Predictably–and rightfully–many of you had feelings about the new Polestar 4 and its lack of a rear window. Yes, yes, lots of people spend 40+ hours a week wheeling vehicles that don’t have rear windows and they get along just fine. And who among us hasn’t rented a van or box truck with only side mirrors to guide us, yet managed to return the thing in one piece with nary a pedestrian clinging to the rear bumper? No one! Hopefully no one, anyway. We’re mostly going forward in those rear-windowless hulks after all. And most tricky going-backwards situations are optional. Pull through an open parking space, you don’t have to back in. It’s not like you’re trying to drive in a training helmet with the blast shield down. But enough! On to the comments …
The person driving this truck? Can’t see a thing. Did they remember to hook up the 4-Runner? Gotta get out and look! Or just check the side mirror, which is easier. Photo: U-Haul

Before we get to our also-movie-themed COTD, let me first doff my cap to jkcycletramp and LTDScott who both went for riffs on Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must-see. As are all Hitchcock films, including Family Plot. You can pass on Frenzy if you want though, it’s a workout. But wow do I digress … anyhoo, I just wanted to call out JK and LTD for being lovers of fine cinema, and I wanted to reassure LTD that he is not lookin’ like a fool. People independently come up with the same jokes all the time! You’re fine!
Poster image:
And now onto our official Comment of the Day winner, this gem from ghostpedalsyndrome. When it comes to humorous COTD wins, we definitely appreciate commitment to a bit–in this case, the completely batshit stream of rhyming consciousness Willy Wonka utters while hurtling his Golden Ticket-clutching chocolate factory tourists down a gosh-dang terror tunnel.
The scene is no doubt etched in your memory if you’ve seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original of course, not that Tim Burton mess), but if you haven’t seen it–or you want to re-live the madness–here it is:
And with that, another COTD is in the books! We’ll do it again tomorrow, see you in the comments!
Nobody ever sees in — nobody ever sees out.
Meanwhile I usually hear that in this form. In fact, the first time I’d heard that, I didn’t remember that scene in Wonka at all. I’d probably blocked it from my memory out of trauma, who knows.
Just watched Willy Wonka with my kids for the first time this past weekend. Definitely skipped that scene as I didn’t want to deal with the nightmares, mine or theirs.
I love you witty fucks on this fuckin witty website! I am stoned, please forgive…..
Just got home from work. I’m right behind you there… I’ve got no stones to throw.
What would be the point of throwing stones at an already stoned man be anyway?
Some stoned dude once said:
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
My man Jesus could throw a hell of a knuckleball.
Metaphorically speaking.
I will accept this Autopian participation ribbon more humbly than anyone else ever has in the history of participation ribbon acceptance.
I’d like to thank everyone who gave me a star or who I gave a chuckle to.
My fifth grade English teacher Mr. Turkentine, who believed I could one day comment on the internet without swearing.
Thank you for your guidance.
Most importantly, I’d like to thank the staff of The Autopian. I wouldn’t be here without you and your wise, nonsensical yet always entertaining articles.
Roald Dahl for his writing that inspired me to lazily plagiarize it.
Gene Wilder for his incredible comedic delivery that probably got that lovely song stuck in my head for the rest of my life to beginning with.
Um.. My workplace for giving me a fifteen minute break to come up with this nonsense.
The copy paste buttons on my cell phone.
Everyone who ignored the clunky, improper use of the word “flowing”.
Thank you all.
This means so much to me, because now that I’ve won COTD I can finally stop obsessing about commenting/being clever and just read the brilliant content The Autopian writers and readers provide daily.
In the words of the great Gene Wilder:
“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”
I am solidly reassured, thank you.
How solidly?