Home » What Do You Call The Person Who Surveys Something Ahead? COTD

What Do You Call The Person Who Surveys Something Ahead? COTD


Launching a new car is hard. Yes, all of that engineering, tooling, and funding alone is nutty, but then you also have to keep the public interested while they wait. Can Scout do it?

Some automakers seem to keep the flame going. Tesla fans cheered on the Tesla Cybertruck through its development cycle, but I’m not sure anyone is waiting with bated breath for the Elio to see the light of day. Volkswagen got everyone excited for a new Bus and then took over two decades to actually deliver. Scout has to keep people interested for another two years. Cloud Shouter has a foolproof plan to keep the automaker’s momentum:

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How will Scout keep momentum? I think they will send people ahead of the release date to survey the automotive landscape as the years progresses and scope out what is trending.

I just don’t know what they’ll call these people.

Image credits: Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership

Lewin has blown open the lid on a bizarre black market for hydrogen for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. While talking about this story, Lewin and I joked about how funny it would be if there were a seller with the street name of “Hindenburg.” Turns out, you have jokes, too! Hangover Grenade:

Psssst, hey you.
Yeah, you.
Wanna buy some *looks both ways* Hydrogen?
*Opens coat*
Yeah, that’s the real stuff. Real smooth.

Rad Barchetta:

Police knock on the door.
“Sir, we’ve noticed an inordinate amount of electricity being used at this residence. We suspect marijuana being grown in large amounts.”
“Not at all, Officer. Just electrolysis. Way more profitable.”

Yesterday, I added a note to COTD suggesting: “If you’re saying something you probably wouldn’t say to your mother, you might not want to publish it.” Somehow, you got really funny in response. GizmonicLoadingBay:


“I was never all that impressed with your cooking.”
Sometimes the truth hurts, goodbye all!

Spikersaurusrex said “Thanks for the reminder. We all slip sometimes.” Kevin Cheung brought up our favorite meme:

Like the Jatco Xtronic CVT?

Have a great weekend, everyone. Thank you for reading!

(Topshot: Scout Motors)

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