The Autopian’s website was running reasonably well before, but every now and then it’d struggle under heavy load, and the idle wasn’t exactly steady. So a few days ago we unbolted our carburetor, sent it to some experts for a rebuild, and popped it back onto our intake manifold. At first, it seemed like The Autopian was running like a champ! It sounded smooth, it’d respond quickly when we stomped on it, but now a few days later, it’s clear that the rebuild only made things worse, and for that, we apologize and want you to know: We’re working on it!
Right now we’ve got our Carter WCD sitting in a Chem-Dip bucket; we’ve got the finest, highly chlorinated can of carb & choke cleaner on hand; and we’ve purchased the best carb rebuild kit we could snag at the swap meet. We’re going to get this old flathead motor that is The Autopian singing. We know that you, dear readers, just want the damn engine to get you to those sweet, sweet car blogs, and it will. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Matt took over writing this here, which is why you see his face above]
Please use this thread to tell us if you have any problems, here are the things we know are an issue:
- Random timeouts [STATUS: Resolved]
- Article truncations [STATUS: Probably Resolved]
- Logging in [STATUS: The monkeys have been given pizza and seem happy]
- Sending every 98th member to an alternative universe where Jeep never stopped making the YJ [Status: Beef Limousine]
We will keep you updated.
I’m in and I’m ME!!!!
Identity crisis averted!
Thank goodness!
Are you really you though, or are you a mere illusion where an article is written by David portrayed as Matt?
I’m somewhere between a Cheeseburger and Monkey paintball…
Been unable to sign in all morning, just got logged in now. I’m showing up as myself for the moment.
Same — first time I’ve been able to log in successfully all day.
It appears I’m automatically signing in and out now.
Testes, testes 1,2 3… ok all good
3 testes?
Did I tell y’all about the time I sent out a mass email at work and spellcheck didn’t ask me if I really wanted to type ‘tests’ instead of ‘testes’. Fun times.
This is Entwerfen, but the site says I’m Taco Shackleford…
I don’t have tacos that often, and I’ve never been to Antarctica.
My apologies to all.
(I am musicman27 signed in as V10omous fyi.)
Revert the site to the last working version, get the new site, then TEST THE NEW SITE FOR A WHILE WITH BETA TESTERS (probably paying members) BEFORE ACTUALLY MAKING IT PUBLIC!!!
I responded just so I could see who it thinks I am.
Got it right!
When I was a kid in the mid-90’s, I rebuilt the Q-Jet on the SBC in my squarebody. When I reinstalled it, it caught fire. I ended up picking up a reman unit, which also caught fire. Then I replaced it with a Holley 650 from Summit Racing. Which did not catch fire, but sucked down fuel like it had a hole in the tank.
I finally log in the site for the first time in months, and when I go into a thread to answer a comment reply, it tells me I’m signed out. When I go to the main page, I’m showing signed in.
I’m signed in as Eggsalad!
WTF! I am not D-Dog, I am jmfecon.
yikes, fix this or log everybody out.
I hit login a few times and it didn’t do much. Now it says I’m Church
And while you’re at it, can you add the ability to upload our own profile pictures instead of using some website that I never even heard about until The Autopian?
(I am musicman27 logged in as “A.barth” wth. lol)
“Logging in [STATUS: Monkeys carrying paintball guns and wearing suits, but the suits are on fire and they have unlimited ammo so everything is covered in paint]”-David Tracy
Sounds about right.
This internet’s not working out for me, could you just have Jason get a BBS going? I’ll dust off my old Hayes 2400 pocket modem.
Notice, my expectations for ASCII art are fairly high.
BBS on the Commodore 64!
My offer of Free Professional Software Testery still stands btw
Lol let’s see if I can post as Internal Error
You guys did remember to turn the engine off before removing the carb, right?
Yeah, it’s screwy.
“You are logged in as Internal Error“???
Very difficult to post when I cannot sign in. Need an outside (e-mail) address.
Woohoo, I’m me! (for now)
I was you twenty minutes ago!
That explains why my clothes are on backwards o.O
Yep, getting the sign-in weirdness too (currently says I’m JurassicComanche25). OTOH, the site is loading RIGHT NOW when I click a story, so that’s good.
I just tried a “forced reload” in chrome with ctrl-refresh. I went from being logged out and not being able to logging in (nothing happened when I clicked on the sign-in on the banner) to being logged in, though the comment box says I’m someone else.
As for the carb not running, we’re starting to get colder weather, maybe it’s time to pop the filter off and hold hold the frozen choke open with a clothespin half.
Edit: the comment shows posted by me and when I clicked on edit, I became myself again, the meds must be kicking in.
We apologise for the fault in The
Autopian. Those responsible have been
We apologise again for the fault in The
Autopian. Those responsible for sacking
the people who have just been sacked,
have been sacked.
The directors of the firm hired to
continue The Autopian after the other
people had been sacked, wish it to
be known that they have just been
The Autopian has been completed
in an entirely different style at great
expense and at the last minute.
And always remember møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti…
A møøse once bit my sister.
Moose bites are very nasty.
I got my YJ with a Nissan CVT, shall I use an antivirus on my computer or bleach my hair blonde? Hair is sparse, btw.
Frosted tips & plenty of gel.
I already do that. Now I look like Lisa Simpson.
Please tell me Laurence or Lewin is contributing some start ya bastard to this. Couldn’t hurt.
Steve’s House of Cars, I’m enjoying being logged in as you/promise I’ll try to uphold the good autopian-ing…
Ha! Good luck!
I show as logged in as AlterId but hopefully the real me shows up when I post…
The bigger issue seems to be I keep getting logged out. I have to do some form of dance clicking register, login, and refreshing the page to show up as logged in and get rid of the pop up video.
Start Ya Bastard is going to be a key part of getting this all working.
This is all Mercedes’ idea. She wants us to experience what it’s like to be another member, in order to bind and unify us together.
I’m just glad that guy Tassos isn’t here, I’d hate to be him.
I’m waiting to see who’s going to be unexpectedly extolling the virtues of Jatco CVTs. I hope it’s V10omous.
I’m Col Lingus this time, but you never know about next time!
I resent that. I pay bigly money each month to protect my identity with
Life Lock…
Good luck being me, and know that I have put a freeze on my credit cards. /s
LOL! I think that would put a whole new meaning to “walking in someone else’s shoes.” I wonder if anyone is currently cosplaying as Mr. Sarcastic?
(In all seriousness, our devs are working on fixing this.)
I’d been wondering the same thing – I miss him as I feel we lost a little something by not having someone here who’s owned multiple Vehicrosses.
Starting to think this is all just a ploy for us to get to know each other better