Home » Today, A Puppy: Cold Start

Today, A Puppy: Cold Start

Cs Juno1

Here we go, everyone, I’m going to take the easy road to clicks and happiness by posting a puppy, a fuzzy, goofy, sweet, ridiculous puppy, right here on the front page of the site. Everyone meet Juno, the new rescue puppy that’s joined the other four non-primate animals at the Torch Compound! She’s part Husky and part Australian Shepherd, we think, and she was taken from a backyard breeder, all filthy and surrounded by at least a dozen other dogs in a big muddy yard. But now she’s here, living large and bothering the three cats and the three-legged elder matron dog, Abby.

Cs Juno2

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Look, if David gets to post pictures of his adorable kittens, then that’s declaration of an arms race so this is my proportional response C as in cute bomb: a fuzzy puppy. She’s dopey now, but both the breeds that are in her makeup are notoriously smart, so she’ll likely be able to open cabinets and cause all kinds of smart-dog havoc soon. And she’s learning all the basics pretty fast. The goal is to have her doing my taxes by the time she’s two.

Cs Juno4

Look, she’s bringing me a wrench! A stuffed wrench that’s only like 14% worse than some of the wrenches I’ve ordered from Wish.com.


Cs Juno3

I made sure to include my car in these pictures so this can still ostensibly be a car-related post. That is definitely a car in that shot, and, look, there’s even the Autopian badge, which you can get if you become a member! I couldn’t put it on my grille because the A/C condenser is like two atoms away from the back of the grille, so there was no room for the threaded bolts.

Oh, and if you’re curious, we named her Juno because we have a cat named Neptune, and I kind of like old god names for pets. It feels like the sort of name a steam car pioneering inventor might name their dog in 1871.

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1 year ago

Congrats on the gorgeous new addition to your household Jason! 🙂

Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
1 year ago

Good call on training the dog to do your taxes.

I trained my cat to do them. He’s fantastic but I can’t afford his rates.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
1 year ago

> surrounded by at least a dozen other dogs in a big muddy yard

And now she’s surrounded by at least a dozen shitboxes in a big muddy yard infused with lead dust?

Congrats, she’s adorable.

Chris Hoffpauir
Chris Hoffpauir
1 year ago

Popcorn, man. Trust me, popcorn.

My Shetland Sheepdog will deal cards for you if you have enough popcorn. Dogs love two things above all else, popcorn and peanut butter.

1 year ago

That’s where the 10mm went.

1 year ago

For the love of God/Dog, keep her away from the lead dust from your Chang-Li.

Or, put her to work replacing the batteries with a salvaged Tesla pack. That’ll get more clicks and up the stakes in the Torch/Tracy wrenching pets arms race.

Last edited 1 year ago by Amberturnsignalsarebetter
1 year ago

What a gorgeous combination of breeds, he’s going to grow up to be one handsome dude

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
1 year ago

Aw! Henlo Juno! Welcome to the Torch Compound.

13/10 would roadtrip with.

Holly Birge
Holly Birge
1 year ago


Jack Beckman
Jack Beckman
1 year ago

Welcome Juno!

God names for pets are perfect, since we are constantly catering to them. I have had Thor, Apollo, Artemis, and now Ceres and Vesta.

Myk El
Myk El
1 year ago

Jason, dead serious, I have experience with both breeds that make up Juno plus one border collie/husky mix. If you have questions, feel free to reach out. As others have said, both breeds do best when they have a job. Huskies also are known for having high prey drives, so small critters showing up dead in your yard likely going to be a thing you deal with occasionally.

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
1 year ago

This is top-notch “Awwww”-topian.

1 year ago

As a confirmed dog person, I approve of this attempt to balance the dog vs. cat scales on the Autopian. 🙂

Peter Andruskiewicz
Peter Andruskiewicz
1 year ago

What sound did the puppy’s tail make on the hood of Torch’s car?


1 year ago

take your smiley face and get out!

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
1 year ago

Adorable, congrats!

Morgan van Humbeck
Morgan van Humbeck
1 year ago

Doooo gah he he waaaaaa… so here for this

Austin Vail
Austin Vail
1 year ago

Fur-face Friday is a time-honored tradition over at Opposite-lock, and I think it should be implemented at The Autopian as well now that you fine beings are all getting pets.

1 year ago

Good job getting her familiar with the stuffed wrench toy! Next train her to find and retrieve wrenches and sockets — and soon you’ll have the world’s first 10mm socket-sniffing dog!

1 year ago

As welcome as the puppers pics are, this reminds me that DT has been remiss in providing us with updates on the Jeep kittens on the Catopian side of the fence. Great job taking this good girl away from a less-than-optimal situation and giving her a good home!

1 year ago

This is an excellent post. No notes.

1 year ago

Since huskies and Aussie Shepherds are both working dogs, I guess that makes Juno a cute ute.

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