It’s not too often that something genuinely special pops up on Facebook marketplace, but when it does, it’s worth calling out. And I think this is one of those times, because at this moment on Marketplace is one of the fasntastical art cars made by LA’s own Baron Margo.
I’ve been writing about Baron Margo since at least 2007; I noticed his incredible cars pretty much from the moment I first moved to Los Angeles, because these wonderful Art-Deco/Buck Rogers/Steampunk wonders are hard to miss. They look like they came off the covers of ’50s pulp sci-fi magazines, but they were noisily rattling around the city, the unmistakable clatter of their Volkswagen Beetle flat-fours reminding you that they were actually real things.

I got to drive one around back in 2015, and it was an absolute blast:
I remember seeing the car being sold now on Facebook Marketplace back then, so I’m pretty sure it’s older than the 2018 date given in the ad:
Is “Out In The Wind” the name of the car? Maybe! I have no idea. I do remember this car, though, because of its bonkers proportions: it’s a torpedo. Impossibly narrow and tubular, I’m kind of amazed even the small VW flat-four fits inside the back there; the VW front torsion bar axle is wider than the diameter at the front, even.
It seats two, in tandem, and while it’s absurdly narrow, it’s also incredibly long, over 20 feet at least. The other Baron Margo rocket car I drove was substantially wider. Look how far from the body the wheels are, with their wing-like fairings:
Is the car worth $20,000? That’s a tricky question. It’s very likely been sitting for quite a while, and I suspect that everything mechanical needs a really good going over. But that’s not why you’d buy this thing – this is a sculpture, a sculpture that it just so happens you can actually drive. In that context, I say, sure, this is absolutely worth $20,000, if the market will bear it, because it’s art.
Driving a Baron Margo car tends to be an experience; I recognize the bearded fellow gearshift knob from his other cars – I think Baron cast a number of those – and it’s worth remembering that this whole dash is mostly designed for how it looks, not ergonomics. All of the control cables and linkages here – clutch, brakes, shifter, throttle, whatever – have been lengthened or relocated, so everything will likely feel sort of funny.
But you’ll feel so good in it, none of that will matter. It’s a Baron Margo car!
I don’t know why it’s being sold, which gives me a bit of pause; I haven’t known Baron Margo to sell his cars very often, but maybe he’s realizing its time to pare the collection down? I hope he’s okay!
One-off art cars have always been tricky to value in the collector world, but I hope someone sees the value here, and buys it for whatever is being asked, because I really respect what Baron Margo spent so much time making. These mechanical, kinetic sculptures have made a lot of people around LA smile, and I’d like to know they’ll continue to do so.
If I still lived in LA or anywhere in southern Ca I would happily drive this all over, wearing a leather jacket, helmet and goggles, of course!
So is the rust on the steering wheel spokes an artistic statement or just shitty maintenance?
Did Spyderco sponsor the upper tail fin mounts?
I dunno. I think if this had been built a little more professionally it would be cool but as is, it looks like a fake rocket built by an apprentice blacksmith.
Art? If it were edible, maybe….
Reminds me of a Bonneville Drop Tank Speedster.
I see this as a Burning Man art car, but not for $20K in its present condition. Maybe $2K.
This is pointless and silly—and makes me unreasonably happy to know it exists, has been driven, and one day might do so again. Living in interesting times, I’ll take all the frivolous weirdness I can get
Pointless??? Just take a look at the nose on that thing.
That’s a damn good point
I would dearly love to see this thing ripping down the highway at 80mph, with its pilot wearing a leather helmet and goggles.
And a terrified passenger in the back seat!
State Trooper: Do you feel this vehicle is safe for highway travel?
NotATony: Yes, I do. Yes, I really do, I believe that. I know it’s not pretty to look at, but it’ll get you where you want to go.
Wanna go for a spin?
And the radio works, clear as a bell!
There’s three more of them around it. One is the one shaped like a ship and the other’s the one that’s shaped like an Offy. Is this his personal storage site or did someone take a few of them?
EDIT: Actually that’s the Cyclops in front of it! That’s the actual honest Cyclops. And the one on the driver’s side is the Exhibit. Oh man. This is definitely his personal storage site.
Emperor of Mars? I had no idea! We are not worthy.
First heard about Baron Margo from Antique Archaeology and he is defiantly delightfully demented in a way that few artists/sculptors/craftsmen are. Having grown up with a successful, but never guaranteed income, artist as my dad, I concluded that there is no reason to valuations. I respect, and admire anyone that follows their passions, income security be damned, but somewhat regretfully chose a different path.
I think 2018 was when it was abandoned.
The amount of rust on all the components makes it something only David would want. Too bad it isn’t built out of old Jeep parts.
I adore this thing and would give it a loving home.
I’m curious how this thing performs.
It’s got a frontal cross-section about as big as a motorbike!
“And why are his cars all strange, TODD??”
“I don’t KNOW Margo!!”
…After you shower, of course.
….the sh!tter is full
Look, if someone will pay $6.2 million for a banana duct taped to a wall and then eat it, surely $20k is worth it for this.
Sure, but car collecting isn’t as rife with money laundering as the art market, so you gotta lower expectations a bit.
who are you calling ‘Shirley’?