The Autopian’s website was running reasonably well before, but every now and then it’d struggle under heavy load, and the idle wasn’t exactly steady. So a few days ago we unbolted our carburetor, sent it to some experts for a rebuild, and popped it back onto our intake manifold. At first, it seemed like The Autopian was running like a champ! It sounded smooth, it’d respond quickly when we stomped on it, but now a few days later, it’s clear that the rebuild only made things worse, and for that, we apologize and want you to know: We’re working on it!
Right now we’ve got our Carter WCD sitting in a Chem-Dip bucket; we’ve got the finest, highly chlorinated can of carb & choke cleaner on hand; and we’ve purchased the best carb rebuild kit we could snag at the swap meet. We’re going to get this old flathead motor that is The Autopian singing. We know that you, dear readers, just want the damn engine to get you to those sweet, sweet car blogs, and it will. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Matt took over writing this here, which is why you see his face above]
Please use this thread to tell us if you have any problems, here are the things we know are an issue:
- Random timeouts [STATUS: Resolved]
- Article truncations [STATUS: Probably Resolved]
- Logging in [STATUS: The monkeys have been given pizza and seem happy]
- Sending every 98th member to an alternative universe where Jeep never stopped making the YJ [Status: Beef Limousine]
We will keep you updated.
Y’all need Einspritzung! (As does my VW 411.)
It might be the sparkplugs?
I’m sorely disappointed to have seemingly missed the early Halloween fun of “dress up as the most recent commenter”.
But in all sincerity, guys, please find a partner/vendor/team that can make the WP platform into something workable at this scale. It’s been mentioned a few times before—and I don’t want to bury the Lede—but really, your old semi-colleagues from The Old Site over at Defector have worked wonders with the same platform despite initial hiccups. Maybe talk to them about their experiences? Maybe even your old even-less-semi-colleagues at The Onion who very recently divorced Kinja and relaunched on this same platform?
It feels like they’ve been working with an incompetent team from Day 1, unfortunately. It’s worth paying a little extra for people who actually know what they’re doing.
I figured something was up when I got logged out and couldn’t get back in a few days ago. But the absolute kicker was when I came back to the site and was logged in as a different user. Fear not, I quickly logged out of that account on my own (and couldn’t get in again), but all is well today.
Same here – I logged in and then it said “You are logged in as [SOME USER THAT IS NOT ME]”. Refreshed the page and then it showed my correct username.
So it was working but you decided to fix it?
Please consult this chart next time:
On my side of the internet it’s working fine I think? I even get notifications,that was a shit-show earlier,but yeah,seems peachy now.
Personally, I never saw any issue. ( since the incepton )
Now I was on a business trip this week so I couldn’t check in since last sunday ( for various reasons, the main one being : it’s hard to get Internet when your mobile phone says no service or emergency only [yes, I tend to work in weird areas when I’m on in the office] )
This article, dorky metaphor and all, is why I voluntarily hand over a small sum of money to y’all every month … and always will.
The only “issue” I’ve had recently is getting multitudinous emails from the site about posts by Canopysaurus, even if they weren’t responses to my posts. Nothing against them, naturally. It’s just kinda weird.
You probably inadvertently clicked on the icon by his name and followed him. Just click on it again to unfollow. This has happened to me before.
Yep, I apparently did. Duh. Thanks for the tip!
Next time you feel the need to crack open a Carter 2bb, get a real deal full carb kit with jets and everything required to do the job properly. The metering rods are much harder than the jets and the jets go oval with time and use, resulting in the obvious oil dilution that caused this site to crash to it’s knees over the last several days.
Tell me more about this beef limousine…
Seems to be working pretty ok now. Although the notification bell on mobile is still just an infinite tease that lets me know I have to go to a desktop if I want to see what someone replied to me.
So far so good mobile and laptop.
The site runs as flawlessly as one of David’s jeeps.
Hey alrigh… wait.
All smooth sailing here at similar speeds as before (not terrible). The door bell still broken though!
Yesterday the site would log me in as Guido, but every time I opened an article, it logged me out. I gave up after about 15 frustrating minutes, and went to “the old site” where I gave up again after about 15 minutes because my favorite writers no longer work there. Today, I am happy to be able to read those writers once again on the site I am happy to support as a member. Cloth member if you must know (OK I’m cheap, but proud to be a member).
As a man of the cloth, we’re grateful to have any contribution you can make.
Bless you my son!
I hope you’re using an alternative screen name over there.
(How about something like “Don Novello”?)
Or Laszlo Toth
an even deeper cut!
I had the same, but somehow finally it did let me comment again.
Well, at least I can bow log in without it sending me an email each time, so that is an improvement.
I got a timeout earlier, but since I was not in a good location, it could have been my service.
I have only seen a couple of articles that were truncated, but refreshing the page helped.
When reading long articles, they will often fail and reload, putting me at a different location on the page. Sometimes multiple times per article. And zooming on a section of the story (like trying to zoom in on Torch’s unknown Suzuki K12 knock off engine) will immediately crash the page.
Also, The Autopian makes my phone phone run very hot and burn through my battery. Writing this comment used 5%. Other websites do not have the same issue.
I have exactly the same problems on my iPhone
For the first issue, I highly recommend setting your modem’s baud to 5000 or greater. Modems that run 2400 baud or under can’t seem to stably handle the website.
Written from my Acer Aspire
What problems?
Braggart! ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ
Earlier, unable to comment or even sign in, I would have opined that it was not a Carter, but a Solex—and someone had dribbled gear oil in the pot given how unresponsive the site was.
Glad I can sign in again, but, what does ‘the nonce is invalid’ mean, and what am I doing wrong to get that response? Or, is it possible that could be generated when I’m trying to comment with poor service?
Clearing browser cache will most likely resolve your error.
How to:
A nonce is a random code the site generates that expires and refreshes in the background. An invalid nonce can be caused by a poor connection (failing to generate a new one) and a local browser cache (keeping the old one). This usually resolves itself but clearing the cache will give a quicker fix if needed 🙂