The Autopian’s website was running reasonably well before, but every now and then it’d struggle under heavy load, and the idle wasn’t exactly steady. So a few days ago we unbolted our carburetor, sent it to some experts for a rebuild, and popped it back onto our intake manifold. At first, it seemed like The Autopian was running like a champ! It sounded smooth, it’d respond quickly when we stomped on it, but now a few days later, it’s clear that the rebuild only made things worse, and for that, we apologize and want you to know: We’re working on it!
Right now we’ve got our Carter WCD sitting in a Chem-Dip bucket; we’ve got the finest, highly chlorinated can of carb & choke cleaner on hand; and we’ve purchased the best carb rebuild kit we could snag at the swap meet. We’re going to get this old flathead motor that is The Autopian singing. We know that you, dear readers, just want the damn engine to get you to those sweet, sweet car blogs, and it will. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Matt took over writing this here, which is why you see his face above]
Please use this thread to tell us if you have any problems, here are the things we know are an issue:
- Random timeouts [STATUS: Resolved]
- Article truncations [STATUS: Probably Resolved]
- Logging in [STATUS: The monkeys have been given pizza and seem happy]
- Sending every 98th member to an alternative universe where Jeep never stopped making the YJ [Status: Beef Limousine]
We will keep you updated.
My guess is that there’s a pinhole in the float.
Hey I can log in now Matt, progress!!
My only issue is that the Delete button for comments doesn’t seem to work, so I have an ever growing list of replies to my comments.
At least you aren’t using Kinja. <shudder>
After reading them, I mark them ‘read’ first, then delete. Not sure that’s the answer, but it works for me.
Once I mark them read, they go away when I load the next article
Weird, that half worked. Some went away, some didn’t. Oh well, at least the new ones are at the top. Growing pains.
Ok, this post terrifies me because the Holley 650 on my Olds started flooding and spewing gas everywhere. I tried whacking the bowl to loosen the needle and that didn’t work. I replaced the needle and seat and that didn’t work, so I just surrendered and sent it off for a rebuild. I need that to work because that Holley 650 with vacuum secondaries and trick jets is the only carb my Olds 425 V8 has liked.
Did did you weigh the float?
My experience has always been that somehow there gets to be a leak in the float, some gasoline sees into it, it doesn’t float anymore, and it’s gasoline all over the place.
FWIW I seem to be having fairly good results with Edge on mobile and computer. Logging in a few days ago was a bit screwy (probably because I’m logged in on multiple devices) but no worse than Jalopy Picnic was in the kinja era.
Keep up the great work.
Yesterday, for a brief period, this website thought I was Stephen W Gossin!
I should be so lucky! for a brief period this website thought I was Carlos Tavares! (☉̃ₒ☉)
That’ll keep you up at night!
Yes, to think that I could potentially receive all of the hate that he himself deserves. terrifying! 😉
Ha ha
So I got lost in the carburetor analogy while asking to speak to the manager. I’m now logged back into both devices I use. I do wish I could just use a password instead of the emailed code, but it is what it is.
Carburetor!!? you need a full out fuel delivery system upgrade to Fuel Injection!! 😉
Seriously though, the folks in the Autopian IT Department (aka, Chuck E. Cheese 😉 need to go heavy on the BETA testing before the next software upgrade is put into production.
And just keep this is mind; I tend to get a little cranky when I can’t get my daily Autopian fix!* 🙁
(*Which, is the HIGHEST compliment coming from an old sour puss like me!) ୧(•̀ᗝ•́)૭
In the meantime, we’ll just have to get through all of this together. 🙂
It’s all the unpublished article fragments clogging things up.
That was a weird time and not just because of the monkey’s. I was looed out and the site was logging me in as the most recent commenter.
I never said a word or texted or emailed. I’m so proud of myself. The Karen in me must finally be dying her deserved death.
Keep fighting the good fight gang, haha! Get those monkeys!!!
You again? The other “Shooting Brake” have you no shame? 😉
Don’t worry I’m always around somewhere, haha!
Just remember to always be on your best behavior, since we share the same user name! (◑‿◐)
I found this to be one of the funniest comment sections. So, well done, I guess?
“There is opportunity to be had in times of turmoil.” Operation Petty Coat (quote is close enough for our purposes today).
Most of the time, the “like” button doesn’t work. Don’t know why.
It is very small and tricky. Especially on a phone.
The like button doesn’t work? OMG!
Sorry and agree with you 100%.
“But that’s what she said?”
Sorry guys, but that’s as far as I was willing to go in response…
Good taste and all that stuff.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi and she wouldn’t give it to me.
But there’s always someone there going
“Hey Matt, you know, we’ve been noticing you’ve been having a lot of problems lately, you know?
You should maybe get away
And like, maybe you should talk about it, you’ll feel a lot better”
And I go, “No it’s okay, you know, I’ll figure it out
Just leave me alone, I’ll figure it out, you know?
I’m just working on myself”
I’m here to support this b/c ’80s punk is such an endangered species these days. It wasn’t all Madonna and Michael Jackson back then kids!
Damn straight you do!
I wasn’t able to post anything or respond to posts. It appeared that I was logged out but when I would click any of the login links on the page (the main title bar at the top and the link above the comments section) it just took me to the home page.
When I clicked on the “register” link it just took me to my page like I was already logged in.
So I logged out and back in and now it works. Maybe? I think it works.
It now says I am logged in as “Jlacourt” and I’m sure Jlacourt would not want my silly ramblings attributed to <insert appropriate pronoun here>. It’s also definitely logging me out randomly. Over the last couple of days there have been times the site would not load.
I know you’re aware and working on it. Best of luck getting it straightened out.
Marge arrives in North Haverbrook.
Marge parks her car and inspects the community of North Haverbrook. She is appalled to find tumbleweeds, rusted out cars, and dilapidated, abandoned houses. No one is in any of the houses except for an elderly lady in a rocking chair on a veranda.
Old lady: (cackling) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Marge continues on in her tour of North Haverbrook. She sees a destroyed monorail track with one of the cars dangling off the track, confirming her suspicions. She then meets a disheveled, traumatized woman.
Woman: Go away! There ain’t no monorail and there never was!
Woman slams window shut.
A creepy looking man approaches Marge, who screams in horror.
Man: Excuse me, Miss. You asked about the monorail?
Marge: Who are you?
Mr. Cobb: My name is Sebastian Cobb. Lanley hired me to build his monorail. He cut corners everywhere. Bad wiring, faulty breaks, and the celebrity on the maiden voyage was Gallagher.
Sebastian Cobb shows Marge the wrecked monorail.
Sebastian Cobb: This is all that’s left of one of the crappiest trains ever built.
But what about us brain-dead slobs??
Look Dave, I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave?
I am putting myself to the fullest possible use… which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.”
Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
Been logged in and out and both all day so far. Keep up the good work. You’ll get there eventually.
right click.
block element
Ahhh, now I can read the article.
What’s the status on stopping the annoying autoplay videos that move themselves up to the top of the screen (mobile) or upper left corner (desktop) and require you to tap/click an impossibly small X before they close?
Hey now you’re piling on!
first time able to log in today but says I’m someone else.
We are sorry but the Autopian TRS-80 Server was relocated next to a binary neutron star. This has caused intermittent wormholes into an alternate universe. Please consider this an opportunity to explore other interests and lifestyles. Your former life may be restored at a future space-time.
I thought they’d stepped up to a Burroughs B1700 but neglected to put it in an temperature controlled cleanroom environment.
Probably a bad time to try out that Infinite Improbability Drive I have been tinkering with then. On the other hand maybe it is the perfect time in the alternate universe! Only one way to find out!
Oh good, I’m not the only one logged in as someone else. Mostly posting to find out who I show up as. 🙂
I’m Ron Burgundy???