Pop-up headlights are largely dead and gone from the automotive world. Aside from the odd supercar or maybe the Volvo EX90, headlights are pretty much a solid affair. This morning, the Bishop proposed the idea that there could be a thing as too many pop-up headlights. His example is the Cizeta-Moroder V16T, a supercar with two columns of pop-up headlights in addition to other lights. Some of you think the Bishop is wrong, and there should be even more pop-up headlights on this car. Be careful what you wish for!
Before I continue, you should check out the Volvo EX90’s lights. Sure, they aren’t pop-up lights in a traditional sense, but they’re quite elaborate!

Pupmeow planted this terrible idea in my head:
Why stop at 4? Why not cover the entire car in pop-up headlights?
Uncle Cholmondeley only made things worse:
A fifth pop-up, right in the middle!
As did StillNotATony:
Yo dawg!! I heard you like pop-up headlights, so we put pop-ups on yo pop-ups!
Now, don’t look too close at this image. I’m terrible at Photoshop, but I try to do things without the help of our excellent topshot guy, Pete. Just enjoy, don’t zoom in.
Finally, we have a heartwarming comment from Mr. Asa. Sometimes, reading about an old truck with a big engine causes memories to well up:
My first enlistment a good friend of mine bought one of these. Absolutely loved that truck.
He threw on longtube headers and Quick Time Performance electrically operated cutouts, then would only close the cutouts when he was going through a drive through or the gate to get on base (even then, not always.) He lowered it. He threw Impala SS wheels on it and the combo was just absolutely superb.He was about to throw a supercharger on it but he was going too fast on an off ramp and slid into a curb, bending the frame.
He kept it for a while, turning over whether he should keep it or not, but he eventually sold it when he got out of the military. Instead he kept his Dodge turbo van. Lost contact with each other after he got out and he moved back up north.
I didn’t realize how many good memories and how many laughs I had with him in that truck.
Keith, if you’re reading this, hope you’re doing well.
Indeed, Keith, I hope you’re doing well. As for the rest of you, have a great weekend!
Is that real or is Torch getting the itch?
Well-done visual.
Pop-up headlights are aesthetically pleasing when they’re down, sure…but I’m sure they impact fuel economy when deployed, right?
Kind of a bummer for people like me who (especially considering it’s not legally mandated) always have their headlights on for safety.
With that many headlight eyes, it looks like a car for Spider-Man!
Omggggg I missed this on Friday. Thank you, Mercedes!
Question: Is there such a thing as “pop-down” headlights? If so are they considered “pop-up” headlights or are they both just part of a “pop-out” headlights category?
Pop-down fog lights under the bumper would be cool.
All I can say is that the 80s were good to me as a young big city yuppie. After a hot dinner date, and after holding the door open to my Honda Prelude open for her, when I not so discreetly flipped those headlights up, she knew it was game on. For any man to deny that these have a phallic element to them is madness. Cars with pop up lights were the ducks’ nuts and my younger self is forever grateful for whoever came up with them.
For the record, the Aston Martin Bulldog does too many pop-up (down?) headlights right.
Jeep bros seeing those Volvo lights:
“Is there any way to leave just the top ‘eyelid’ down so it looks angrier?”
That Volvo EX90 is tempting fate with those lights. Such needless frippery will eventually lead to Mercedes-Benz level quality, especially for their third and fourth owners.
Some Volvo fans will argue that it’s long since happened, though they’d (okay, we’d) disagree on exactly when.
What does Pete drive?
Idk. Pop ups can be tacky depending on what vehicle they’re on. For example, I’ve seen a few boomers who live in those trailer park beach communities put pop ups on their golf carts.
Yeah, but aren’t they delightfully tacky?
The EX90’s headlights look like they’re going to jump out and bite something like Alien’s second set of jaws.
Well now you’ve just made it a rally car.
Ah yes, the biblically accurate Cizeta-Moroder
People have phobias about this kind of thing, you know.
I have it on good authority that jumping spiders eat ants.
So…. They aren’t all bad.
Oh, I was thinking of the hole one: trypophobia.
So… no scented pine cones cut in half for you this Christmas?
I don’t have trypophobia myself. Cut away.
How about drill away?
Late season sunflowers are not your thing?
I bet you hate poppy seed flowers.
counterpoint: those produce one of my favorite kolache fillings
Mmmmm! Heroin kolaches!
Not to be confused with heroine galoshes. The preferred footwear of chief female characters in a novel.
For what it’s worth, neither gridlike patterns nor rectangular holes usually set off the silly primitive alarm bell in my brain the way something like (as Phantom mentioned) a lotus pod does. I like this version, even the center light – I hope that detail was Subaru-inspired.
Unless you’re an Aunt.
This, just wrong.
Spider-car spider-car…
The new Morgan needs 8 lights.
“I see 4 lights!”