Home » This Add-On Trunk Thing For Fancy Sprinter Vans Hurts My Brain

This Add-On Trunk Thing For Fancy Sprinter Vans Hurts My Brain

Cs Doubleeyes Top

Remember yesterday? Me neither. But I’m told it was dazzling. Here we are, on Tuesday, which makes yesterday, what, Monday? Seems to check out. Well, one thing I do recall is that yesterday’s Cold Start was all about add-on aftermarket trunk extenders for cars. I find them to be strange, fascinating things, and yet I had no idea just how strange these things could get.

I learned about the depraved levels the add-on trunks could get when I ran into our own reclusive writer/designer who goes by The Bishop in the break room. As usual, The Bishop was raking fistfuls of chili and chowder into his dripping overcoat pockets from the large chili and chowder barrels that we thoughtfully provide for our employees.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

As I squeezed past him to get to the perpetually-erupting Nutella Volcano we keep at the center of the break room, he seized me with his hot, damp hands, one dripping chili all over my silken smoking jacket, the other slathering it with chowder.

“You need to see this!” he hissed, pulling out a chili/chowder-streaked iPad from his pocket. He pawed at the screen, wiped away the brownish/creamish-colored slime with his sleeve and showed me this:


Dear lord, what hath thou wrought?

Here’s what I’m talking about; these are “backpacks” made for Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans, usually ones converted to be luxurious shuttle vans or things like that, and in those situations, where you’re carrying a lot of people, you may actually need more cargo space. So, companies like these Auto Elite people build bolt-on units that go on the rear of these vans that hold cargo. And they look like this:

Cs Doubleeye Sprint1

I think you see the problem here. Those doubled-up taillights. Now, I get why they felt they might need to add extra rear lighting, because that huge backpack could block views of the taillights, but they don’t, at least not completely, so you can see both sets of lights.

And, it’s not just that they added duplicate taillights on there; they added the exact same lights, on the same colored bodywork, which directly mimics the overall design and shape of the original Sprinter rear-end bodywork, and all of these factors combined make something that pokes and squishes my brain just like this does:


Cs Doubleeye Face1

It kind of hurts to look at, right? This is called the Double Face Illusion and it messes with our brains at such a deep level there have been multiple scientific papers written about it! Here, look at the abstract for this paper:

We report three experiments intended to characterise aspects of the ‘double face’ illusion, formed by replicating the eyes and mouth below the originals. Such doubled faces are disturbing to look at. We find there are wide individual differences in the ability to detect that a face has been doubled when presented briefly and masked. These differences appear to relate to perceptual speed, since they correlate with the ability to identify a briefly presented famous face. Doubling has a significant effect on identification, though much less than inversion. In a reaction-time study, participants are faster to decide that a face has been doubled as it is rotated away from upright. The final study shows that normal and doubled faces do not pop out from each other, but reveals a processing overhead of 40-60 ms per doubled face. We offer some speculations as to the cause of the perceptual effects.

It’s talking about how this kind of thing messes with our facial-processing abilities, and these doubled faces actually add a delay in processing, because they don’t immediately stand out as wrong – there’s more going on there. They’re weird. [Ed note: See also Battlestar Galactica’s Space Angels. They haunt me. – Pete]

And these Auto Elite Sprinter backpacks are triggering the exact same uncomfortable feelings for me – I think its because the parts of our brains used for facial recognition get repurposed for car identification for hardcore car geeks.

There’s a lot going on here; in this shot, where the taillights illuminate in different ways, differentiating them, the uncomfortable effect is mitigated:


Cs Doubleface Van2

…See what I mean? Now look at one where the lights are identical:

Cs Doubleeye Van 3

That one messes with me more.

If I was working at Auto Elite, I’d issue an edict that from here on, all Sprinter backpack units will use different taillights, pulled from some other manufacturer’s parts bin. There’s plenty out there that would fit just fine but at least look different than the original Sprinter lights. We can’t have these things driving around, freaking out other motorists! Come on!



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Martin Ibert
Martin Ibert
1 month ago

The equal-looking but differently-functioning taillights hurt my brain even more. At least make them really identical!

1 month ago

For a while now I’ve been wracking my brain trying to come up w/ an idea to have the bathroom completely separate on a van (down by the river!) and this would be perfect. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a better divider where you open an actual door to go in and out? It wouldn’t be exactly like this, just in concept. Have anything to do w/ the bathroom in this thing (tank, etc) and you could even leave it at home for the times you don’t need it. Just throwing it out there since usually on the conversion camper vans (The Sprinters are a total ripoff/overrated) it’s either a tiny closet you can’t even fit in, or it’s back by the door w/ just a cloth divider/partition. So it would be good to keep the van smelling good, clean, and have more space. Obviously, it would cost $ to make custom, account for extra weight, maintenance, etc. Just an idea

1 month ago

People once made an econoline a bazillion ft long, can we go back to that lack of safety.

1 month ago

I love how all they have in the video is stills, and none showing the lights in action.
Bastards. Show us the depths of the atrocities you have committed.

James Mason
James Mason
1 month ago

It’s a shape-shifting ass-master!

Last edited 1 month ago by James Mason
Andy Individual
Andy Individual
1 month ago

I’m struggling to understand the functionality here. So you have to somehow load the dead hookers in standing up? I guess you have to wait until they stiffen up a bit.

Twobox Designgineer
Twobox Designgineer
1 month ago

I have no experience with dead hookers, but if they’re short you can lay them across the floor, and just be careful stacking.

Last edited 1 month ago by Twobox Designgineer
1 month ago

That people think telling a good ol’ dead hooker joke might be funny confounds me.

Twobox Designgineer
Twobox Designgineer
1 month ago
Reply to  Scramblerken

You’re right. First and last time for me. I apologize.

1 month ago

Thanks for the OG BSG reference, Pete! Now I need to watch some this week!

1 month ago

This looks like one of those poorly stitched images from Street View, the kind that create 6-wheel Corollas and such.

Chartreuse Bison
Chartreuse Bison
1 month ago

No, this isn’t nearly as unsettling as the double eyes on a human face.
It just looks like it’s pooping out a smaller sprinter

Twobox Designgineer
Twobox Designgineer
1 month ago

Like an i3. Looks like it’s in the the middle of engulfing a BMW powerwheels.

1 month ago

>all Sprinter backpack units will use different taillights, pulled from some other manufacturer’s parts bin.

And existing stocks will be marketed for different vans – Ford Transit, Ram ProMaster and especially the Chevy Express whose factory taillights aren’t even on the same level.

1 month ago

‘Yo dawg, I heard you like taillights. So I’ve got some taillights for your taillights.’

1 month ago

I’m envisioning some kind of Astro/Safari Dutch door type of retrofit, where the lower part sticks out below the same rear window area. Kinda like a hitch mount cargo carrier. You could theoretically open the window part separately for interior access, but then you might need a garage door opener to lower that.
Seems it would just end up looking kind of like a van BBL though, and I don’t know how much cargo space it would actually give you either. Could serve as a table surface when swung out so maybe some other practical use?

1 month ago

:ace ventura rhino birth dot gif:

1 month ago

I have no issue with the taillights. The whole thing is so Elegantly Stupid and belongs at SEMA or whatever the Trust Fund Vanlife equivalent is, which probably takes place in Telluride, Colorado or somewhere like that.

“Arguing with your girlfriend on a long Instagram Roadtrip? Try out our new “cooldown room” that combines the latest in sensory isolation technology and minor O2 deprivation to reduce blood pressure quickly!”

My Goat Ate My Homework
My Goat Ate My Homework
1 month ago

AI companies are like “see, see, told you our AI wasn’t hallucinating”

Collegiate Autodidact
Collegiate Autodidact
1 month ago

Ripe for a collab between Jason & Mercedes: the Hungarian-made Ikarus 55 and 66 buses manufactured from 1952 to ’73, mostly for East Germany, with distinctive rear ends on account of the way they were rear-engined: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Ikarus_55%2C_1971_%286980101314%29.jpg/1280px-Ikarus_55%2C_1971_%286980101314%29.jpg
Ha, yeah, the lead image immediately brought to mind the cover of an old issue of Mad Magazine (from 1965): https://madcoversite.com/mad093printid.jpg

Last edited 1 month ago by Collegiate Autodidact
1 month ago

It really does look like a giant Fiat 600 Multipla.

1 month ago

This would be a good vehicle for a Batman villain.

1 month ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Yeah, but how worried are the people of Gotham going to be about the antics of Badonkadonk: the Big-Ass Terror?

1 month ago

The Badassador has arrived. It is not welcome.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hoonicus

I think a better name would be Backassador.

1 month ago
Reply to  StillNotATony


Library of Context
Library of Context
1 month ago

I need someone to photoshop a backpack on this backpack. It’s turtles all the way down, and backpacks all the way back.

1 month ago

Have they not heard of these new fangled things called trailers? It can carry more, you could probably get one that looks like the back end of your Sprinter, and it won’t rip your back door off if you put more than a couple hundred pounds in it.

Bram Oude Elberink
Bram Oude Elberink
1 month ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

In most of the EU countries driving with a trailer you have to drive a lower speed limit. So here the backpack makes sense, you can drive faster. Maybe there are similar limitations in the USA?

1 month ago

Option A: drive a little slower, but carry way more and look cooler.

Option B: give your Sprinter hemorrhoids

1 month ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

Hemorrhoids? That is full-on rectal prolapse!

1 month ago

No, vehicles towing trailers follow (meaning completely ignore) the same speed limits as everyone else, nothing like getting tailgates by an F250 while you’re already doing 75 in a 65, then have it blow past on the left at 95, pulling something as long as the SS France and equally as expensive

1 month ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

Or just buy a slightly bigger bus. There’s such a massive range of sizes, I’m sure there’s a model that would seat all the people and have room for luggage.
Or get a roof rack.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
1 month ago

I heard they make these by sawing the asses off retired Sprinters and crimping the bodywork to make them fit.

1 month ago

That would seem economical enough

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
1 month ago

Brought to you by the brilliant minds at South Genetic Engineering Park, home of the monkey with four asses.

1 month ago

These are reasonably common in Europe for mini buses like the Sprinter and a bit less elegantly for coaches. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2R7EK6B/northern-france-europe-eu-2023-orange-colour-tourist-coach-with-storage-box-for-carrying-clients-luggage-2R7EK6B.jpg

1 month ago
Reply to  Lithiumbomb

My first thought was that these are designed for commercial use.

FWIW, I support storage on the tail of an overlanding rig. I do not like this implementation. Buy a longer sprinter or remove a row of seats when luggage space is necessary.

1 month ago

I’ve only seen them on commercial vehicles. My assumption has been that they are temporary for particular excursions. If you’ve got a gig as a party bus that week, you don’t need it. If you’re taking a tour group to Switzerland, you attach the van backpack for the extra gear.

Herr Jimmy
Herr Jimmy
1 month ago

Perfect addition to the garage when your other car is a Cizeta-Moroder V16T

1 month ago

Looks like it’s giving birth to another sprinter honestly.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
1 month ago
Reply to  Ottomottopean

David Attenborough voice- The newborn Sprinter is able to hit 80 mph less than an hour after birth, allowing it to keep up with its mother and evade predators.

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