Home » The Time The Simpsons Missed An Opportunity To Show Off Honda’s Only Hood Ornament: Cold Start

The Time The Simpsons Missed An Opportunity To Show Off Honda’s Only Hood Ornament: Cold Start

Cs Simphonda Top

As far as I’m aware, there has been only one Honda with what we would consider a true hood ornament: the first-generation Accord. By hood ornament, I don’t just mean a badge with the Honda logo, however large; a hood ornament is an object that is attached to a car’s hood, bearing the logo or mascot of the maker, and is elevated in some way. It has height, and structure, doesn’t just lay flat against the hood, which is what those lazy badges to. Long-running animated show The Simpsons once featured a quite accurate Honda Accord, and yet, despite it being integral to the plot, replaced the expected hood ornament with a badge, a dirty, common badge!

Well, the imprint of a badge, at least. Still, let’s look into this, and try and answer why.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

First, here’s a 1979 Honda Accord – the car featured in the episode (Season 8, episode 7, Lisa’s Date with Density)– with the expected hood ornament:

Cs Simphonda Accord2

…and here’s what that hood ornament looks like up close:


Cs Simphonda Ornament

It’s a simple ornament, yes, a sleek little chrome wedge with the stylized Honda “H” at the front face, but it’s definitely a hood ornament. You can compare it to Honda’s predecessor to the Accord (at least when it comes to larger cars and not little things like the N600), the Honda 1300, which has a prominent yet flat badge:

Cs Simphonda 1300

Interestingly, in most of the markets Honda served, the four-door Accord sedan had the hood ornament as well as the hatch:

Cs Simphonda Accord 1


…but not in the American market! For whatever arcane reason, US-spec Accord sedans lacked the hood ornament of the hatch:

Cs Simphonda Accord Comp

This, of course, brings us back to our Simpsons conundrum. In the scene we need to discuss, Superintendent Chalmers is showing off his recent purchase of a used 1979 Honda Accord to Principal Skinner, explaining that the salary of a superintendent allows for the purchase of both food and a car:

Of course, the punctum of the scene is that his Honda’s branding – that chrome “H” –  has been stolen. And what’s the point of driving a Honda if you can’t show it off, laments the Superintendent. But the issue here is that instead of the expected hood ornament. there appears to have just been an H badge on Chalmers’ car!


Cs Simphonda Screen

And it’s not like the Simpsons animators were sloppy here: that’s a very well-rendered ’79 Accord there, and aside from some issues with the coloring, it’s pretty damn accurate. Except for the hood ornament.

I suspect why they chose this is so that the imprint left by the badge would be an obvious “H,” where the trapezoidal footprint of the actual ornament wouldn’t have conveyed this as well. I understand why they chose to do this, but, as a car dork, I’m legally required to point out the discrepancy.

It’s not an easy job, but it must be done.

That’s also why I need to point out this:


Cs Simphonda Hyundai

In an effort to replace the Honda badge, Skinner and Chalmers attempt to steal the “H” badge from a Hyundai, one owned by the confusingly-aged Kearney Zzyzwicz. Kearney’s Hyundai is confusing, because it appears to be a Hyundai Pony (above, in greige), when the first Hyundai imported into America was the Excel, in 1986, and seen above, in red.

These Hyundais lacked an “H” badge, but we can forgive that for the sake of the plot; but why is it a Hyundai that was never imported into America? Did Kearney, say, import a Canadian-market Pony? If so, why? What other secrets is Kearney hiding?


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2 months ago

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder!

3 months ago

Right up there with, “This is an ’81 Honda, how dare you!” in Employee of the Month.

Baron Usurper
Baron Usurper
3 months ago
Reply to  ColoradoFX4

I think that’s the only thing anyone remembers from it.

3 months ago

Sure, nostalgia is tinted in Technicolor, or Kodachrome, but just look at that perfectly rational, pleasant Accord. Great sight lines, hatchback, gas mileage, and forgiving bumpers. Honda Global stated that the key theme to its development was to ensure harmony between the car and society, and characterized the American luxury cars appeared to glorify the excessive use of resources, as if doing so could be easily justified.


Box Rocket
Box Rocket
3 months ago

This isn’t the only hood ornament gag in a Groening show.

In the “Futurama” episode “Bender’s Game” they make a note of the Planet Express Ship having the desirable LX package, complete with a gold (or gold-colored) “hood” (prow?) ornament. It’s later stolen, and the crew is called out for not even springing for the LX package for their humble craft, since the ornament is now missing.

3 months ago
Reply to  Box Rocket

Which is also funny since The Professor designed and built the ship himself. Would you like to see the various lengths of wire he used?

3 months ago
Reply to  Tankdeer

Matt Groening has never been big on continuity, Marge and Homer were now in their 20s in the mid 1990s despite graduating high school in 1974 (well, Homer technically got his GED in 1994, still)

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
3 months ago
Reply to  Ranwhenparked

I use the 1974 date for my head-canon, and seeing the kids’ ages as they were while they were part of the Tracy Ullman Show. Then just stuck at those ages since.

3 months ago
Reply to  Box Rocket

Yeah, the floating timeline thing would have worked better if they didn’t put actual, hard dates right in our faces, and also if the show hadn’t dragged on for 34 years (37 including the Ullman shorts).

Marge and Homer were both born in 1956, Skinner is in his 40s but served in Vietnam, Grandpa served in WWII and is alive and mobile, Burns is a somewhat plausible 104 years old, but graduated Yale in 1914, Bart was born in 1981, Lisa was born in 1983

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
3 months ago
Reply to  Tankdeer

Yep. It’s fun seeing the discussion amongst fellow fans determining if Farnsworth merely built it from a kit and used the engine of his own design (which moves the universe rather than the ship), or if he “built” it the way you can do some of the final bolt-turning on a vehicle you purchase while it’s on the factory line (I believe Ford and corvette both have/had programs for this), or some such rationale.

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
3 months ago

If I see a Honda missing an “H”, I make sure to comment to my wife “Oh man, Supernintendo Chalmers is gon’ be PISSED”.

I’m shocked she’s still married to me.

3 months ago

Ah, see my wife is the Simpsons fan in the house. That kind of comment keeps me around.

3 months ago

Funny story but this isn’t going to get me to break my personal record of zero Simpsons episodes watched.

3 months ago
Reply to  Parsko

I did watch about half the first episode when it was released. I know I’m a heretic.

3 months ago
Reply to  LMCorvairFan

LOL, I’m just sassin. It’s actually MORE interesting that you haven’t. You, person, are a unicorn, like that V10 article you just read.

3 months ago
Reply to  Parsko

It just didn’t work for me. I did use to read ‘Life in Hell’ regularly.

South Park was much the same. Half the first episode then nothing. Introduced my exes kids to it. They found it hilarious. She wasn’t.

3 months ago
Reply to  LMCorvairFan

Wait, you started with the first episode? The Christmas special? The whole first season was kind of spotty, cheap animation, writers still figuring the characters out, and more focus on the kids vs Homer, season 2 was when it got dramatically better

3 months ago
Reply to  Ranwhenparked

Maybe I’ll give it a try. It’s become somewhat legendary from what I understand.

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
3 months ago
Reply to  LMCorvairFan


Good for you.

Ecsta C3PO
Ecsta C3PO
3 months ago
Reply to  LMCorvairFan

A. Weird hill to die on but good for an ice breaker, or 2 truths and a lie

B. I was in the same boat until recently, started at S3 and somehow it’s exceeding my already high expectations. If you’re a fan of sit-coms in general do yourself a favor and try it (apparently S3-9 are the peak), if not then keep your streak as long as you can.

3 months ago
Reply to  Ecsta C3PO

I don’t as a rule watch much tv.

3 months ago

Maybe a wizard did it?

3 months ago

I expected the juvenile delinquent to be wearing the H around his neck, rapper style.

Last edited 3 months ago by Chronometric
IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
3 months ago
Reply to  Chronometric

His rap handle is VeeTecs.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
3 months ago

How did I blow that? It’s definitely going to be VeeTecz.

His OnlyFans handle is VeeTexxx

A. Barth
A. Barth
3 months ago

Superintendent Chalmers is showing off his recent purchase

I think you’ll find his title is Supernintendo.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
3 months ago

The crazy thing about Gary Chalmers (aka Supernintendo Chalmers) is that he’s the most normal person in Springfield.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
3 months ago

And then some. There’s a recent episode where Lisa finds out what he gets up to in Capital City after hours. Complete with Sonic Youth music for the cutscenes.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
3 months ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

I haven’t seen a new one since 16 or 17. I figure I’ll save them for when I’m old(er).

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
3 months ago

Someone stole the original hood ornament off that ‘79 Accord and the prior owner replaced it with a mere H badge? Chalmers got robbed twice!

3 months ago

That episode was great (mostly because of this part). 🙂

3 months ago

What the H were they thinking?

3 months ago

Ahem, Lisa’s Date with Density

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
3 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

Hope it goes better than Lorraine’s.

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