Home » The Hyundai Santa Fe’s Taillights Remind Me Of Something Very Specific One Of You Already Guessed

The Hyundai Santa Fe’s Taillights Remind Me Of Something Very Specific One Of You Already Guessed

Imb Nzsaun

Yesterday, I wrote perhaps far too much about how the current Ford Bronco’s rear indicators look like curly brackets; that was, of course, important journalism, perhaps the most important journalism possible. In the comments, many of you suggested another notable taillight that needs to be addressed: the low, wide taillights of the current Hyundai Santa Fe. These are taillights that have captured the attention of even more staid, non-taillight obsessed publications and have been ones that my non-car-geek friends have pointed out as being interesting. So let’s talk about them.

Even more important is the fact that the design of the Hyundai Santa Fe taillights reminded me of something very specific; and, perhaps even more tellingly, one of our commenters called it out yesterday, a testimony to either the remarkable perception of our wise commentariat or my embarrassing predictability, or, more likely, some combination of the two.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

First, though, let’s look at these taillights:

Cs Mousetrap Santafe2

The Santa Fe’s taillights are interesting in many ways. First, they’re quite low. We’re talking Volkswagen Vanagon-level low. And the reasons they’re so low are pretty much the same reasons as why the Vanagon’s lights were so low: to get the biggest, widest, tallest hatch possible on the back of the car, to maximize loading space. That means the hatch has to be the full width of the car, with room for the support struts behind it, and as tall as possible, so the only place for taillights is down low.


So that explains the location and general wide and short proportions; what about the pattern?

According to Head of Design for Hyundai North America, Kevin Kang, the pattern in the taillights is part of an overall H-based design theme used all over the vehicle (emphasis mine):

“Conveniently, the “H” from Hyundai has a boxy shape (despite how it appears in the Hyundai logo), and the designers seized on this to make “H” a design theme seen throughout the vehicle, including the front and rear light treatments, the front climate vents and even the ambient lighting across the dashboard. There are even compound H shapes, such as on the front, with each DRL forming its own H and then a bar across the front, creating an overall H. He told his designers to give people something to distinctly remember about Santa Fe after they left it. Indeed, the first thing you will likely remember about the Santa Fe are those “H” headlights and tail lights.

So, they’re supposed to be Hs, or, as George Bernard Shaw would confusingly write, “aitches.” But the particular way this H looks reminds me of something far, far more specific, as this perceptive commenter noted yesterday:

Cs Mousetrap Comment

Dammit, yes, William, yes it is. Absolutely, 100%, you unscrewed the access flap of my skull and looked inside and saw this:


Cs Mousetrap 2600 Real1

Yes, the Atari 2600 version of the game Mouse Trap! Specifically, it’s these that were what the Santa Fe taillights reminded me of:

Cs Mousetrap2600real2

Those are supposed to be dog bones. And they sort of do look like dog bones, just like they sort of look like the H-pattern in the Santa Fe taillights. So, yes, that is exactly what I was reminded of. Yeah, it’s pretty geeky, but we’ve come this far, so why not dig into why those dog bones look like that?

Cs Mouse 2600 1


I mean, look at the cats and mouse in that screenshot; they have a lot more detail than those dog bones, right? The arcade version of the game managed to draw the dog bones at about the same level of detail as the dogs and cats and mice:

Cs Mousetrap Arcade

So why can’t the old Atari 2600 do the same? Well, there’s a good answer, and the answer is a great reminder of how incredibly limited the Atari 2600 was, and how clever the programmers were that made the games for it. So, let’s dig into it!

Here’s the key thing to know about the 2600: it was designed to play games like Pong and Tank, simple games that, at their most complex, looked like this:


So, two players (tanks), a simple maze, and two “missiles.” That’s it. Oh, and a ball for Pong-type games. That’s all the Atari 2600 was ever intended to do, so that’s all its visual capabilities were: it could draw two players, two missiles, a simple background (called a playfield), and a ball.

And that’s all that any game actually uses! Even ones that have remarkably complex graphics find clever ways to use these five basic elements. Mouse Trap, for example, breaks down like this:

Cs Mousetrap Elements

Now, you probably still have some questions: how can that one cat-player be repeated so many times? And why are the playfield pixels all so wide compared to the player ones? Well, the answer has to do with brutal limitations.

You see, back in 1977 when the 2600 (originally called the VCS) was designed, computer memory was crazy expensive. That means that if the 2600 were to have enough memory store a whole screen at a time, it would have been as expensive as a new AMC Gremlin. So that was out of the question. So what could they do?


They could make do with a lot less. Specifically, they could only have enough memory to store one scan line of the display.

Cs Mousetrap Scanline

That one scan line could hold this much information: playfield pixels (but only 40 of them, which is why they’re so wide, and really only 20, because half the screen would either be mirrored or duplicated, though programmers did figure out how to get around this for asymmetric playfields), the two player sprites (8 pixels wide, and these could be duplicated on the line 2 or 3 times, or widened), and the missiles and ball, both of which could be widened from one pixel to 4). Each of those could have one single color per object, out of a respectably large palette of 128 colors.

So, those dog bones look the way they do because playfield pixels were four times as wide as the resolution of the player sprite pixels, which means the smallest “dot” looks like a hyphen.

The way a full screen was drawn was that the 2600 “raced the beam;” this means it sent data to the screen based on where the CRT television was actually “painting” the screen, from top to bottom, one line at a time, 30 frames every second. So, it would send the contents of one scan line, then, as the electron beam was moving down to the next line to draw that, the 2600 could change the data for that next scanline, meaning pixel patterns and colors could change from line to line, allowing for an actual screen image to be drawn!


This limitation actually gave the 2600 a ton of flexibility: colors could change line-by-line, patterns of pixels, locations of objects, and so on. That’s how a machine designed to draw two rectangular paddles and a ball could produce images that looked like this:

So, to recap, the reason the Hyundai Santa Fe taillights remind me of the dog bones in the Atari 2600 version of the video game Mouse Trap is because computer memory was crazy expensive in the 1970s.


Glad we cleared that up.

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3 days ago

In addition to liking that this Santa Fe recalls classic Land Rovers, it’s really great that the cargo space features big windows like the classic wagons and SUVs from the 70s through the 90s, the 1980 Jeep Cherokees, the early Chevy Trailblazers, etc. I hope that ugly look of tiny third windows and too much sheet metal is coming to an end.

4 days ago

I can’t stand the location of these lights. They’re too low. Not only that, they’re harder to see because lower. And if you install a rear cargo carrier on the hitch, you cover all your brakelights.

Why do car companies do this crap? Just to ‘subvert expectations’?

Dewey Proctor
Dewey Proctor
4 days ago

And people like you get paid to write this drivel? I’ll give you credit for creativity since I couldn’t even muster up the inane thought process required to create this crap.

Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams
4 days ago
Reply to  Dewey Proctor

First time?

4 days ago
Reply to  Dewey Proctor

As a subscriber since the beginning, I am proud to say that I am one of the people paying them to write this inane drivel.

3 days ago
Reply to  Dewey Proctor

Them’s fightin’ words! Meet me outside the taillight bar for a beatdown!!!!

Last edited 3 days ago by Framed
Joe The Drummer
Joe The Drummer
4 days ago

Ahem. The game included with the Atari 2600 console, the one with tanks, is called Combat. Deduct 10 points from your GenX score.

My first wife got me one of those “20 classic Atari games in one” things when they first came out in the late 00s. Honestly, one of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever gotten as an adult, right up there with getting my original 2600 for my birthday as a kid. A friend came by one day with her kids, and I invited her 8 year old son to play some Atari with me. As a big fan of then-modern games, he was curious to see the video games that old people like his parents used to play. I thought I would start off simple by challenging him to a game of Combat.

On any PlayStation, Sega, etc. game, with a modern-day controller with dual joysticks and a dozen buttons, he would have mopped the floor with me. With an old school game controller with one red button and one eight directions joystick, I whipped his ass. He didn’t have the patience to play at the speed the game was playing. Strange to think that such things might have actually taught Generation X patience.

4 days ago

On the rare times I could convince my younger brother to play Combat with me, I would promise not to make him cry. We’d play until I got bored then I would blast the crap out of him until he was in the glitch spot. The glitch spot was somewhere where he would be stuck halfway in and out of the wall and couldn’t move. I’d then blast him as much as I wanted until he cried. Then a few weeks later, I’d convince him I would make him cry and he’d play Combat with me. . . . . .

Cars? I've owned a few
Cars? I've owned a few
3 days ago

Give the eight-year-old eight more years and have him try drive a stick-shift…

Being in my late 60s, the videos of teenagers trying to figure out a rotary dial phone never get old.

Daniel W
Daniel W
4 days ago

The back is pretty terrible. Not far off from the bottom of a milk carton.

Idle Sentiment
Idle Sentiment
4 days ago

Damnit, Atari E.T. just fell in another hole. Now he’s stuck in there.

Myk El
Myk El
4 days ago
Reply to  Idle Sentiment

Someone needs to get to Alamogordo and save him!

4 days ago

I think when the hazard lights are on, the vertical bars should shift left and right in unison, so that the lights look like two 8-bit shake weights.

4 days ago

Santa Fe styling looks sad. The rear is reminiscent of a good looking car that went through a pothole and the whole tallights line fell down from just under the windshield all the way down to the bumper.
It basically looks like its pants dropped.

Last edited 4 days ago by Goblin
4 days ago
Reply to  Goblin

Agree. Looks too low/awful.

4 days ago

Santa Fe styling looks great. The rear is reminiscent of old Land Rovers.

5 days ago

Props for the call-out to Tank! One of my all time favorite 2600 games. My brother and I loved to battle it out. My favorite levels were the ones where the shells bounced off the walls. My first thought didn’t get a mention though, it was the car from Pole Position. Anyone?

5 days ago

My wife rarely gets excited about new vehicles. She’s happy with our old beat up Sienna. But she called me a couple months ago and said she really liked an SUV with dog bone tail lights. It took me a while, but I figured out it was the Santa Fe.

My wife LOVES dogs. For example, today, between our dogs, foster dogs and boarders, we had 11 in the house.

If the Santa Fe was bigger, she might be interested. (Before you ask, I know it isn’t a tiny vehicle. But my wife isn’t sure that dogs exist that are under about 50 lbs. When you have 8 dogs in your vehicle and the small one is 50 lbs, even a minivan with the seats out can get a bit crowded.)

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
5 days ago

The tail lights aren’t all that low, the car is really tall. They look like they are about 35 inches above the road. They are above the top of the tires anyway.

5 days ago

I think the Hyundai tail lights look like dumbbells. The exercise equipment, not the people. The H emblem looks so outdated. That’s what should be changed.

Manwich Sandwich
Manwich Sandwich
5 days ago

Personally I think the new Santa Fe’s tail lights look stupid. They could have just put a strip of LEDs on each side of the body. It would have looked better and also preserved the wide opening.

Colin Kao
Colin Kao
4 days ago

At least they look different than all the other ones that look like surgical staples

Jonathan Hendry
Jonathan Hendry
5 days ago

Wasn’t there a very early 2600 auto racing game where the cars looked a little like that?

Joe The Drummer
Joe The Drummer
4 days ago

Yes, there was. I remember it fondly. It was called “pretty much every game for the 2600 with a car in it.”

Scott Hunter
Scott Hunter
5 days ago

I won’t be able to unsee the Atari-esque vibe on those tail lights now, but to me they look like trashy dog bones. Also, I really despise the rear design of that vehicle.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
5 days ago

Will BMW adopt ? for their taillight shapes so drivers can just be left wondering if the person in front of them has any clue what they will do next?

5 days ago

The Hyundai Santa Fe’s Taillights Remind Me Of Something Very Specific

That they’re improperly positioned?

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
5 days ago
Reply to  MP81

It’s innuendo as in “put it in H”.

5 days ago

Dammit, Torch. I had the exact thought as soon as I saw the Santa Fe taillights for the first time. Those are the bones from Atari Mouse Trap. As someone who owns a copy of the cartridge and multiple functional Ataris, how could I not know?

And yet, when you broach this oh-so-vital topic, it’s on a day when I’m slammed at work and miss the article.

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
5 days ago

Counterpoint: they put the taillights down low to stop the Santa Fe from looking too inspired by the Defender.

Last edited 5 days ago by Adrian Clarke
Mike B
Mike B
5 days ago

I pointed the dog bones out to my GF a while back, whenever we end up behind them, she points it out and says, “I can’t unsee that”.

I didn’t connect them with Atari, but maybe it was buried in my subconscious somewhere. I was born after the 2600, but in the mid 80’s we had an old Atari and a box of games that I was obsessed with playing.

Sam Morse
Sam Morse
4 days ago
Reply to  Mike B

Better than the jeeps weird X.

Mike B
Mike B
4 days ago
Reply to  Sam Morse

On the Renegade? If I recall correctly, a Jeep engineer said that they were meant to mimic the center stamping of a jerrycan.

I don’t mind them.

5 days ago

I had Mouse Trap on ColecoVision in ’83 and the graphics were close to arcade level. All the local kids became mere peasants with their Ataris, Intellivisions, and Odysseys when they saw the ColecoVision for the first time. For that summer I was the gaming king! The console came with Donkey Kong and we got to know Mario for the first time ever. Add in Spy Hunter, River Raid, Zaxxon, and Chuck Norris Super Kicks and we never had to leave the basement. Those were the days.

5 days ago
Reply to  Griznant

Don’t forget Pac-Man…..erm, I mean, Ladybug.

Christopher Glowacki
Christopher Glowacki
4 days ago
Reply to  Frobozz

Ladybug and Zaxxon were great games for that weird system back in the day. I do remember those games despite only being like 4-5 at the time. And Q-Bert too!!

Joe The Drummer
Joe The Drummer
4 days ago
Reply to  Griznant

ColecoVision came out only a year or two after I finally got the hard-earned Atari 2600 I had begged and pleaded with my parents for. As thrilled as I was when I got my 2600 for my 11th birthday, I was heartbroken. I knew that there was no way in a frozen hell I was getting a whole new game system again that soon. It was absolutely the first game console with graphics that looked exactly like the ones in the arcade version. And it came with freaking Donkey Kong! And the console and the games basically cost the same as the 2600! Problem is, my parents had already spent basically the same money on my 2600 and the games I had. I have a lot more perspective on their position 40-some years later.

Grey alien in a beige sedan
Grey alien in a beige sedan
5 days ago

I must be one of the few other people that had the Atari 2600 edition of mouse trap. That game was better than Atari’s own crappy port of Pac-Man for that system.

Joe The Drummer
Joe The Drummer
4 days ago


5 days ago

I don’t dislike the look, but it seems like a poor choice over tall thin lights that are easier to see and don’t require wiring in the moving tailgate.

Mike B
Mike B
5 days ago
Reply to  Rapgomi

Agree, but I appreciate that Hyundai/Kia is not afraid to experiment with weird stuff.

4 days ago
Reply to  Rapgomi

They can’t be on the tailgate. It’s illegal for tail lights to be on a movable body part.

4 days ago
Reply to  Ian

What they do now has some lights on the tailgate & others that stay in place. I think tall thin lights all to sides would be easier to see & be simpler & cheaper to install.

5 days ago

Light shape aside, the entire back end layout gives me 1990’s Geo Metro vibes


5 days ago
Reply to  Yngve

It looks like a compactor garbage truck to me.

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