Home » This Might Be A Picture Of Tesla’s Heavily Disguised Robotaxi

This Might Be A Picture Of Tesla’s Heavily Disguised Robotaxi

Robotaxi Top

For about a decade, Elon Musk has been talking about how your Tesla can be out there on the streets, hustling for you, making you money while you sleep, thanks to the tech magic of self-driving robotaxis. Back in 2019, Elon Musk confidently stated that by 2020, “for sure” there would be “over a million robotaxis on the road,” and he was basically right, except for the part about there being over million Tesla robotaxis on the road, because there currently are zero. That may finally be about to change, because Tesla is planning an event on October 10 to unveil the Robotaxi or Cybercab or Electro-Jitney or whatever they’re calling it, and it looks like someone got a picture of the heavily-disguised Tesla Robotaxi itself.

This event was originally planned for August 8, but had to be delayed, though it seems the same repeated-digit date managed to be retained (you know, 8/8 and 10/10). The event is expected to be held at Warner Bros. Discovery movie studio in Burbank, California, which helps to explain why Tesla-tech watchers have noticed a lot of Tesla data-collection and mapping of the area around the Warner Bros. studio:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

All of this helps to support the idea that this picture could be the Tesla Robotaxi prototype or test mule, at least because it seems to be in the right place:


Of course, it’s very difficult to really assess this thing because it’s so heavily camouflaged; There are some peculiar and unexpected details here, like how those rear wheels seem to be larger than the front ones, not something I’d have expected on a robotaxi-like vehicle. That big box-like structure on the rear is almost certainly just a distraction, though a wagon or van-like body for something like a robotaxi is actually a good idea. Look at what the Zoox people are doing with their self-driving taxi prototypes, for example.

The consensus seems to be that the Tesla Robotaxi design will be a smaller car with what appears to be one row of seats, scissor-type doors, and a sloping roofline, based on pictures seen in Elon Musk, the biography written by Walter Isaacson, shown here below the alleged Tesla Cybercab mule:

Robotaxi Design

The scale looks about right, suggesting that the Tesla Cybercab will be a two or three-seater at most, which feels like a strange choice for a taxi vehicle of any type, though not unheard of. The skirted rear wheels shown in the rendering are also at odds with the large rear wheels seen on the possible mule, too.

So, is this strange yellow thing actually the Cybercab? Is it a single-cab Tesla pickup with a nicely substantial front bumper and an absurdly high bed? Maybe! There are still a few weeks until October 10, so I guess we’ll have to wait to find out.


Will the Cybercab have any provision for human driving? Or will it be entirely Level 4 automated? So far, Tesla has never really demonstrated any extensive non-monitored self-driving for any appreciable distance, at least not publicly, so any demonstration of that sort of driving will be fascinating as well. The extensive mapping and data-gathering around the Warner Bros. studio suggests some sort of demonstration will happen, which is interesting considering that Musk has criticized the use of extensive HD mapping by companies like Waymo, calling them “a really bad idea.

Waymo, though, for all their troubles, has demonstrated some degree of Level 4 automated driving; I’ll be curious to see what Tesla shows, both in their physical car and what sort of self-driving it’s actually capable of.


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4 days ago

Where do people sit? Is the exposed area where you put property? Wrong or bad design? I wouldn’t fall into this questionable claim sorry Jason.

Maryland J
Maryland J
4 days ago

I mean, it’s not a terrible idea. Take all of those unsold cyber trucks that are rotting away, cut off the back, spray paint over the rust, and blam, new product, with production line ready to go.

Why engineer twice when one platform does the trick?

5 days ago

This really looks like a next generation Johnnycab so I‘m guessing they’re actually shooting Total Recall part deux. It was set on Mars, so it plays neatly together with Elon’s Mars plans right?

5 days ago

I wonder if maybe it’s the lower cost Tesla that Elon said they are working on?

Dan Parker
Dan Parker
5 days ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

That was my guess, a 2 door/2 seat cab seems kinda dumb… Although I guess being kinda dumb doesn’t really remove it from the realm of possibility given the source.

5 days ago
Reply to  Dan Parker

It’s also just a test mule, the body doesn’t matter on those, can be hacked together out of anything, the Land Rover Freelander mules were Austin Montego panel vans

3 days ago
Reply to  Dan Parker

Well, since there’s no cab driver (theoretically) two doors and two seats would probably suffice, since that’s generally what’s available for passengers in a ‘regular’ cab (just the backseat).

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
5 days ago

So why wouldn’t this mule be built on an existing product? After all they’ve supposed to have been out there hustling up extra income for the Teslarati faithful for for or more years now. Why make a whole new taxi?

5 days ago

This will exist right alongside Trump’s infrastructure and healthcare plans.

5 days ago
Reply to  RataTejas

Why would we need to hear about those? Would only matter if he was actually going to be president again

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
5 days ago

Yeah, what I suspect we’re looking at might be a sports coupe rather than a taxi.

There, I stuck my neck out saying it first, so remember to give me some cred if I’m right. But don’t forget to tease me if I’m wrong.

5 days ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

I wish that were true, but, if so, whose? Tesla is maybe sort of working on a new Roadster, which is actually a 2+2 coupe and not a roadster, but it’s a very low priority program and has very different proportions. It seems unlikely that any other automaker would be working on a small sports car in this day and age

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
5 days ago
Reply to  Ranwhenparked

Indeed I could be wildly wrong. However, no matter how hard I try, I just can’t see taxi there.

Staggered low-profile tires.
Too low of a beltline.
Huge rear flares.
Ridiculous side skirts.
A-pillar weirdness.
Front camo weirdness.
Hood weirdness.
Roof weirdness.
It’s clearly got two doors so it’s either a coupe (but could still be a taxi) or roadster.
Is that a steering wheel/binnacle I see?

On the other hand, I see no side mirrors, so that alone could indicate I am quite wrong.

Finally, if this is a taxi, space utilization is absolutely atrocious.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
5 days ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

Oh, the Tesla Roadster second gen appears to have no mirrors either. I really think we’re looking at a roadster with some Model 3 lights on the front. And possibly a Model 3 windshield grafted on as well.

Man am I way far out on a limb here. This fall is probably going to hurt a lot. 🙂

Horizontally Opposed
Horizontally Opposed
5 days ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

Well the color is about right.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
5 days ago


4 days ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

Yeah, that’s what I thought, as well. That’s a heavily disguised roadster mule.

Jon Benet
Jon Benet
5 days ago

I have a JV between Tesla, Ford, and VW on my bingo card. Ford will take the truck and van market. While VW will build small cars. Tesla will provide engineering know how and self driving. Each company could highly benefit from each other, especially as competition against Chinese EV’s heats up.

5 days ago

I stand by the following: If a purpose-built taxi is not built with wheelchair access built-in, it should be scrapped and redesigned.

Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
5 days ago
Reply to  Citrus

“if a car can only serve 99% of the population, that’s not enough, no point in even trying if your numbers are that low”

5 days ago
Reply to  Rust Buckets

Disabled people are most likely to be unable to drive and most likely to be isolated because of this. If it’s a ground up design for people who either can’t drive or choose not to, design it in from the outset. It’s not like a private vehicle where you are going to prioritize different things for different buyers, and it’s specifically designed for this purpose.

The ADA exists for a reason.

Last edited 5 days ago by Citrus
5 days ago
Reply to  Citrus

I don’t want to be mean but I suspect there’s a very low possibility Elon/Tesla cares about anyone with disability issues because… Elon. This is coming from someone who’s worked on products to get ADA approval.

Curtis Tyree
Curtis Tyree
5 days ago

I have a Roadster 2.0 for anyone who thinks this will actually come to market. Just another ploy to raise Tesla stock.

5 days ago

Will this have Robert Picardo as the model for Johnny Cab “driver”?

5 days ago

I get why you would want to camouflage your latest and greatest thing. But if you are going to go camo, why yellow? So you’re not showing details of the car but begging for attention to see that you’re not giving details away?

I guess that sounds like something Musk would come up with.

5 days ago

A million Tesla RoboTaxis sounds like an extinction level event.

Curtis Tyree
Curtis Tyree
5 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

We all saw “Leave the World Behind,” right?

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
5 days ago

The windshield, the side glass, the roof line the A pillar, and the A pillar’s relationship to the front axle all look exactly like a VW new beetle to me.

Are you sure that WB is not filming a movie about a family of five living in a camper-sized new beetle? Maybe Tom Cruise running a mobile bordello ? Maybe Pikachu has joined the transformers? It’s a movie back lot for goodness sake.

Saybe it’s “Sideways to the more or less right now, but without the crazy people“

5 days ago

no robo taxi for your family of 4! kind of surprising from the guy with a breeder fetish.

Elons Backdoor Musk
Elons Backdoor Musk
5 days ago
Reply to  Hatebobbarker

He just figures the average person sees their kids as much as he sees his own.

5 days ago

They will do anything to not give us public transit.

5 days ago
Reply to  JaredTheGeek

The decision to fund transit or not seems separate from a company deciding to put a product on sale. It’s not as if the government is buying the taxis.

5 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

No, but it does pay for the roads. Or rather, we do.

5 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Yes, and in exchange road users pay taxes and registration fees in order to drive on them.

Taxi companies need to follow additional regulations above and beyond normal car owners.

I’m not seeing the issue.

Elons Backdoor Musk
Elons Backdoor Musk
5 days ago

I feel like it should be at least a roomy 5 seater. If it’s just a people mover it should move a decent number of people

Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
5 days ago

Maybe, maybe not. Most Uber or other taxi rides carry one person, I would imagine.

5 days ago

It’s hard to judge how many seats in that. The drawing seems pretty clearly two, the mockup *might* be three.

Anyway, all small transport options, pods, taxis, whatever, should have a minimum of three seats. A group with an odd number of people using two smart transports forces someone to ride alone.

With three seats you never force someone to ride alone.

5 days ago
Reply to  Tarragon

Counterpoint, families of 4.

5 days ago
Reply to  Parsko

Presumably they would ride 2 and 2, since you need 2 taxis anyways.

5 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

Families of 5?

5 days ago
Reply to  10001010

3 people in taxi #1, 2 people in taxi #2.

There is no family size >1 such that anyone is forced to ride alone in the smallest number of 3 seat taxis that will fit them all.

Last edited 5 days ago by V10omous
5 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

Yup. Generalized you fill 3 seat taxi’s until you have 4 people left then split those 4 into 2 final cabs.

No one is forced to ride alone. You can still agree as a group to make Steve ride alone. Ugh Steve

5 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

LOL, where does it ennnnd?????

“We need a ride to the clown convention, when can you be here?”

“How many clowns do you have?”

Here we go….

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
5 days ago
Reply to  Parsko


Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
5 days ago
Reply to  10001010

Two couples and a “friend”

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
5 days ago

The number of fiery deaths caused by Cybercab accidents will be greatly reduced by limiting the number of passengers to two.

Elons Backdoor Musk
Elons Backdoor Musk
5 days ago

It’ll be smoke and mirrors to pump the stock until the next big announcement.

Andrew Daisuke
Andrew Daisuke
5 days ago

Will I ever get in a car without a driver?


Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
5 days ago
Reply to  Andrew Daisuke

ever been on a train?

5 days ago
Reply to  Rust Buckets

Most trains have a driver. And even if they don’t they’re on a track with a minimal number of variables to deal with.

Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
Paint-Drinking Thundercock Harvey Park
5 days ago
Reply to  Rust Buckets

Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

4 days ago

Do you like movies about gladiators?

Carbon Fiber Sasquatch
Carbon Fiber Sasquatch
4 days ago
Reply to  KennyB

My dad says you don’t work hard enough on defense.

Isaac Fortner
Isaac Fortner
5 days ago
Reply to  Andrew Daisuke

Eh, never say never.

I rode in a fully driverless Waymo in Arizona, and it was shockingly… normal. Sure, it was weird on the outside seeing all the lidar sensors spinning around, but after the first weird feeling of seeing nobody in the driver seat, the drive was totally normal. No different than an Uber.

I suspect too that the technology will continue to develop with more cars talking to each other, and perhaps external traffic control systems in particularly congested areas (like air traffic control, for example) helping distribute the sensor data so one car doesn’t have to handle everything on its own.

5 days ago
Reply to  Isaac Fortner

When you say “no different than an Uber”, do you mean it veered wildly across traffic at twice the speed limit?

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
5 days ago

More of the same old, same old here from the boy wonder.

Taco Shackleford
Taco Shackleford
5 days ago

Cybercab is a dumb name. This should be called the VaporCab.

5 days ago

Probably going to be called the Se3xycab, or something equally puerile.

5 days ago
Reply to  OttosPhotos


Last edited 5 days ago by Musicman27
Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
5 days ago
Reply to  Musicman27

Who is gonna clean out that driverless cab after the last occupants ralphed on the seats/floor or performed acts that should be confined to their place of residence.

James Carson
James Carson
5 days ago
Reply to  Musicman27


Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
5 days ago
Reply to  OttosPhotos


Taco Shackleford
Taco Shackleford
5 days ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

Now you have me thinking: If you have sex in a Cybertruck, is it considered Cyber sex?

5 days ago

That would require a Cybertruck owner to convince someone to have sex with them, so we will never know the answer.

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
5 days ago

I’m going with new ev Beetle

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
5 days ago

ugh, I wish

cc: Volkswagen
bcc: Volkswagen
attn: Volkswagen
fwd: Volkswagen
re: Volkswagen
shout-into-the-void-of-Wolfsburg: Volkswagen

(Just do it with a usable interior and without the not-really-self-driving bits.)

Last edited 5 days ago by Stef Schrader
5 days ago

As long as the EV motor is in the rear as God intended.

3 days ago
Reply to  Data

Praise Jeebus!

Angel "the Cobra" Martin
Angel "the Cobra" Martin
5 days ago

I have a Tesla with FSD and it is certainly not ready for prime time. Three days ago, I approached an intersection with stoplights inactive and had foldable stop signs. There were stop signs on both sides of the lane and my FSD Tesla would have driven straight thru them if I didn’t intervene. The system is amazing, but it’s not there yet.

5 days ago

*Stops legally at a red light or stop sign.* *Telsa Taxibot decides its time for your rapid frame readjustment.*

Last edited 5 days ago by Musicman27
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