Home » Tomorrow I’m Interviewing America’s Car-Dad, Jay Leno. What Should I Ask Him?

Tomorrow I’m Interviewing America’s Car-Dad, Jay Leno. What Should I Ask Him?

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Tomorrow I have the pleasure of interviewing America’s Car-Dad, Jay Leno, and I’d love for you, dear Autopian readers, to provide some input on the questions you’d like to hear him answer.

The prompt for this interview came from a TV production company spokesperson, who emailed me this:

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We’ve been able to carve some time with Jay Leno himself … to chat about “Jay Leno’s Garage” coming to RIG TV and I wanted to explore the idea with you, about doing a retrospective piece on cars and guests he’s had these past years of filming.

I’ve come up with some questions, but while on the phone with Jason Torchinsky just now, I had a thought: What if we asked readers for their thoughts on what I should ask?

Just try to tie in your question with Jay Leno’s Garage somehow; otherwise, let’s hear ’em! Here are some examples:

  1. Using past Jay Leno’s Garage episodes as examples, what is it in your eyes that gives a car soul?
  2. Again, referencing a car you drove on your show, what’s a car that you think is criminally underrated?
  3. You’ve driven the Hoffman with Autopian resident-dipshit Jason Torchinsky: Where does that car rank on your “most dangerous cars I’ve driven in this show” list?
  4. What’s a car you’ve driven that has been the most universally loved?
  5. You’ve driven plenty of vintage cars that have been converted to EV; in your eyes, when does it make sense to electrify a car? Obviously, it’s a huge undertaking and a huge compromise that fundamentally changes the car; what are some examples of vehicles that could be ruined by such a move and what are some examples of cars that would be improved?


Anyway, let me know in the comments, and if I like your question and I have time, I’ll ask it!
Top Photo: RIG TV

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Six Inna Row Makes it Go
Six Inna Row Makes it Go
4 months ago

I think the first question you should ask him what was the rustiest project car he ever acquired and was he able to bring it back to its former glory?

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