Home » When You Have A Cadillac But You Really Want A Viper: COTD

When You Have A Cadillac But You Really Want A Viper: COTD


Sideshows have been a problem all over the United States, giving enthusiasts a bad name. Many reports of these shows involve people getting hurt or cars getting torched, but here’s a new one. Someone with a Cadillac CTS had a whole 10-foot python with them! Huh!?

Rivers wrote about how cops busted a sideshow and found that python in one of the cars. Our commenters delivered.

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My python don’t want none unless you
-shit, cops, run!


Just wait until they find the anaconda in the back of my Honda…



Cops only found about about the sideshow, because there was a snake in the group
I’ll see myself out

Finally, V10omous with:

Catera Touring Serpent

One of the more baffling things in the modern automotive industry is how automakers name their EVs. Automakers could easily solve this problem by cracking open their archives and using names that have been discontinued for decades. Arch Duke Maxyenko gives a perfect example with Ford, in both past and future:

Ford has soooooo many good names in their catalogue that would work great as EV’s: Thunderbolt, Thunderbird, Lightning, Galaxie, Probe, Tempo, Granada, Cougar, Falcon, Thundercougarfalconbird, etc…

I feel contractually obligated to show you this:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks of the Mach-E like Timbales:


I still mentally call the Mustang Mach-E “Mach-E Mach and the Funky Bunch” because I’m 12.

Earlier today, Thomas wrote about how people are putting BMW transmissions into whatever they can fit into. ClutchAbuse took this to its natural conclusion:

But can I fit one in my kids Barbie Jeep?

Mechjaz had me laughing for most of the day thinking about this:

Sure, you just have to get your kid used to the idea they’re riding a transmission with a Barbie Jeep hanging off it. Also it probably won’t move anymore.

Have a great evening, everyone!

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7 months ago

Okay so
I’m just about to enter my 8th month of looking for work, and things are grim.

This made my day. Seriously. I’m gonna think about a 7-speed DCT plonked in a Pow-pow-power Wheels and tell myself I’ll get good news tomorrow.

Nick B.
Nick B.
7 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

Hopefully you find something soon. It took me four months to find a job and that was a hell I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Can’t imagine eight.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

This economy has not been as good as has been claimed by the official numbers and the media for a very long time. My current job as an electrical engineer took 3 years and thousands of applications to get. I already had close to 9 years of experience when applying and companies everywhere were complaining they couldn’t find people with my skillset*, only to pretend I didn’t exist. I was washing dishes for minimum wage with my electrical engineering degree and engineering experience for about a year and a half because that was all I could get. I got a random phone call one day from one of many of the places I applied to the year before I got hired, and got the job. Now I make six figures.

*willing to work for under 2x minimum wage, because these really wanted foreigners to do the work for low wages. Some offers I rejected because they wanted to pay $12-16/hr for $40+/hr work.

7 months ago
Reply to  Toecutter

My current low-point is not even hearing back about working shipping/receiving at the nearby Home Depot. I’ve had one interview since mid-January. :/

7 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

I hear you. My adult son is in the same situation and was similarly ignored for the same job. He ended up with a temporary agency, which is putting money in his pocket but is hardly sustainable.

Good luck, we’re all pulling for you.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

I can attest to several friends who’ve done it.

A CDL is currently a really good career shift for those stuck too long without good employment. Mind you, you’ll need to find good contacts in the industry to make the really good money as an owner-operator. But you can quickly make your way into solid, middle-class earnings without knowing anyone, just by being careful about who you sign with for your training and first couple years.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

No dog food for Phantom tonight.

I never had to resort to dog food. There was always dumpster diving, which was great in the winter.

7 months ago

The last thing we need is Mustangs committing hate crimes while mowing down pedestrians

Last edited 7 months ago by Cayde-6
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