD

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Odometer reading: 43,868

Operational status: Doesn’t say explicitly, but it looks clean as hell.

ZO6 GOES VROOM BABY! I’m telling y’all, I was put in blog jail for threatening to talk about Corvettes here, but my love for the C6 shall overcome my oppressors. Even now, I write this from a burner phone I got in Tijuana so that DT can’t send his goons to get me. I’m gonna win this fight, and I’m gonna tell y’all about this frickin car.


This here is a C6 Z06 and I can confirm, with firsthand knowledge, that these things ripppp. My dad, never one to let me have a nice thing of my own, bought a Z06 shortly after I got my base model C6, and he made sure to get one that’s an identical color just so that when we park next to each other, his is clearly the cooler of the two. But after driving that beauty, I forgave his blatant efforts to emasculate me because my lord that thing is something else.

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Image Credits: Craigslist
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Image Credits: Craigslist

With a Z06: you take the already incredible C6 platform and make it track-ready. Up the displacement, make them bores larger, longer strokes, and you find yourself clocking 505 horses like it’s nothing. It has better aero, lighter components in several places, and a buttery smooth transmission that makes my base model feel like I’m sparring with Tyson the way I have to punch it into gear. Seriously, swapping between the two made mine feel like a brick in a wind tunnel.

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Image Credits: Craigslist
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Image Credits: Craigslist

This model is painted in Atomic Orange Metallic and looks really clean. The Z06 also has a massive schnoz on the front end to help feed that hungry, hot engine that so desperately craves some ozone. I normally don’t like such busy wheels, but it honestly works pretty well on this one so I’m not mad!

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Image Credits: Craigslist
00p0p Keboduy77xy 0ak06s 1200x900
Image Credits: Craigslist

The interiors on these are funny because it’s so clearly old-GM and filled with plastic everywhere, but it’s not low-quality plastic that’ll break if you hit it too hard. Even with its plastics, it all feels nice. Old as hell, no doubt, very dated, definitely, but nice! 

And just to match our convo about the C5, let’s talk about the C6’s racing pedigree too: four LeMans wins. Fifty-one victories in its eight-year run in IMSA alone. It was a car so brisk on the track that many of its competitors straight up quit, with the ALMS series literally shutting down its class after everyone left. If that’s not an endorsement of its performance then what the hell is?! I’m sorry if I tout this car all the time but dammit I need people to know how much I love it!!!


I won’t sit here and kid y’all: $45 large for a 17-year-old car is pretty ridiculous by any metric the way I see it. I hate the way folks treat everything like an investment, especially cars, because what do you mean you have a Ferrari you’ve put 2,000 miles on in 15 years? If you buy it, drive it. Stop being dumb and worrying about getting money back on it. It’s in that vain, I question if this price tag of $45,000 is worth it for the C6.

On the other hand, I get it. I’ve driven one, including on a track where I ripped it to nearly 130 mph on the front straight of Willow Springs. It’s an incredible car. But is it worth nearly twice the price of a ‘same spec’ C5 that has a nearly identical history of performance and pedigree attached to it? I don’t know. I have a soft spot for my generation, but not to the point where I’m brainwashed. I say C5. How about y’all?

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Pneumatic Tool
Pneumatic Tool
20 days ago

C5 just looks a little more like what I ‘vette should look like to these old man eyes, plus at that price, I could probably spring for some paint work to take care of the boogers on the roof.

Mike B
Mike B
20 days ago

C5. I actually think the C5 is a cleaner design, and extra points for it being a FRC. It’s a better value, though still a little high, IMO. The interior doesn’t even look bad, I always liked throwback C3 style “twin cove” dash design. (I think that’s what it was called)

The C6 is faster of course, but not 20K faster. Also that orange color hasn’t aged well for me, it’s SO mid ’00s. If this was Navy Blue Metallic I’d probably be more into it.

Captain Avatar
Captain Avatar
20 days ago

As someone who would have this as a roadtrip toy, and never get on a track, the C5 looks better, has plenty of HP, and pop-up lights, which my inner 12 year old will never get tired of.

The Z06 does a lot of things better, but not 2x the money better. And can you really have fun on the roads in a car with a terrible color that is screaming for attention from police if you do so much as go 1mph over the limit?

20 days ago

I suspect that C5 has not been hooned. I’m pretty sure the C6 has been hooned. So pass on the C6.

Also, pop-up headlights!

Last edited 20 days ago by Church
I don't hate manual transmissions
I don't hate manual transmissions
20 days ago

Since it’s internet play money, I’ll take the 500 hp C6.

If it were my own money in play, the answer would be neither. I’m past the age where either of these particular play things is of much interest. A square taillight C4 ZR1 or a new C8 on the other hand… Who am I kidding – there’s no room in the budget for any such automotive fantasy.

Okay now I’m depressed. If it weren’t 10 below outside, I’d go for a spin in the Miata.

20 days ago

I like the way the C5 looks better, and 405 horsepower is PLENTY for me. I’m also a cheapskate.

20 days ago

A really fun comparison here would have been a Vette vs 911 or maybe Viper. Let the games begin!!!

Mr. Canoehead
Mr. Canoehead
20 days ago

Since this isn’t real money, I really want the “both” option today. I love the C5 and C6 Corvettes and these both have the must-have manual.

20 days ago

Hey, cool, I’ll take a pre ’75 C3.

20 days ago

Go on and write me up for 125
Post my face, wanted dead or alive
Take my license, all that jive
I can’t drive 55
Oh no, uh

C5 and pop up headlights FTW.

20 days ago

I knew you’d sneak some Corvettes in, but neither of these is remotely a shitbox! I’m going style over substance and voting for the C5.

20 days ago
Reply to  Griffin Riley

There are TONS of shitty Vettes … and being the dirtbag that I am, I love them all!

Matt DeCraene
Matt DeCraene
20 days ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

I have been imaginary internet shopping for a cheap C4. There are definitely some that fall into the normal price range around here that I consider buying on a regular basis as not terrible ideas.

20 days ago
Reply to  Matt DeCraene

I mean, they probably are terrible ideas, and I fully support all of them!

20 days ago

As the owner of a ’06 Z06 for the last decade and a half I vote for another C6Z. I love this car. The LS7 is a joy to drive – docile and calm on grocery run, brutal on the track. Sure, a less Rubbermaid interior would be nice but if I have time to notice it just means I’m not driving fast enough.

I’ve never been a big fan of the C5s looks but as a C4 owner I can appreciate the huge improvement in the chassis and suspension over the previous gen – freaking massive improvement. The C6/7 are essentially just tweaked/evolved versions of the C5 so they owe a lot to this generation.

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
20 days ago

I’m not quite old enough to drive either of these, and I don’t own a pair of new balances. Also, my dad is a big corvette guy which means I am not. I went C5, but would rather have a base model of either for a third of the price.

20 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

You’re never too young to live your inner old man and get a pair of NB, khaki shorts and a baby blue polo!

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
20 days ago
Reply to  Bomber

Yeah… But I don’t want to so there’s that.

20 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

LOL Fair…I have been a Corvette guy since seeing one at 3 years old (1979 was ages ago I swear!) and I don’t want that image. At all

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
20 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

I know only four people who own Corvettes. All C6. All four are all middle aged women. Three of the cars are convertibles, one hardtop. Three white, one yellow. All C6 gen. They were acquired either with divorce money or as apology cars from their cheating husbands. As far as I know, New Balances aren’t offered in leopard print, but if they were, there would be a market for them.

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
20 days ago

Very interesting. I only know 1, and it’s my dad, he’s had C4-C7 and now has a C8. I’ve driven the 4-6 and while they’re nice, they’re just not my style at all. At one point he had at least 3 pairs of white NBs in the garage.

20 days ago

Griffin, you gotta keep up with those blogarinos, m’kay?

Oh, and c5 Z06. That design is aging really well.

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
20 days ago

First off, there were 69 comments on this post when I started writing. Can we get some “nice”s in the chat?


Very glad The Autopian is letting Griff be Griff here. A Corvette showdown is never out of order, though I’m sad he couldn’t find a C4 ZR1 to throw in.

But I have to pick the C5. It’s cheaper, yes, but it’s also prettier (hidden headlights, right?). Also, my Dad always wanted one.

Matt DeCraene
Matt DeCraene
20 days ago
Reply to  Griffin Riley
67 Oldsmobile
67 Oldsmobile
20 days ago

The c5 looks better than the c6,and it’s cheaper too. Probably not as capable,but I could get in trouble with both of them.

20 days ago

I would go for the C5. The extra 20k I save would buy me a lot of Hawaiian shirts

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
20 days ago
Reply to  ChefCJ

And all the white New Balances you could want!

20 days ago
Reply to  Griffin Riley

Sounds like you’re just a golf visor away from living your Corvette dreams! Godspeed young man

Cloud Shouter
Cloud Shouter
20 days ago

C5 all the way

20 days ago

Going to pass on both of these. I’ve met way too many aging Bros driving Corvettes to ever be caught dead in one.

Angry Bob
Angry Bob
20 days ago

You can spend $50 on a skip shift delete kit, or you can unplug the solenoid, stuff a $0.05 resistor into the plug, and tape it up. It’s almost like GM wanted buyers to do this.

C5 for me. The regular C5 had 350hp, which is pretty much all you can use on the street. The Z06 has 405. I’d lose my license in the C6.

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
20 days ago
Reply to  Angry Bob

I had a first gen Cadillac CTS-V with the 1-4 skip shift. Liberal application of the go fast accelerator pedal bypasses it. I only found it an issue when driving slowly in parking lots. Treat each traffic signal as if you’re starting a race and you’ll never encounter skip shift on the road.

Angry Bob
Angry Bob
20 days ago
Reply to  Lori Hille

The irony is that it’s a fuel saving device, yet the work-around is to floor it for every first to second shift.

I’ve had both an LT1 Trans-Am and a C5 Corvette and both had skip shift enabled when I bought them. Previous owners either didn’t know it can be disabled or it didn’t bother them enough to do it. Both were disabled the night I brought them home.

20 days ago

The C6 is a cooler color, and the notchback C5 is kind of stupid. So I voted for teh C6.

20 days ago

I have opinions about C1-C4 ‘vettes but the C5-C7 are all kinda meh to me. What we need is a showdown with a representative of each generation!

20 days ago

I do not share Griffin’s affection for Corvettes. Beyond a mild appreciation for the C1 and C2 models, I have never considered them desirable. It’s not an active dislike, more of an indifference that is shared with various Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, etc. whose extra-legal capabilities and track accomplishments are of no interest to me. I have had driver seat time in every generation thru the C5, but experienced no magic, so for me, deciding between a C5 or a C6 is like having to choose between vanilla or tapioca pudding and I’m not a fan of any pudding. But, that’s not the way the game is played, so I’ll just flip a coin and . . . would you look at that. It landed on edge. Damn, I’m going to have to choose. Since I’ve actually driven one – and it’s the less expensive option – I’ll take the C5 vanilla pudding cup.

Last edited 20 days ago by Canopysaurus
20 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

While I agree that most of a Corvette’s capabilities would be lost on me, I think knowing that they have near- or even north of supercar performance for so much lower of a price is the whole point. They….well, were….the middle-class-possibly-achievable way to get that kind of great performance as long as you were willing to forsake the snobby badge.

20 days ago
Reply to  Griffin Riley

Maybe, but don’t forget how much of the cost of building Corvettes was amortized across the entire GM line up, especially the truck divisions. Hard to tell what they might cost if the entire cost had to be rolled into just the Corvette’s price tag. Most other super car companies don’t have that luxury, though I suppose Fiat /Stellantis has enough market penetration to do the same.

20 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Other supercar companies should try building trucks using the same basic engine design as their sporty cars.

20 days ago

I love the C6 much more than the C5, but I would look for a less expensive model of either, then boost it myself to equal or better power. So I’m saving $20k and taking the C5 and a skip-shift defeat kit.

20 days ago

C5 is the better deal here. The C6 is no doubt fast/fun to drive but is it $20k more fun?!?! I’m also generally not a fan of the C6, the headlights just feel too cheap to me. To be clear I’m fine with the loss of the pop up headlights these just feel a bit too EBay for me. The C6 is a better color though.

Also this particular C6 has an aura of run hard and put up wet to me. Maybe I’m judging the crappy dealer add too much and unfairly associating the car to it. I suspect some sucker will pay a 29% APR financing for it and then wrap it around a tree.

Also Griffin, the C4 was the introduction of the 1-4 skip shift not the C5. My Dads 91 Corvette had it.

Last edited 20 days ago by StillPlaysWithCars
20 days ago
Reply to  Griffin Riley

lol. I didn’t think it was ironic!

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
20 days ago
Reply to  Griffin Riley

If you like to accelerate quickly, you won’t be activating the skip shift. When I had a first gen Cadillac CTS-V, it only kicked in when I was driving slowly through parking lots. Drive with a lead foot and it won’t trouble you much.

Matt DeCraene
Matt DeCraene
20 days ago

Well actually….

The early C4s had the 4+3 Doug Nash transmission, when they introduced the six speed CAGS came in.

Sorry, I have been looking at too much vette stuff.

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