Home » This Tiny Electric City Car Had A Touchscreen Dash 36 Years Before Tesla

This Tiny Electric City Car Had A Touchscreen Dash 36 Years Before Tesla

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I know most of us here aren’t exactly fans of touchscreens and how they’ve so vigorously and brutally taken over the dashboards of every modern car, but I think we all have to respect the touchscreen. We should at least admit that for those of us still beholden to knobs and switches and buttons, the touchscreen has proven to be a most worthy adversary, and there’s no denying its popularity. But where did it start? I think it may have started with a clever little concept hybrid city car called the Microdot.

The first production car to feature touchscreen controls was the 1986 Buick Riviera which used a green phosphor cathode ray tube (CRT) display, as fitting for the era, and this was a pretty comprehensive implementation of what we understand touchscreen controls to be: a sceen with changing displays and on-screen buttons and controls.

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Vidframe Min Bottom

GM called it the Graphic Control Center, and just look at it:


It ended up in cars other than the Riviera, too, like in this Buick Reatta, which you can see in action here:



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Incredibly, this doesn’t seem to be the very first implementation of an automotive touchscreen, though, at least in some form. A solid decade earlier, though, there was a concept car, one that was hoped to make production, one that was designed by the man behind some of the most famous Aston Martins, a hybrid city car, and, yes, what I believe to be the first automotive implementation of a digital touch screen.

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The car is Willam Towns’ Microdot, and yes it’s that William Towns, the man behind the Aston Martin DBS, the Aston Martin Lagonda, and the Aston Martin Bulldog. Towns was a pioneer and master of a flat-plane, straight-edge style, and you can definitely see that in the design of the Microdot.

Microdot 1


The Microdot was first shown at the 1976 British International Motor Show and was a true hybrid, with an eight horsepower electric motor – giving it a top speed of about 40 mph – powered by lead-acid batteries stored under the three-abreast seats, and recharged by a 400cc engine driving a 3.5 kW generator. The design was pretty radical and quite appealing: lots of glass (nice and flat, to keep things cheap) for great visibility, along with a sleek, wedgy design and fantastic green-plaid-1970s-Lutheran-church-rec-room-couch upholstery, all in an interior designed by the same people who designed the spaceship interiors for Star Wars, which was released the very next year.


Around back, the license plate housing revealed a removable little cart that could be used like the trunk of the car, except it was a trunk you could take with you on its own little wheels. It’s pretty damn clever, and I was able to get Jonee Eisen, Associate Curator over at the Petersen Automotive Museum, where the car is now on display, to show me just how that works, live on a video call:

Rearcart Seq

You can see it in use in this film from the era, which shows the Microdot in action and explains the hybrid drivetrain:


That’s pretty great. Actually, Jonee made a whole video with this car that you really should watch, too:

It’s all fascinating, and it’s a shame it never made it into production, even though there were certainly plans; Towns worked with Mallalieu Engineering in 1978 to develop a production-ready prototype of the Microdot in 1978, based on a cut-down Mini chassis and using a Reliant engine instead of the hybrid drivetrain, but for a variety of reasons and lack of funding the project fizzled out.

But! We have to talk about this touchscreen, because whether or not anyone realized it at the time, that may be this car’s real legacy. The touch screen didn’t have a full matrix display like modern touch screens or even the 1980s CRT-based Buicks; it was a panel with what I believe were red LEDs behind it, and silkscreened text and icons on the face of it to indicate what the buttons did. There may have been a numeric seven-segment type of display on there, too, but honestly I haven’t seen enough of it in action to know. All I know is that Jonee told me there are red lights that illuminate in the panel when you touch the controls, and I think this meets the minimum requirements of a “display.”


Now, the real question I have here is how did this work? Back in 1976, what sort of touch-based technology was around? Looking at the display, we don’t have that many clues; there is a bit of a rougher texture on the surface where you actually touch things, and when touched, the whole display recesses into the housing, giving a sort of early haptic feedback.

Touch 2My best guess about how this could work comes from looking at a roughly-contemporary touch-sensitive device, the old Apple Graphics Tablet from 1979:


This was a pretty amazing device for 1979, and used graphics software created by, surprisingly, musician Tod Rundgren. I believe the tablet worked by using that grid of wires you see there inside the pad, and when there was pressure on the pad, a horizontal and vertical wire would make electrical contact, telling the computer the X,Y location of the contact. There must have been some sort of compressible layer above the wires and possibly below, and the wires must have been under enough tension to not make contact until pressed upon.

Could the Microdot’s touchscreen worked in a similar manner, with the wire grid behind an outer skin and the (presumably) LED lights below? I’m not really sure, but I think we should all speculate, wildly, in the comments. The Microdot’s controls do currently still work, incredibly, so I don’t think anyone is eager to pull it apart to see, so our speculating seems to be the best option, as actual documentation does not seem to exist.


Whatever you think about touchscreen controls, don’t be mad at the Microdot. It was just a little car full of many good ideas ahead of their time. You can’t blame it for how absurd touch screen interfaces have gotten, with glove boxes and vent controls being doomed to be on screens.



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4 months ago

David should get a Microdot for his fiancee Dottie (Not her real name)

Mr. Frick
Mr. Frick
4 months ago

Tod Rundgren also owned the Tiki Iniki on Kauai and would tour with a replica bar. Truly an renaissance man.


Old Hippie
Old Hippie
4 months ago

My first thought was “I want it!”. Then I saw the interior….

Now I feel slightly ill.

Thom Sullivan
Thom Sullivan
4 months ago

I believe the tablet worked by using that grid of wires you see there inside the pad,…”
This is the basic premise of today’s tablet, smartphones, basically anything with a touchscreen. It is referred to as a “digitizer”. It is in the sandwich of the outer glass, the the digitizer and then the LCD screen.

Jonee Eisen
Jonee Eisen
4 months ago

I’ve fallen in love with this car despite how uncomfortable I was behind the wheel. It really is what we all should be driving.

4 months ago

It’s kind of crazy how forward-thinking that car was 50 years ago. The touchscreen looks positively modern (not that dissimilar from the screen and capacitive controls on my wife’s Tucson plug-in hybrid) and they used the term hybrid, something I had no idea was being used that long ago do describe a car with an on-board motor that could charge the batteries.

Grey alien in a beige sedan
Grey alien in a beige sedan
4 months ago

It’s a shame that the car never made it to production primarily because of the bitchin’ upholstery they used. Wouldn’t you love to hop behind the wheel of a nice new 2025 Lexus RX with that pattern? I know my parents would.

4 months ago

That’s a cool interface, I don’t know if I’d call it a screen, more a reactive touch pad.
That is an interesting car all round, I want one.
I figure the Changli could make a hybrid in the same style, maybe add brakes and some Harbour Freight ICE.

Recently saw this, things kind of gathered steam to where we are now.

4 months ago

As a previous co-owner of a Merlin game(with my 2 sisters), I’m guessing it was more like that style ‘touch’ display with leds that light up. Still really cool, but not sure that qualifies as a touch screen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_(console)

4 months ago
Reply to  Fuzzyweis

Yup I agree, a flexible face with a button underneath it.

Black Peter
Black Peter
4 months ago
Reply to  Fuzzyweis

I agree on the designation of the car having a touchscreen.
So the miracle of integrated circuits was not just the reduction of space needed to package an electronic device, but the ability to include devices that would take up more space than the gimmick was worth. While I believe the Merlin has a simple bi-metal switch with a “window” for the light, Something larger like this car could have used thin translucent material even if barely conductive. Phillips has a turn table that used a concentric dot and ring to as switches, and the conductance of your finger was enough to make the switch.

4 months ago

Wild speculation? Somewhere in that car is a “more magic” switch.


Felonious Thunk
Felonious Thunk
4 months ago

Fuck the touchscreen, I want this car.

4 months ago

Watch the video and you’ll change your mind. Ergonomics are horrible.

Felonious Thunk
Felonious Thunk
4 months ago
Reply to  Chronometric

They are, but I still want one. Like the lines. And the car was able to drive up the ramp into the museum with no assistance and also passed that moped in the UK!!

It is next to a Zagato Zele (Elcar in the US). At some point in my past I had seven of those. Long story…

Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
4 months ago

I will speculate wildly, sure, but not on the touchscreen tech. My wild speculation is that given its origin and the era when it was created, the Microdot was definitely named after a type of LSD tabs.

4 months ago

Looks like the “touch” panel is a separate part, so wonder if it’s not actually touch, but that the panel is flexible/hinged and the switches are mounted to the main assy and sits beneath? Seen similar applications on consumer electronics (my B&O turntable is one example), white goods or on some cars. A large steering wheel button (not touch) with several different functions all sit on a large plastic part, but there’s individual switches for the different functions underneath. That textile dashboard though.. love it.

Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
4 months ago
Reply to  Anders

Off topic, but I’d never seen assembly shortened to assy before (not a native speaker), and I love it!

4 months ago

Pretty standard, especially in engineering circles but we generally pronounce it “assembly” rather than “assy” but that might be fun. Next time my customer asks if I’ve completed the project I can say “I got your assy right here!”

Fire Ball
Fire Ball
4 months ago

I would imagine it works like the old membrane keyboards like on Atari 400s and calculators from that era. As I recall, those had a flexible circuit board under the membrane that would make contact with a permanent circuit board when pressed.

Jonathan Hendry
Jonathan Hendry
4 months ago

It reminds me of the kind of thing Bang & Olufsen would do back then, where it looks really futuristic but if you look behind the tinted plastic it’s done with plastic mechanical widgets and string.

4 months ago

What I love about most visions of the future from the post-WW2 era up to the 1980s is their self-awareness and utter lack of cynicism, as opposed to paying lip-service to SDGs or herd trends like automated driving for the sake of polishing a corporate image.

4 months ago

I believe this touchscreen utilized an entire flea circus beneath the glass surface. As a finger made contact with the surface, the flea directly beneath the digit would activate a micro switch that enabled/disabled the desired function. The system worked fairly well excepting when the finger overlapped more than one flea’s area of responsibility. Engineers tried to improve the system but they were never able to get the bugs out.

4 months ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

If this isn’t COTD… I don’t know what the criteria is.

4 months ago
Reply to  PatrickVPI


4 months ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

They weren’t able to craft a succession plan for the flea circus manager

4 months ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Wish I’d thought of this.

4 months ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Kramer: Want one? Yeah, I just bought it at the Flea Market.

George: Hey, what goes on there, exactly?

Jerry: You don’t know?

George: No, I-I-I know… [retreats back to his Chinese take out] I know…

Jerry: You think they have fleas there, don’t you?

George: *No*…

Jerry: Yes you do, Biff. You’ve never been to a Flea Market, and you

think they have fleas there.

George: All right, I think they have fleas there. So what…

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