Home » What’s Your All-Time Favorite Car Commercial?

What’s Your All-Time Favorite Car Commercial?

Aa Corvette Commercial 2

Before we consider the question posed by the headline, let me ask another: when was the last time you saw a car commercial? Do you remember what car it was for? Did any of the commercial stay with you?

I honestly cannot recall any car commercials more recent than a few years ago, and what has stuck with me is how annoying and/or confusing they were. There was one with a way-too-stylish grandfather(?) who going to a wedding or something? In a Volvo, maybe? Oh, and those “real people” Chevy commercials. All I remember from those is the Zebra Corner parodies (If you haven’t seen these, please, stop what you’re doing and watch all of them immediately).

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Now, back in the pre-streaming days of cable when there were only a handful of channels you cared about, or the pre-cable days where you had only three stations that came in clearly, car commercials were a big deal. They mattered. They had high concepts and even higher budgets, and man, they made an impression. And that brings us to the big Q: which car commercial is your all-time favorite? Or your favorite commercials, plural, go nuts. And if you want to tell us about the TV spots you love to hate, by all means, we’d love to hear you loathe.

As for me, my favorite car commercials – and favorite commercials in general – are the groundbreaking spots produced by Robert Able and Associates. Remember the surreal Levi’s Trademark ad? That’s Robert Able. In the 80s, Able and his team refined the high-tech, high-gloss look of the era with wonderful commercials for the Chrysler Laser, Pontiac Firebird, and C4 Corvette (among others). They’re corny now (or cornier, I should say), but they still hold up, especially when James Earl Jones is doing the voiceover. The embed below will take you to the Corvette spot (my fave), and if you want to keep watching, the entire Robert Able And Associates showreel from 1985 is there – lots of fun.


While those Able commercials are my favorite car ads, there are many, many more that I love. I’m a huge fan of Ford’s crazy “torture test” commercials from the 70s and 80s, remember those?


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I’m also a massive fan of any and all “music video style” car commercials, especially the long-form versions. Topping the list: Ride! Pontiac, Ride!

The “My Duster” commercial is another winner, which we’ve written about before – and mashed up with Robocop below:



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Your turn!

What’s Your All-Time Favorite Car Commercial?

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Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
2 hours ago

Does BMW’s The Star count? I willingly sought out and watched that ad despite the fact that flinging Madonna around in a BMW was technically an ad.

Steve's House of Cars
Steve's House of Cars
7 minutes ago
Reply to  Stef Schrader

It can’t not count, definitely a commercial. I was going to nominate all those BMW art commercials, one for each of their cars. The Star was definitely the best though!

4 hours ago

I looked through all 64 preceding comments and, while I saw a couple other “Mr K” commercials from mid-90s Nissan, I didn’t see any of the ones with the most well-known tagline. So, whether it be daytime (in a Frontier) or nighttime (in a Pathfinder), dogs love trucks.

7 hours ago

This is one my favorites. VW Golf GTI “Night Drive” ad. Mix of Dylan Thomas, Richard Burton and Cliff Martinez.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Anders
Jan Schiefer
Jan Schiefer
7 hours ago

Then again, “Cheap and ugly – the suBAru” is a strong contender. Wow!


Jan Schiefer
Jan Schiefer
7 hours ago

That would be the “Porsche 111 Diesel Cabriolet”


Holly Birge
Holly Birge
8 hours ago
Zipn Zipn
Zipn Zipn
8 hours ago

One more honorable mention(s)..

The VW “un-pimp the Auto” series. Brilliant!


Kevin Hughes
Kevin Hughes
12 minutes ago
Reply to  Zipn Zipn

Those are absolute gold!

Zipn Zipn
Zipn Zipn
9 hours ago

VW’s Pink Moon is my top choice (already recommended)


But the Fiat 500 Abarth commercial is just about perfect!


Zipn Zipn
Zipn Zipn
8 hours ago
Reply to  Zipn Zipn

Oops – wrong link for the 500 Abarth commercial. If you don’t know the one I’m posting. Do yourself a favor.., you probably should watch it. Enjoy!


Tom Conklin
Tom Conklin
9 hours ago

The VW suicide bomber. It’s so offensive and in poor taste. But quite memorable. The world was different back then.

Beached Wail
Beached Wail
9 hours ago

Several have mentioned the Honda “Cog” ad, but my favorite is Honda’s “Impossible Dream” series for their “Power of Dreams” campaign, covering the evolution of the company in one song. There were several versions; this one from 2010 includes the Honda Jet and Asimo.

Tagline: “What good is dreaming it if you don’t actually do it?”

9 hours ago

The Lincoln Valet commercial from 1986, such a good troll of Roger Smith’s badge engineering nonsense at GM

The Town Car from that era just looks straight out of central casting as a luxury car, even today.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Ranwhenparked
6 hours ago
Reply to  Ranwhenparked

I’m partial to the Lincoln Mark VIII ad:


Probably one of the reasons I owned one for a few years. Watching it now, I wonder if the j-turn at the end is the reason I never associated Lincoln with “Old Person Car”.

10 hours ago

My favorite has to be the GT500 “Germany” commercial (one of the reasons I bought, and still have, my ’07): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY7QA8M1O2I

Runners up:

2005 Mustang Convertible “Green Light”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9msKc-ZB4U

2004 Cobalt “Bump”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBs5FuCN8nE

VW Sign THEN Drive Event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GVEXyerBl0

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
10 hours ago

Grace Jones spitting out a Citroën CX https://youtu.be/57OO9EGgdtg?si=Uu7FuMvfi9eVNxH7

Saul Goodman
Saul Goodman
10 hours ago

Ralph Williams, 1968 Bayshore Chrysler – Plymouth. If you know, you know.

Yeah it’s more of a dealership advertisement and it wasn’t ever aired but god it’s funny, definitely couldn’t be made today. I’d attach a link but, there’s some “choice words.” But feel free to watch it for yourself on YouTube

Nicholas Bianski
Nicholas Bianski
46 minutes ago
Reply to  Saul Goodman

Big Bill Hell’s immediately comes to mind, even if it’s for a fake dealership. Also a (Kiwi?) ad for a Subaru that opens with “Don’t get an STD; get an STI” and launches into all the Subie owner stereotypes.

Geekycop .
Geekycop .
10 hours ago
10 hours ago

Honda’s Rube Goldberg machine was immensely impressive.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Samagon

and the VW star wars kid commercial is one of the cutest of all time.

10 hours ago

do not released for public consumption commercials for vehicles not available in the USA count?

Ford Sport Ka cat commercial wins that category without any doubt.

Geekycop .
Geekycop .
10 hours ago
Reply to  Samagon

The bird one is good too.

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
10 hours ago

Oh, does this count?
Nothing about this makes any sense whatsoever, not the least of which being that aren’t they communists?

Peter Barrett
Peter Barrett
10 hours ago

Honourable mention to the Innocenti Allegro Dualesque advert


10 hours ago

That Pontiac commercial still gets me. I’m an 80s hair metal guy through and through.

But I noticed they juuuuust baaaaaarely showed the LeMans. And mostly in static shots.

Derek van Veen
Derek van Veen
11 hours ago

I always thought this one was rather clever.


Marc Fuhrman
Marc Fuhrman
11 hours ago

I quite like this 50th Anniversary ad from Vauxhall.

Runner up would be the British Villains one from Jaguar.

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
11 hours ago

Porsche, Kronos Quartet, Purple Haze, perfect
Actually, that ad is how I discovered the Kronos Quartet.
Also from the same series

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
11 hours ago

Volvo: The Epic Split
Impressively shot in a single take.

Peter Barrett
Peter Barrett
11 hours ago

The Russ Swift Montego commercial.


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