Home » The Message Everyone Hates To Get On Facebook: COTD

The Message Everyone Hates To Get On Facebook: COTD


Buying and selling cars is fun. Okay, it’s a little less fun when your buyer turns out to be a shady fella, but usually, using Facebook Marketplace can be a ball. Facebook Marketplace and the Gambler 500 are pretty much the two main reasons I still have a Facebook account. I suppose that’s a good thing because I wouldn’t have met my wife had I deleted my account.

Anyway, my 2004 Volkswagen Phaeton and my 2005 Volkswagen Touareg are currently for sale in Waukegan, Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, respectively. Don’t buy them, because the sellers are totally lying about their condition. A lot of you had great responses, but MP81 has described the Facebook experience so perfectly:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Is this still available?

Dang it!

While we’re joking around, Jason wrote a Cold Start about the great VW stuff in a German post office booklet. Chronometric has a groaner:


The engineer in the first photo had no ambition to be outstanding in his field.
He brought a chair.

Jason doesn’t normally do RV content, but he’s been doing great work lately, even covering the stuff I don’t, like RV toilets from the perspective of the pooper. You should read it, and also this comment from JunkInTheFrunk:

When you have windows, even tinted windows with a curtain on RV bathrooms, you get to give the whole campground a show when it’s dark and you have the lights on. This is kind of fun and sexy when you’re in a private place and your partner is showering.

It is far less sexy (but hilarious) when your low fiber buddy clogs your toilet at deer camp and everyone gets to watch his silhouette desperately fight to get his log of iron into small enough pieces to flush.

Finally, let’s stop at Matt’s Morning Dump, where we learned a bunch of people think their cars are worth more than they actually are. I think Mechjaz reminds us all that sometimes, you just do the best you can in life and you shouldn’t be ashamed about that:

Coming from a life that started at poverty, dipped into homelessness, took 10 more years to reach lower middle class, and annual average earnings as an adult that place me in lower middle class, I most often put down 0%.

I hate it. I know it’s not smart. It is what it is. Maybe one day I will have the luxury of a two income household, or solo earnings sufficient for 100%. If I get the job I’m hoping for with the salary I’m hoping for, it’ll take me two years to clean up the last eight months of unemployment.

I just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else is seeing the “100%” numbers and feeling discouraged.

I also like My Goat Ate My Homework’s comment. It matters to hear people speaking up about just how life works, including its ups and downs:

I’ll never judge a person as long as they are doing the best they can. Keep your head up and don’t be afraid to continue sharing your story. It matters to more people than you might think.

I agree, keep your head up and keep being awesome, everyone. Have a great weekend!

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Patrick Szczypinski
Patrick Szczypinski
1 hour ago

“What’s the lowest,” “What’s the least,” and all its other permutations has surpassed “Hi, is this still available” as the most annoying message I get on FB Marketplace.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
1 hour ago

Reply with “what’s the highest you’ll go?” I’ve done it a few times and in some cases it threw the buyer off and reset the conversation to something more productive.

Sarah Blikre
Sarah Blikre
1 hour ago

I like to respond with “Just for you my lowest price is *insert-double-my-asking-price”

Sarah Blikre
Sarah Blikre
1 hour ago

I don’t remember what I was selling but I got a message once that was just “lowest $$$?” Uhh the price I listed the thing at, dumbass. Maybe if you could bring yourself to type more than two words I might be willing to actually talk to you.

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