Home » The Fiat Panda Wasn’t Named For What You Think It’s Named: Cold Start

The Fiat Panda Wasn’t Named For What You Think It’s Named: Cold Start

Cs Panda 1

I’ve always liked the Fiat Panda. It’s one of those fiercely honest cars that was designed not around some vague ideas a marketing team came up with about some fictional go-getter, but rather around a specific set of jobs they want the car to be able to perform. The panda was a clever little box on wheels, smart and unashamed and elegant in its simplicity. Fun, too. But I was never sure I really understood why it was called a “Panda.”

I mean, pandas, cute as they are, are kind of idiots. They roll around and eat a ton of bamboo and are shockingly bad at fucking each other to make new pandas. Unlike the Fiat Panda, nature-built pandas aren’t especially useful or utilitarian or capable or efficient or anything like that. They’re big, lazy, bamboo-gorged shlubs that don’t do shit.

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Vidframe Min Bottom

It’s not just me who thinks so, too:

The only trait a panda really shares with a Fiat Panda is cuteness, I suppose, and even then the type of cuteness is wildly different between the machine and the beast.


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So why did Fiat name their rugged little car after these dipshit not-bears?

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Well, the truth is that Fiat didn’t name the Panda after pandas! It’s actually named for, of all things, a goddess.

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Yes, a goddess! The ancient Roman goddess Empanda, which I desperately want to read as “empanada” but is really just Empanda, or, sometimes, Panda. Empanda was a patroness of travelers, which is why Fiat picked her to name their little car after.

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While I’m sure there are those of you reading this who knew this already, I wonder how Fiat feels knowing that the vast majority of people have the entirely wrong idea about what or who the car is named for.

A goddess! I had no idea. I’m just happy it’s not named for those black-and-white doughy, bamboo-gorged furry jackasses.

Oh, one more thing: We’re doing a little data test, so if you’ve been on the fence about becoming a member just click this link and you’ll get $35 off any annual plan, which means you’ll get a Cloth annual plan for just $35, or 50% off. We’re going to shut it off once we get the data we need, but it’s up for now!



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David W Alderman
David W Alderman
1 month ago

Empanada – now I’m hungry!

Andrea Petersen
Andrea Petersen
1 month ago

While I admit this is Useless Fiat Knowledge that already had it’s own dedicated brain cell, I now want to worship an Empanada goddess. It’s hard to go wrong with any form of savory contents wrapped in crispy dough.

1 month ago

I would wholeheartedly worship a goddess named Empanada. Got me drooling just thinking about her juicy, meaty filling, and crispy, doughy shell.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
1 month ago

I’ve always had a soft spot for cars that look like shipping containers. Perfect cargo car.

1 month ago

And this whole time I was thinking someone in marketing said:
Pick A Name Dumb Asses”, and they rolled with it.

1 month ago

Nissan exec in the 1950s: “That soon?”

1 month ago

I have to admit I’m curious about this data test; what data could our benign and benevolent Autopian pals require from us, the day after a giant article on how to turn off data-sharing? Not that I am suspicious–heck, we all love you folks and will freely give whatever you ask (including money as many of us have)–but it’s a degree less transparency than we’ve come to expect.

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
1 month ago
Reply to  AssMatt

It’s so I can know the address of anyone who disagrees with me and challenge them to a duel.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
1 month ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

No address needed.
Meet me on the playground after recess, wuss…/s

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
1 month ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

Sigh. I’ll send one of the staff. Or maybe some hired goons.

Andrea Petersen
Andrea Petersen
1 month ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

Bruh/Sis/Unknown, he’s from East London. Have you never watched a Guy Richie movie? That is a very bad call to make…

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
1 month ago


Alex Rockey
Alex Rockey
1 month ago

There is also the Piaggio Ape, of which is not the primate, but rather Italian for “bee”.

Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
1 month ago

Cars named for deities:

Citroen DS (déesse, goddess in French)

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
1 month ago

How about Minerva…

There’s got to be more.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lori Hille


Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
1 month ago
Reply to  Ranwhenparked

Nissan Titan
Volkswagen Atlas

Last edited 1 month ago by Hangover Grenade
Geekycop .
Geekycop .
1 month ago

I actually have the cheap american one you listed.

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
1 month ago

D-oh about Saturn!

Thor motirhomes

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
1 month ago
Reply to  Lori Hille


Geekycop .
Geekycop .
1 month ago

Janus double ended car.

Tim Cougar
Tim Cougar
1 month ago
Lori Hille
Lori Hille
1 month ago
Reply to  Tim Cougar

This thread got me thinking about car names. Torchinsky should make a bracket for best car name. There could be the Animal division, the Place Name division, the Celestial Body division (lots of stars, planets, comets, etc.) Need ideas for a fourth division. Unfortunately, a lot of the cars I like have boring alphanumeric names (911, MGB, E-type, TR6, 280sl, CTS-V).

1 month ago
Reply to  Lori Hille

Best name in general: My favorite is Suzuki Cappuccino!

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
1 month ago

Does Subaru count (Japanese term for the Pleiades)?

1 month ago

Like how the Chevy No-va wasn’t named after the fact that they would randomly break down and no go.

Also you got me with the coupon, I’ll tell the wife it was on sale, she can’t argue with that logic.

Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
1 month ago
Reply to  Fuzzyweis

Bite the wax tadpole

1 month ago

Joanie loves Chachi

1 month ago

And maybe it’s just a fun word to say. (Also, this may look like an innocent girls choir but when they’re chasing you down, stomping and chanting PANDA PANDA, you shall know them as the Furies they truly are.)

1 month ago
Reply to  Gubbin

Ha! I read that as Furries.

1 month ago
Reply to  EXL500

Protip: Don’t anger them either.

1 month ago
Reply to  Gubbin

I wouldn’t think of it!

1 month ago

I love these little cars and want one so much but my wife is not interested in an old Italian car.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 month ago
Reply to  4jim

Would she prefer a younger Italian car?

1 month ago

What’s next? The Beetle wasn’t really named after the insects?

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 month ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

…or four mop-haired Brits.

1 month ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

I only worked out a few years ago that the band were spelled the Beatles (because they made ‘beat’ music, geddit?), not Beetles.

1 month ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

No, that one’s just as it seems, most likely coined by Mr. Hitler, of all people. In 1935, he drew a crude sketch of what he wanted the basic shape to be and sent it to Porsche with a note stating that it “should look like a beetle”, which is the first time anyone made that reference in connection with the car.

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
1 month ago

Put videos of a panda and a Fiat Panda rolling down a hill side-by-side and I think you’ll see the resemblance. A Fiat Panda rolling down a hill is cuter than you’d think.

1 month ago

They hired Mohawk Chevy marketing editor with her new strategy to make names shorter lol Fiat Empanda

The Car Accumulator
The Car Accumulator
1 month ago

Are pandas dumb? No. They’re cute, and they know it. When you’re that cute, you don’t have to try.

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
1 month ago

That’s pretty much how I’ve skated through life.

Ricardo Mercio
Ricardo Mercio
1 month ago

And just like that, I’m finally a member. I can feel the Vinyl superiority coursing through my body, my skin is getting shinier, harder and more stain-resistant as I type this.

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
1 month ago
Reply to  Ricardo Mercio

I remember the day I signed up. Instantly gained 40lbs of muscle and now I have perfect pitch.

Really good value.

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
1 month ago

The hair on my back migrated up onto my skull. Young men and women call me the rizz king. I need to fight off suitors of all ages and genders just to reach the bathroom in a bar. My credit score shot up to 869 (nice). Cops stop traffic when I’m around so I can enjoy clear roads to the 7/11. I have a constant cortege of songbirds singing Iron Maiden hits wherever I go.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ricardo Mercio

I have to say, I would have thought you would have gone for the Rich Corinthian Leather plan; seeing as your name is Ricardo (I just could not resist) I mean how can anyone conceivably resist these descriptions by Ricardo Montalbán:

“fine, soft, or rich Corinthian leather”

“something rich in quality, rare, and luxurious”

1 month ago

Did Fiat call the base model the Panda Bare?

1 month ago
Reply to  ExAutoJourno

Or the right-hand-drive model the Fiat Koala?

1 month ago

 The ancient Roman goddess Empanda, which I desperately want to read as “empanada” but is really just Empanda, or, sometimes, Panda. Empanda was a patroness of travelers, which is why Fiat picked her to name their little car after.

Do you think her care of travelers would at least cover empanada delivery? Because I’m only interested in gods/goddesses that can get me empanadas.

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
1 month ago
Reply to  Drew

If the delivery guy drives a Fiat Panda, you’ll want to learn how to make empanadas at home.

1 month ago

Jason, like you, I was once exceedingly negative about pandas (the animals).
However, they have much more than just their looks going for them.

Collegiate Autodidact
Collegiate Autodidact
1 month ago
Reply to  VanGuy

Great video, thanks for sharing that link! Among many things it was pretty wild to learn that pandas can actually get more protein from their bamboo diet than some ostensibly carnivorous bears (& sometimes more than even other carnivores such as wolves.) Yes, wasn’t about to stand for any panda slander, so that video was indeed helpful in countering that.

Banana Stand Money
Banana Stand Money
1 month ago
Reply to  VanGuy

Thank you VanGuy. Clearly Torch is getting all of his Panda news from Infowars. They’ve had it out for Lizard People and Pandas for a while now. I’m glad you could set the record straight.

Geekycop .
Geekycop .
1 month ago

To quote Dan Cummins “We don’t have to worry about lizard people. We do have to worry about people who worry about lizard people. They’re breeding and they’re voting.”

1 month ago

Now I’m hungry for empanadas. Time for breakfast!

1 month ago

The link goes to a Velour plan with $35.00 off, not a Cloth plan, FYI

1 month ago
Reply to  Thx1138

If you click on the “become a member” tab at the top and then choose whichever level you want, you can apply the “test coupon” in checkout. I just joined and it worked with the $35 discount. The velour plan in the link is for foreign legion as well, although I am US based.

Ricardo Mercio
Ricardo Mercio
1 month ago
Reply to  Thx1138

Ditto on what Bendanzig did. I saw the coupon name and applied it to a vinyl membership at the regular membership page. I used “testcoupon” with no spaces.

1 month ago

Even an actual panda is named after something else. The red panda was named first, and the giant panda was named thus because if the resemblance.

Or so the internet told me…

1 month ago

It’s named Panda because you will feel like a panda sat on your spine after one night sleeping in that thing. Oof, that looks uncomfortable.

Ricardo Mercio
Ricardo Mercio
1 month ago
Reply to  Flyingstitch

Looks very similar to the 1st-gen CR-V, and it surprisingly hurts less than camping on the ground.

1 month ago

It severely annoys me that utilitarian cars like these cannot be sold anymore because people want their sub $20K car to have 3,702 advanced features lest you be called a plebe by your peers.

Cars as a projection of social status is one of those things I really wish wasn’t real, but then, I guess it applies to *everything* and not just cars.

Oh, well.

I’ll pray to Empanda to keep my commute safe from rush hour jackasses.

Last edited 1 month ago by Kerc
Jack Trade
Jack Trade
1 month ago
Reply to  Kerc

Or from my pov, a huge amount of features increasingly disconnected from the actual activity of driving. I guess it’s all part of the relentless march toward cars as robot-driven mobile living rooms that Torch has documented, but I loved how older utilitarian cars made you focus on the activity you were actually there to do.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jack Trade
Rusty S Trusty
Rusty S Trusty
1 month ago
Reply to  Kerc

People are trying to impress the wrong peers. The people you should aim to impress should be the ones that give a wink and a nod when you drive by in something utilitarian because knowing it’s cool is part of what makes you cool.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rusty S Trusty

Reverse snobbery, like a millionaire in a 10 year old Fit…

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
1 month ago
Reply to  Kerc

Counterpoint: Fiat Pandas are absolute shitheaps with parts that rust off and less power than a Stef Schrader toot.

1 month ago

Maybe? But I wasn’t referring strictly to the Panda and more about the concept of the car per se.

1 month ago

The magnificent content buffet that is the Autopian is now complete. Turns out all that was missing was Classical nudity and panda bashing.

The Car Accumulator
The Car Accumulator
1 month ago
Reply to  TriangleRAD

Now I’m imagining Jason classically nude. Ew. No empanadas for me.

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
1 month ago

I dunno, Jason has a certain je nais se quois that could work in that context. I think it’s the hair.

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
1 month ago

Je ne sais quoi

Close enough

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
1 month ago

Definitely should have checked that spelling before I posted.

Fred Flintstone
Fred Flintstone
1 month ago

or the lack of hair?

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
1 month ago

It’s all about quality, not quantity.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 month ago

It’s how you use it before you lose it.

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
1 month ago

Not everywhere

Ricardo Mercio
Ricardo Mercio
1 month ago

I’m just imagining him bashing a panda, probably with a Yugo shift linkage. And in the WWF logo style.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ricardo Mercio

Maybe work in that other WWF and add a folding chair to the mix.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x