A few days ago, when Ford finally proved to the world that, yes, it could build a $300,000 Mustang if needed, I received an interesting text message from Mike Levine, Ford’s North America Product Communications Director. Mike sometimes reaches out to me when he has something, really, really important that he knows he can’t trust with the mainstream media, who are, as we all know, under the all-encompassing control of an alliance between the Society of Professional Locksmiths and the International Racquetball Federation. Mike revealed to me that the particular shimmery gray color of the Mustang GTD had a name. A secret name. Well, maybe not secret, because I’m pretty sure it’s been told to the media at some point, but I prefer to think of it as secret, anyway.
Would you like to know the name of the color? Of course you would. It’s called Polymimetic Gray.

If that “polymimetic” sounds vaguely familiar to you, it’s because that’s the common name for mimetic polyalloy, the advanced nanotechnological material that will one day be used to build robotic “Terminators,” robots designed to mimic and change form to disguise themselves in human society so that they can then, you know, kill them. The T-1000 model Terminator from the movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
When I was told this, I asked the only reasonable follow-up question possible:
“Did you take samples from a real T-1000?”
Which is where I got what may be the best response I’ve yet gotten from an official major automaker representative:
“We don’t comment on speculation about captive Terminators.”
I mean, that’s a pretty good quote. Also, based on the logic of the automaker PR lexicon, I think we can safely assume that Ford definitely has a captive Terminator of some sort.
The sales bots are evolving… https://media.tenor.com/2vLCfE6TXB4AAAAM/breakdance-robot.gif
For all the pearl clutching over “Wahhh, $300k Mustang! Wahhhh, something something recalls! Wahhhhh, looks like hot wheel!”, it just further proves….people complaining don’t get it.
Ford is out there saying “Hold my beer” and just having fun. Love it.
Scrolling the comments I see a new common rant! “Yeah, but the color is boring!” Life must be tough trying to find the negative in everything….
Did you not see the headline? New color has secret name. The name is grey. Didnt take me more than a nanosecond to say if you are pushing a $300,000 mustang dont lead with HEY ITS GREY.
Polymimetic Gray, not “Grey”
It’s not a terrible Seattle hospital from a terrible soap opera
Stop disrespecting this awesome color with the Short E sound, we see you and we disapprove
This is a PR guy that gets it
I was thinking the name was something like Pantone Cool Gray 7.
The ’03-04 Cobra has the nickname “Terminator”; I wonder if that’s where they got the idea for the color?
Nickname? Oh no, it was the official name right up until the last second when they couldn’t get permission. Some stuff under the hood is still stamped as such
It’s not even original, I mean Mazda has a “Polymetal Gray” which is nice if you like that sort of thing. Also… it’s gray. Just… gray. Like all the other grays. It’s boring.
Well their machine grey is something else…
you sound nice
Fun comment!
I will just echo existing comments.. great reply, boring color. This sucker should have been Grabber Orange!
Just ask Ford of Europe for some of the ASBO Orange they had on the Focus ST press cars.
Didnt Ford have an awesome color changing paint awhile back? But no Grey.
Leave it to a USA Auto Manufacturer to after being challenged to come up with a new color to promote a mustang that is no different but 5x the average and they come up with another grey. Nothing says stuck in the past old white guy than grey.
Okay, yep, that definitely is one of the wittiest responses ever in the history of thumbs.
The name “Model T-1000” is right there!!
Pontiac beat them to it.
and Toyota probably has a claim (T-100 pickup)
Yeah but probably copyrighted.
As much as I appreciate a good movie reference, and that is a good one, I can’t help feeling that a car like this shouldn’t be offered in gray at all. I’d rather see colors like “Retina-Searing Lime Green” and “Holy Crap Is That Ever Magenta.” This thing is about as subtle as an Alice Cooper concert; it should come only in loud colors.
Welcome to Ford’s nightmare
It’s really feeding Ford’s Frankenstein
Yeah, or Ford said No more Mr. Nice Guy to everyone
Eh, Ford is just targeting the Billion Dollar Babies with this thing.
What no new ideas but a history of poor launches and poor union build quality?
But Grey!
Oh I suppose you expect them to make pretties for you and everyone else now huh?
It was a bit of a Stoopid decision..
Ford’s not Always Chasing Rainbows.
No grey in the rainbow. I would forgive Ford for offering this in ROYGBIVE.
Don’t be silly, Ford doesn’t have a T1000. For this type of work in Detroit, you contract to Omni Consumer Products.
MilSpec Edsel-209 online
If Ford had robots they would be union built so plans for a T-1000 would end up a 1 legged mannequin. Called Man E. Quinn.
Pretty sure Ford sent one back in time to burn down the Oldsmobile factory and kill Ransom Olds, but Ransom fought it off and saved the Curved Dash Oldsmobile. Ford waited until 1990 to send another terminator, but instead of killing people it just suggested the Bravada.
All I can hear when I read “Bravada” now is Mr. Regular’s voice saying it exasperatedly.
I’m just upset we live in the timeline where the Ford terminator successfully killed Pontiac.
No way, if Ford had a army of Robots they would be the nutcrackers from the Santa Claus movie. Defeatable by a bunch of children/little people. But on the brightside they unlike the British have stopped putting inbreds on the throne. But still maintain the inbred system.
Come with me if you want to drift…
…into a crowd.
And, mimetic polyalloy is also a real thing, at least to a point. Check out the video in this article, which has some demos of a gallium/indium alloy, some of which are definitely not phallic, nope, not phallic at all.
Now the product planners in the ICE – Charger/Challenger department of Stellantis have already shown their final models, but are drawing up something else and saying “I’ll Be Back” in order to go to war with the T1000 GTD.
The actual best quote would have also included a picture of an 03-04 “Terminator” Cobra, preferably locked up in Ford’s own museum.
I figured he just meant that they benchmarked the Tundra T3.
So it’s not liquid steel?
“Liquid metal.”
Yeah, sorry that’s what I meant DOH!