Launching a new car is hard. Yes, all of that engineering, tooling, and funding alone is nutty, but then you also have to keep the public interested while they wait. Can Scout do it?
Some automakers seem to keep the flame going. Tesla fans cheered on the Tesla Cybertruck through its development cycle, but I’m not sure anyone is waiting with bated breath for the Elio to see the light of day. Volkswagen got everyone excited for a new Bus and then took over two decades to actually deliver. Scout has to keep people interested for another two years. Cloud Shouter has a foolproof plan to keep the automaker’s momentum:

How will Scout keep momentum? I think they will send people ahead of the release date to survey the automotive landscape as the years progresses and scope out what is trending.
I just don’t know what they’ll call these people.

Lewin has blown open the lid on a bizarre black market for hydrogen for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. While talking about this story, Lewin and I joked about how funny it would be if there were a seller with the street name of “Hindenburg.” Turns out, you have jokes, too! Hangover Grenade:
Psssst, hey you.
Yeah, you.
Wanna buy some *looks both ways* Hydrogen?
*Opens coat*
Yeah, that’s the real stuff. Real smooth.
Rad Barchetta:
Police knock on the door.
“Sir, we’ve noticed an inordinate amount of electricity being used at this residence. We suspect marijuana being grown in large amounts.”
“Not at all, Officer. Just electrolysis. Way more profitable.”
Yesterday, I added a note to COTD suggesting: “If you’re saying something you probably wouldn’t say to your mother, you might not want to publish it.” Somehow, you got really funny in response. GizmonicLoadingBay:
“I was never all that impressed with your cooking.”
Sometimes the truth hurts, goodbye all!
Spikersaurusrex said “Thanks for the reminder. We all slip sometimes.” Kevin Cheung brought up our favorite meme:
Like the Jatco Xtronic CVT?
Have a great weekend, everyone. Thank you for reading!
(Topshot: Scout Motors)
What Do You Call The Person Who Surveys Something Ahead?
An explorer?
Oh, never mind.
Bear bait. Or, potential wildlife snack.
I think a surveyor.
Forecaster has a nice ring to it.
Scout is the answer they were looking for
I do wonder how long the list is of things Gizmonicloadingbays mother has of things she is unimpressed about what he has accomplished in his life?
Give me some grandbabies
Thanks, Mercedes!
“Ranger” is already taken though. As is “Explorer.” So are “Pathfinder” and “(Trail)Blazer.” “Recon” is a bit too tactical for my liking, and apparently Stellantis has that one in the pipeline also. Hell, even “Touareg” is taken, and now we’re really stretching. At a loss on this one.
How about “coureur de bois”?
Maybe a Pilot or a Corsair, they’d have to be fairly Cavalier, but a good Tracker.
I’m honored! Now back to driving my Jatco 5EAT-equipped Forester (with an iffy valve body and burnt-out turbine Hall sensor).
Welp, the Scout saw its own shadow, that’s 6 more years of retooling. (Retooling, I’ll retool you! I just realized Brian Doyle-Murray was in Groundhog Day and said that line in Lampoon Christmas. Maybe he’s just living rent-free in my head)
I feel like someone here could make a really cheesy, ’90s infomercial style video for the beloved Jatco. Billy Mays(or Jaboody Dubs) style.
Not me. But somebody.
International called it Travelall.
My first COTD. Thank you.
Well deserved! Congratulations!
Very touching! You really are the Scoutmaster, after all. 🙂
Hurry up and update your LinkedIn profile!
You’re right!
Hey! I will tolerate zero disrespect for the magnificent Jatco Xtronic CVT! It is the most amazing, most reliable transmission ever made.
Oh no.
I fell for it’s brainwashing!
I’m an evil space alien bent on world domination. I’m the one who is supposed to do the brainwashing!
I’m gonna go. I need to… reevaluate my life.
Driving my inlaws Pathfinder the other day, it shifted hard, and I thought to myself “if only Nissan had endowed the Pathfinder with a Jatco Xtronic CVT, then I would have infinite ratios available to me without the NVH of shifting!”
I chuckled, then sighed.
I think you figured out why Nissan is in trouble today. Should have gone all-in with the Xtronic CVT. Put one in the Titan and they finally would have a difference maker to compete with the F-150 and Silverado.
What a world, in which even the noble lizardmen in human suits can fall to the wicked depredations and machinations of the Jatco Xtronic CVT.
Blink your inner eyelids if you’re in danger!