Home » Tomorrow I’m Interviewing America’s Car-Dad, Jay Leno. What Should I Ask Him?

Tomorrow I’m Interviewing America’s Car-Dad, Jay Leno. What Should I Ask Him?

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Tomorrow I have the pleasure of interviewing America’s Car-Dad, Jay Leno, and I’d love for you, dear Autopian readers, to provide some input on the questions you’d like to hear him answer.

The prompt for this interview came from a TV production company spokesperson, who emailed me this:

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We’ve been able to carve some time with Jay Leno himself … to chat about “Jay Leno’s Garage” coming to RIG TV and I wanted to explore the idea with you, about doing a retrospective piece on cars and guests he’s had these past years of filming.

I’ve come up with some questions, but while on the phone with Jason Torchinsky just now, I had a thought: What if we asked readers for their thoughts on what I should ask?

Just try to tie in your question with Jay Leno’s Garage somehow; otherwise, let’s hear ’em! Here are some examples:

  1. Using past Jay Leno’s Garage episodes as examples, what is it in your eyes that gives a car soul?
  2. Again, referencing a car you drove on your show, what’s a car that you think is criminally underrated?
  3. You’ve driven the Hoffman with Autopian resident-dipshit Jason Torchinsky: Where does that car rank on your “most dangerous cars I’ve driven in this show” list?
  4. What’s a car you’ve driven that has been the most universally loved?
  5. You’ve driven plenty of vintage cars that have been converted to EV; in your eyes, when does it make sense to electrify a car? Obviously, it’s a huge undertaking and a huge compromise that fundamentally changes the car; what are some examples of vehicles that could be ruined by such a move and what are some examples of cars that would be improved?


Anyway, let me know in the comments, and if I like your question and I have time, I’ll ask it!
Top Photo: RIG TV

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1 day ago

Also wonder what his favorite “cheap” car is – like under $30k cheap.

1 day ago

This is kind of a morbid question, but I do wonder what happens to Jay’s collection when he passes. He doesn’t have children. I’ve heard he’s never sold any of his cars (maybe that’s an overstatement) and that he doesn’t invest in the stock market either. I just wonder how many cars he has and what happens to them in 20-30 years.

Manwich Sandwich
Manwich Sandwich
9 hours ago
Reply to  CampoDF

And by extension… does he want to get buried in one of his cars? And if so, which one?

8 hours ago
Reply to  CampoDF

I thought it was pretty obvious that his garage would turn into one of the best public car museums in the world once he passes. Little QR codes of the relevant (online version only!) JLG episode about that car.

7 hours ago
Reply to  CampoDF

I think I recall he recently added that it would become a museum in his will.

1 day ago

He was on Modern Marvels 20 some years ago when he had a wind turbine and solar panels installed on his warehouse. Did he achieve net zero? He also mentioned bio-fuels maybe keeping ICE going in the EV age. Any new perspectives?

Jonathan Hendry
Jonathan Hendry
14 hours ago
Reply to  Hoonicus

There’s still a bunch of solar panels on one of the buildings, but I don’t see any turbines. Probably got rid of it as it was probably not contributing much compared to the solar.

Probably also replaced/upgraded the solar panels at some point.

3160 N Damon Way, Burbank, CA 91505

There’s a place next door that apparently provides vehicles for film and TV shoots. Their lot is jam-packed with cars and trucks. Might be interesting to see what they have.

Sailin' Shoes
Sailin' Shoes
1 day ago

How often does he drive the Roadmaster asks a fan of old Buicks?

1 day ago

Why does he not have any AMC Levi’s Edition cars in his collection? Seems like a perfect fit!


1 day ago

Please ask Jay what kind of car was he driving when he was working at the Teddy Bare Lounge and the Two O’Clock Club in Boston’s Combat Zone.

1 day ago

Quiz him on state capitols! Let’s see how smart this guy really is!

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
1 day ago

Whatever you ask him, try to have the interview with him driving his McLaren F1. Maybe the P1, too, so you can talk about Hybrids and how you also own a carbon-fiber bodied European hybrid.

Maybe ask him for tips on managing a small fleet of vehicles (*cough*) but on a much smaller budget.

1 day ago

If cars were your job, how many hours per week do you work?

Jatco Xtronic CVT
Jatco Xtronic CVT
1 day ago

Please ask him if he appreciates the engineering masterpiece that is the Jatco Xtronic CVT!

Seriously. I’m very curious what he would even respond with

Last edited 1 day ago by Jatco Xtronic CVT
A. Barth
A. Barth
1 day ago

If young people are interested in becoming mechanics, would you recommend they learn to work on ICE and electric vehicles (and/or steam) or go straight to EVs?

How can we keep the vast repository of historical ICE knowledge intact and available as more experienced specialists transition out of the workforce?

Óscar Morales Vivó
Óscar Morales Vivó
1 day ago

Good for Jason for making it into the promotional reel. It’s like, he’s a lifelong friend or something.

Oh I guess I have to suggest a question…

What’s a car that’s so bad that he won’t get it and what’s a car that’s so bad that he has to get it?

1 day ago

Will he buy my Rambler so I don’t have to fix it?

1 day ago

Favorite terrible car?
What makes a car great?
Favorite car event?
Dream roadtrip and what would you drive?

1 day ago
Reply to  JaredTheGeek

Yes, this question !

What is his favorite, least reliable car. A car that really makes no sense to own, but he loves.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
1 day ago

Which of my (David) fleet would you put back to full restored order.

If you could somehow cut down to 10 cars, what would they be.

How important is the first car to a person?

Should you learn the basics or just let the mechanic handle it.

What are your views on RVs and if you were to get one, what would it be.

Of the Autopian Fleet, which one(s) get your attention?

Are you drawn to people’s vehicles or the passion behind them.

Nicholas Bianski
Nicholas Bianski
21 hours ago
Reply to  Arrest-me Red

I came to post the same thing about DT’s projects.

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
18 hours ago
Reply to  Arrest-me Red

I like “How important is the first car to a person?” It’s a little like a baby animal imprinting with its mama.

Andrew Daisuke
Andrew Daisuke
1 day ago

“What is with the denim shirts?”

Farmer Meeple
Farmer Meeple
1 day ago
Reply to  Andrew Daisuke


1 day ago

I would ask, Who was your favorite guest on JLG and what guests can you tell us about in up coming episodes? That gives him a chance to plug his show, which is the whole thing for the interview

Leon Muks
Leon Muks
1 day ago

We certainly don’t wish any ill fortune on Jay Leno, but what happens to the collection when Jay Leno sets out on that eternal road trip we all face?

1 day ago
Reply to  Leon Muks

Well, i imagine they go to his wife.

1 day ago
Reply to  Dalton

His wife has dementia, so she might go before him, and he has no kids. My guess is it ends up being a trust and becomes a museum.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jlacourt
Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
1 day ago
Reply to  Jlacourt

My hope for a long time has been that it becomes a public museum.

1 day ago
Reply to  Leon Muks

I am seriously interested in this. Jay is for sure ‘getting up there,’ I’d love to know what the plan is for his unparalleled collection after he passes. There are so many unique cars, combined with his steadfast policy of keeping them maintained, operational, and most of all *driven*, while he shares them with the world… to lose it would be a tragedy for the automotive world.

1 day ago
Reply to  Leon Muks

Hopefully Jay has set up an endowment for JLG.

Paul Allen hadn’t set up endowments for his various museums, so his sister liquidated the Living Computer Museum and parts of the Flying Heritage Collection. Thankfully, most of the FHC was able to be purchased as one package and kept intact.

Lori Hille
Lori Hille
17 hours ago
Reply to  Clear_prop

The Mullin Automotive Museum cars were sold off at auction, with the best examples going to the Petersen. Sad to see the collection split up.

21 hours ago
Reply to  Leon Muks

Maybe he could gift it to the Barber Museum in Alabama! That is such a neat museum!

Leon Muks
Leon Muks
10 hours ago
Reply to  BeemerBob

Been there many times myself. George Barber is a real visionary and has the resources to make good things happen.

1 day ago

What is your favorite AMC car?

Martin Dollinger
Martin Dollinger
1 day ago

Which „lost“, destroyed or „drawing-only“ car would you like to (re-)create (think „1934 Porsche-Auto Union Typ 52“ or „1922 Rumpler Tropfenwagen“)?

Jonathan Hendry
Jonathan Hendry
1 day ago

“What is the ‘Tonight Show’?”

2-Car Solution
2-Car Solution
1 day ago

Of all the cars you’ve driven, which do tend to grab the keys for most often? Guessing a daily driver isn’t really a thing when the selection is so vast, but you get the idea.

Last edited 1 day ago by 2-Car Solution
1 day ago

“I have a bunch of Holy Grails that need new homes. Are you interested?”

1 day ago

When was “peak car” to you; the point where cars were fast enough, safe enough, capable enough – but weren’t burdened with excessive nannies, bullshit sensors and high-beam subscription fees?

(I say somewhere 2006-2012ish but that’s just me)

1 day ago

I remember him at one point saying something about cars being hobby things, at least ICE cars being hobby items, just like horses were work things and now are hobby things. With the changes in EVs and other recent developments I wonder if he has any new insights into that idea.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
1 day ago
Reply to  4jim

Good one. I also remember him saying that. Now that EVs are far more ubiquitous than they were then, it’s a great time to revisit that comment.

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
1 day ago
Reply to  4jim

He actually touched on that in his very recent interview with James May.

Pretty good watch, though you can tell that Jay wasn’t prepped on the fact that he was talking with “Captain Slow”.

Highland Green Miata
Highland Green Miata
20 hours ago
Reply to  Box Rocket

Yeah, I saw that video and was thinking the same thing. The discussion came at the end and was to the effect of (May said it) that electrification will save the ICE engine because it will become a hobby engine for weekends- boats, snowmobiles, etc. Although ironically those are some of the most polluting ICE engines.

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