It’s week three of The Autopian Podcast (now on Apple Podcasts) and we’ve yet again got two new episodes for you to peruse on your way to work or, frankly, while pretending to work (let us be part of your quiet quitting routine). The first episode includes Leonard Yankelovich from Dartz Motorz talking about how to build a car for despots and dictators. The second episode is us almost talking about boats.

You can also find episodes on Spotify, Google Podcasts, or you can use the RSS feed and point your favorite Podcast player at it.
[Editor’s Note: This was a really fun podcast, because Leonard is such a wonderful kook to have on. Whatever you think of DARTZ and their brand of wildly over-the-top, dictator-target-market, absurdly opulent SUVs, you can’t say Leonard isn’t having an absolute blast. He’s honest about what he sells (both his SUVs and the most expensive vodka in the world, which he also sells) and does everything with a gleefully unhinged charm that I find actually inspiring.
Also, he talks about the origins of the whale penis leather, so you really don’t want to miss this one. – JT]