The Autopian’s website was running reasonably well before, but every now and then it’d struggle under heavy load, and the idle wasn’t exactly steady. So a few days ago we unbolted our carburetor, sent it to some experts for a rebuild, and popped it back onto our intake manifold. At first, it seemed like The Autopian was running like a champ! It sounded smooth, it’d respond quickly when we stomped on it, but now a few days later, it’s clear that the rebuild only made things worse, and for that, we apologize and want you to know: We’re working on it!
Right now we’ve got our Carter WCD sitting in a Chem-Dip bucket; we’ve got the finest, highly chlorinated can of carb & choke cleaner on hand; and we’ve purchased the best carb rebuild kit we could snag at the swap meet. We’re going to get this old flathead motor that is The Autopian singing. We know that you, dear readers, just want the damn engine to get you to those sweet, sweet car blogs, and it will. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Matt took over writing this here, which is why you see his face above]
Please use this thread to tell us if you have any problems, here are the things we know are an issue:
- Random timeouts [STATUS: Resolved]
- Article truncations [STATUS: Probably Resolved]
- Logging in [STATUS: The monkeys have been given pizza and seem happy]
- Sending every 98th member to an alternative universe where Jeep never stopped making the YJ [Status: Beef Limousine]
We will keep you updated.
Am I really Angry Bob? Testing to find out!
You see whoever logged in most recently. Which was me. 😉
I’ve seen this happen in web sites coded by people who knew nearly nothing about web site coding.
Aren’t we all an Angry Bob to one degree or another?
First they logged me as Angry Bob, and I did not comment—because I was not Angry Bob.
Then they logged me as V10omous, and I did not comment—because I was not V10omous.
Then they logged me as me —and there was no one left to comment – for we were again logged out.
I’m you right now. BTW, your shirt it too tight.
I was told that’s the style now. They took the onion off my belt as well.
As an IT “enginerd” for 31 years, I’ve seen it plenty. You’ll get it squared away.
It appears that when you log in, it randomly displays someone else’s username and icon for you even though you are actually logged into your own account. And then when you post it shows your actual username.
Just noticed
David published the post, but Matt is in the top shot.
That’s Mavid, they went through a transporter and that Tuvix thing happened.
Justice for Tuvix. Janeway straight up murdered him!
So, did T’Lyn & Tendi murder all those combinations? Hmmmm?
username (sorta) checks out
aw hell, the website is swapping names amongst us, maybe it took it a step further is swapping bodies of the staff, or combining them.
I’m getting out of here before I end up with a love for Vipers and 10 cylinder engines.
Maybe you’ll get morphed into a blend of V10omous and Toecutter and you’ll create the world’s most efficient Viper.
Today I’m “ChefCJ,” which isn’t a bad thing if I became a Chef and somehow my TJ became a CJ.
I hate to break it to you but you have a 13 year old VW that needs a shifter rebuild. But hey, at least it’s a wagon!
Yes, but are you a Chef? If not, then your whole username is a fantasy!
Also, I’m now “Col Lingus”
I am, as my knees and back will attest. I’m actually posting here instead of getting ready to teach the cooking class I have in a few hours
And how does that make you feel? lol.
The top six or seven emails in my inbox are now sign-in links from the past day or two. At least it keeps logging me back in as me, which is better than a lot of folks, it sounds like…
“Hello, this is JLTRZKDYLLL from IT. Our fix totally hosed the system, so we’re going to have to revert to the old software and figure out what the hell we screwed up. Thank you and have a nice day. Please complete the survey.”
Just got another username for me. I clicked on register and account, it shows my real account info and not theirs’s. So that a good thing 🙂 Other on discord have verified the same as me.
I was having the timeout problems, but only through my work VPN. My phone and non-VPN computer worked okay. Then I was having login issues, but those might be okay now? Things seem to be working properly now (knock on woodgrain vinyl).
At least I’m pretty sure I’m logged in under my own name.
Has anybody ever been involved in a major IT repair without suffering multiple operational problems that require “fall back and punt” solutions?
I once deployed a racetrack safety system that would randomly issue penalty flags to the drivers. Since they were racing for money and championship points, let’s just say these Type A racers were not amused.
After many tries to log in to post was finally able to and show’s I’m logged in as EXL500. Can not read member only post.
Hi, doppelganger. I wonder if it’s because I posted right before you were logged in?
Maybe because now I’m Kevin Cheung?!?!?! lol
it does show my name as the post but still says logged in as EXL500
I’m logged in as Harmon20, but I’m not Harmon20. Unless Harmon20 is rich, in which case I totally am Harmon20, and can someone please provide me with my banking details which I coincidentally have forgotten.
Apparently I’m logged in as V10omous. Wonder if it’ll actually show up that way when I comment?
Apparently not!
There are many worse fates!
Hrmm, today it seems I am Memphomike. I hope they have a high credit card limit.
Aww crud, I guess I’m just broke Fuzz. Even though now it says I am Aaronaut, I can assure you I have never been in an Aaron.
Hello, fellow Memphomike. I, too, have been logged in as this entity.
I just logged in as myself but this reply entry box says I’m logged in as V10omous. Simultaneously, the notification bell at the top of the page has a notification for my post on another article, and the reply box shows me as logged in there.
Huh. When that reply posted it’s as myself, but the page still shows V10omous’ info around the comment input box.
When I first got to this article the comment section showed me as logged out but the notification bell was ringing at me with my info being correct. When I clicked the Log In link in the comment section it took me to a page showing I was already logged in.
It’s saying I’m logged in as Harmon20
hey, it says I’m logged in as you. But I don’t think I’m you, I still smell like cheese and old coffee.
Multiple personality disorder I guess, as more than one person is logged in as me.
I can’t log in, so I can’t report not being able to log in.
Oh, look I just magically got signed in. I’m periodically signed out and then can’t get in, only to inexplicably get in anyway.
I’m glad I’m not alone! I love it here, and I know you’re working hard to get it fixed. Thank you.
Hah, I had the same thought as I was reading this article. But now I’m clearly signed in. Let’s see how long this lasts…
We’ll all cross our fingers together!
I’ve been logged in under at least 5 different names. So, I suppose if I cross my fingers it will count as at least 6 total people crossing their fingers. So that should help.
I read your comment, thought to myself “boy I’m glad I’m not having that problem”, then realized I couldn’t’ comment because I’m logged out, and then failed to successfully log in for the next couple minutes only to now get magically signed back in even though I wasn’t trying any more.
Same here.
“But I don’t want to be a Pirate.”
Or own an old LeBaron with a pencil in the glove box. Sorry.
So the rest of you are free to reassume your real names.
Carry on.
I didn’t think much of being logged out randomly … I chalked it up to some Norton updates on this end … but so far this morning, the site has said I’ve been logged in as MaximillianMeen and JShaawbaru (nice 9-2, friend — I see what you did there!) … but when I post, my correct name and non-avatar show up. So, that seems less than ideal, though could be worse.
Bummer that this happened while you’re all getting ready for the Galpin show. We believe in you!
I am cautiously optimistic: after apparently being logged in as several other people, I am me again. Huzzah!
Incidentally, my status is also cheeseburger: early morning = early lunch.
I – or we, I think it’s safe to say – appreciate the work that is happening behind the scenes. On an individual note, I find it amusing that the paintballers are wearing literal monkey suits.
It’s telling me I’m Matt DeCraene now on one part and my actual username in the account info. Yup definitely broken
I was wondering why I kept seeing all these YJ’s driving around today.
Can someone please bring me back? Apparently the reverse vampires of South Missouri are attempting a coup d’e’tat to overthrow the existing government run by the space aliens and the fine folks at the RAND corporation.
On second thought, let’s hold off until after November 5th. I may change my mind.
as an IT person I approve of this kind of messaging, very on brand for this website, good luck with the “repairs”!
Click “register” shows my account.
Click F5 to refresh and about 30% of the time it logs me in. If it doesn’t, I click “register” again and F5 until it logs me in. For this post, I had to repeat the process 6 times before it logged me in.
Carbs are great when they’re clean and well tuned. I know cause my new MGB with a weber on it, is running like crap right now. Keep your heads up guys, no one is going to fault you for trying to keep your ride up and running!
Everyone knows the real solution:
Ah yes, the only carburetor that punishes you for full-throttle!
Also, the site was telling me I was you, so it’s fun to see your comment next.
Well, it’s telling me I’m signed in as Myk El, but I’m Delta 88, and it’s showing a little pixelated man holding what looks like a beer stein as an avatar instead of the Oldsmobile jet. That seems worth mentioning as something wrong lol
After kicking me out, and a few failed relogins, I’m now A.Barth
I wasn’t prepared for an existential crisis this late in the week
It’s difficult to plan that sort of thing.
Those are usually reserved for Mondays and Wednesdays, yes.
I mean, usually the universe is done testing my limits by Thursday at the latest. Now, here it is, Friday, and I’m someone else for the third time. Who will I be next? When? Will I Wang Chung tonight? Too many questions. This is no way to go into the weekend…
I think everybody Wang Chung tonight.
If everybody Connie Chung tonight, we’re all Maury Povich!