Do you worship a mouse? Has “The Bare Necessities” been stuck in your head since 1967? Do you salivate at the thought of a 10-year/100,000-mile powertrain warranty? Well, good news! Hyundai has a car for you. It’s called the Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition, and it contains a smattering of cosmetic alterations inspired by Walt Disney Imagineering. How American is that?
Yesterday, Matt wrote about the $10,000 you can get off a Disney-themed vehicle and a few people in the Discord noticed that this deal included a Disney100 Platinum Edition.

It boggles the mind that some people like Disney enough to buy a $59,250 car wearing the studio’s branding, but then again, how often do you see people walking around in automaker merch? Porsche sells a white polo shirt with its logo on it for $109, and although it makes the wearer look like a serial golfist, the demand is there to offer it. Granted, that rather ordinary Porsche polo doesn’t have quite the verve of this limited-edition Hyundai, so let’s dive in and see what makes this special.
Off the bat, the Hyundai Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition doesn’t quite seem to live up to its name because it’s actually painted a color called Gravity Gold. I’m not a STEM major, but I’m reasonably certain gold and platinum are different metals. Regardless, the choice of a soft beige is certainly unusual, but we have to remember that beige is two generations of boring color back. Even silver is uncommon enough today to seem a bit Apple to grey’s Microsoft, so this Gravity Gold is sure to stand out in a parking lot despite being demure. It’s worth noting that anyone can just go and buy a regular Hyundai Ioniq 5 Limited in Gravity Gold without splashing out on the Disney100 Platinum Edition, so that’s not what makes the exterior special, and this entire paragraph was pointless. Oh bother.
Aside from badges on the front fenders, the big tell on the outside of the Hyundai Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition is a set of circle-motif wheels meant to look like Mickey Mouse. I’m also seeing Saab Turbo X here, but that might just be the concept of threes and the diamond-cut-over-black finish. It’s certainly unique, but it also gives the impression that Hyundai and Disney are saving all the specialness for the interior.
Indeed, the first thing you’ll notice inside the Hyundai Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition is a certain amount of brown. There’s brown on the dashboard, brown on the console and brown on the armrests, all offering a pop of color against the grey upholstery.
Upholstery implies the existence of downholstery, which this doesn’t have. It does, however, sport Disney100 embossing on the headrests and center console, along with Disney100 stitching on the floor mats. I wonder if replacement mats are VIN-locked?
Quick, someone with a regular Ioniq 5, try to order those mats at your local parts counter and see if your nose starts growing. Add in some logo’d-up door card accents that look a bit like stone, and this list of physical interior changes is done and pixie-dusted.
So, some wheels, some badges, and some interior trim? Is that it? Well, not quite. Like pretty much every other new car on the market, the Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition is, like many modern cars, a software-defined vehicle, which is a phrase that makes you want to roll your eyes back so far that your brain slides down into your neck. It’s reflexive, don’t try to fight it.
What this means is that, as per the press release, this special edition gets a “Disney-themed intro on the interior screen upon turning the car on which features iconic Disney music, the Disney100 logo and pixie dust.” Your kids are just going to love that.
The 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition seems like the answer to a question nobody asked, but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate it. Sure, it’s silly, but compared to Nissan’s Star Wars-themed Rogues, it’s downright tasteful.
Although $59,250 is a strong price to pay for some extra pixie dust, chances are a few families who frequent Disney Parks will gaze at this Ioniq 5 in wistful attraction. Hyundai’s only making 1,000 of these things, then this special edition goes into the vault forever. So, if you see a seven-fifths-scale Lancia Delta in traffic on weird wheels, now you know what you’re looking at.
(Photo credits: Hyundai)
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I have a significant amount of fear of adults who are too much into Disney. I also give them a wide berth in traffic; anything that makes them easier to identify helps (can’t see the “My Other Home is a Disney Cruise ship” bumper stickers unless I’m behind them).
You and me both buddy, you and me both.
Upwards of 18 million guns were sold in the USA in 2023 but it’s people who are into Disney that you fear? Good Gravy.
Would you rather get shot or look at 500 phone pics of your co-worker’s last trip to Disney?
can pick where I get shot?
I didn’t say they were the only people that put me on edge.
He said “significant amount of fear”, not “all the fear”, and he’s not alone. They’re a weird bunch (Disney took my own dear brother). Besides, I think much of his fear is limited to the road. Similar warning signs include: more than 20 bumper stickers, Beanie Babies in rear window, yappy-dog sitting on driver’s lap. In Wisconsin you need to specifically look out for the extra slow rusty Grand Am driven by a 50+ year old guy in a NASCAR jacket (or Dale Ernhardt/Jr sticker) with a cigarette at a downward angle hanging on for dear life by just the slightest amount of wet lip pressure. That guy doesn’t give a shit about his car, your car, traffic lights, turn signals, or that 3″ ash about to fall in his lap. Pull over immediately if Wisconsin NASCAR guy has a yappy-dog on his lap.
Wisconsin Nascar fans are the hardiest of folks though. He may not give a shit about his Pontiac, but he’ll help ya pull your car out of a ditch with it!
What an excellent strawman you built there…
Thanks Peter but you obviously missed the underlying point. Leave peaceful people alone. IDGAF what they’re into.
That’s an ironic response..
How so? I don’t recall the last time someone’s Disney hobby harmed anyone.
Well using your number of 18 million sales per year, and factoring 155,000 injuries or deaths per year (Source: UC Davis) that means 99.2% of guns sold in the US don’t harm anyone. That only factors your new sales number, if we use the overall number in civilian hands, estimated at 393 million, we get 99.97% harmless guns. I agree we don’t do enough to reduce harm or death, it’s just the sales and numbers, statistically, are not the boogieman people think it is. The background check system for example is broken in my opinion and neither side seems to want to fix it, and we basically ignore suicide, that makes up 60% of all gun deaths.
Now I’m not going to even guess at how many of the 58 million per year that visit Disney are violent people or even killers, but I suspect there’s some crossover. It’s a little more data crunching than I want to do at lunch. Not recalling the last time someone’s Disney hobby harmed someone isn’t the same as it never happening.
I can’t even contemplate the mental gymnastics it takes to imagine that there’s a crossover between Disney and gun violence. Good luck.
Now I’m not going to even guess at how many of the 58 million per year that visit Disney are violent people or even killers, but I suspect there’s some crossover. = crossover between Disney and gun violence. I mean I literally didn’t say what you claim requires mental gymnastics, so…
I used to be that way. Then wife dragged me to WDW for the first time in 20 years. I loved every second of it and my kids loved it even more. I have no shame about becoming a cringe Disney adult. There are worse things in live to be addicted to.
The Disney100 Edition Ionic is Goofy. Not to mention Dopey.
I would say it is Daffy but that would be Looney Tunes.
I hate Disney with a passion, and I typically don’t pay a whole lot of attention to wheels, but I have to admit that those are pretty cool.
Does it have mouse fur upholstery ? Do I have to wear pants to drive it ?
No, and no.
No, but you’ll need pants to get out of it (in public settings).
Make a Haunted Mansion version and I’m in.
Holographic passenger seat ghost? Oh yeah.
Finally a good use for those digital rearview mirrors. Every time you look in it you see the hitchhiking ghosts.
I’d buy one but I live in Florida. I’m pretty sure Meatball Ron would put me on some sort of watch list.
You should be ok, I hear he’s been busy elsewhere recently.
The nexus of Disney and Crossovers is somewhere the bulk of my life choices have aimed to avoid, but I’m here for this. There was that spate of cross-branded vehicles in the 90s that was super kitsch at the time, but things have just been so boring lately that I’ll take a bit of weird.
Im sure that the overlap of Disney adults and EV early adopters will prove to be a very normal, not at all grating subset of humanity
Couldn’t they have at least use real mouse fur on the dash or seats? Maybe add a Mickey Mouse hood ornament while they’re at it.
Beat me to it
“Maybe add a Mickey Mouse hood ornament while they’re at it.”
I’ll take just the head. On a spike.
Wearing Micky pants – or any pants – while driving is optional.
It’s easy for me to sit here and ridicule this and anyone who would pay extra for it but if any manufacturer released a Spaceballs or Star Trek or an Iron Maiden or Faith No More edition of one of their cars I’d be on the lot the next day so it’s all what you geek out for I guess.
This. I see this as one of the few times a car is a good long term investment, for some reason. Kinda like the Indy500 Corvette.
A Faith No More edition? I mean that would be Epic, but I don’t think manufacturers Care A Lot about FNM fans. And who knows, it might be perceived as a Midlife Crisis car. It wouldn’t be Easy to get one either. Maybe we’d have better luck asking for a Faith No More RV from Out Of Nowhere?
….ill show myself out
I wish it were a Real Thing! I’d be Falling to Pieces to get my hands on one.
The Tesla edition
….do we really need a car to pay tribute to a proggy glam metal band? I’m a metalhead myself and I don’t think I’ve ever encountered someone who’s like “oh yeah I’m a Tesla fan”.
Motley Crue fans? Def Leppard fans? Dokken fans? The occasional Poison fan? Sure, they’re out there. But a Tesla fan? I’m not sure they exist. Modern Day Cowboy is a great song though.
Tesla the car manufacturer should do a Tesla the band tribute trim edition. It could be a 5 seater with good acoustics for jamming.
Steel Panther edition
The pussy melter edition?
COTY right here.
You sir have impeccable musical culture and taste 😉
My geekdom is nearly exclusively about cars, so for me, they’re all special editions.
I’ll take the awesome Iron Maiden plane…
I don’t know if Ed Force 1 is going to fit in my garage.
Flight 666
“Has “The Bare Necessities” been stuck in your head since 1967?”
It wasn’t, but it is now. Thanks Hundal.
Odd color choices for a “fun” special edition. I don’t associate Disney with goldbeige and brown. Somebody really phoned it in on this one.
Ah so its a new version of the Looney Tunes Chevy Venture
Those wheels give me a Mickey Mouse-cyclops-killbot vibe. I like them.
No thanks.
I really like the wheels actually. But I’d honestly be embarrassed by the rest of it.
Disney Adults are weird.
So are a lot of EV stans. This will draw in an…interesting crowd for sure.
I like a lot of the design cues but wouldn’t want Disney branding on my vehicle. Hyundai had an Iron Man (Marvel, not triathlon, leave that to Isuzu) Kona years ago, what will they do next?
With it being both the 100th anniversary of Disney, and of Stanley Motor Carriage Company’s demise, I propose a better special edition would be the Stanley Steamboat Willie. One’s now public domain, and I doubt there’s anyone left to litigate use of the other (except the cup people maybe).
Although, if Hyundai targeted these at places with predominately geothermal energy, I guess the Ioniq would still be steam-powered.
I don’t care about the car, and I certainly don’t care about Disney, but the writing I like very much.
“ Upholstery implies the existence of downholstery, which this doesn’t have.”
Just lovely. Also stuck in my head now.
When I rip the interior soft furnishings out of a car am I downholstering it? That has to be the word, right?
Certainly it’s the type of incisive and imaginative writing you won’t see from a ChatGPT bot. That’s why I support this site. Virtually every day there’s a turn of phrase or trenchant observation that makes me laugh or go, “hmmm”.
How many automakers are Disney in bed with simultaneously? Don’t they still have a sponsorship deal with GM at Epcot and a branding thing with Shanghai GM in China?
I’m quite certain Disney will hop in bed with any automaker willing to pay up. Keep in mind that the Star Wars edition Nissans are also Disney now.
are you going to review the matching Disney Vespa? Im not kidding there is a Disney vespa that got announced in July of last year.
Hey kids, do know how make your grumpy Mum and Dad happy? Sprinkle them with pixie dust! Just pour a tube of glitter into each of those blowy slots in the car and hear the joyful screams of excitement, this works with almost all cars not just fancy new Hyundai ones !!!!
(If anybody asks, tell then it was Disney’s idea).
Ah, glitter…
My gf was props master at our local Equity theater. Life was good—if interesting: I might come home to 45 to 50 18” popcorn kernels in the living room. Or the prow of a pirate ship carved out of blueboard (“Uh…how’re you going to get that down the stairs & out the door?” “….” ).
She steadfastly refused to ever explain exactly what happened—but I know the box listed a shipping weight of 10lbs. The cat shat glitter. The turtle shat glitter. I had glitter somehow under my valve cover. 17 years later- a few miles & several abodes away- I still occasionally get glitter wafting when I reread an old favorite book.
don’t trifle with glitter, people
I read “joyful screams of excrement.”
“The 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition seems like the answer to a question nobody asked, but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate it.”
This is pretty low-effort in execution, so while I’m trying to appreciate it, I’m afraid I’m falling short. I’d be able to appreciate it a lot better if it had Mickey Mouse’s face on the wheels, sort of like VW’s teddy bear wheels.
This makes me think of the Golf Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd editions,just stickers and desperation all around.
There should be a car with a “Light my Fire” edition featuring The Doors. That would complete the desperation.
It would have The Doors written on the doors.
Follow it up with special editions for The Radiators, Car Seat Headrests, Clutch, Stealers Wheel, Motorhead or The Mudflaps.
Brand all the things!
That’s a Ferrari.