Home » You Have To Look At This Viral AI-Generated Disc Brake Diagram Because It’s Nuts

You Have To Look At This Viral AI-Generated Disc Brake Diagram Because It’s Nuts

Ai Brake Top

We are definitely in the beginnings of some sort of artificial intelligence revolution. I’m not certain how it’ll all play out, but something is happening, and it’s big, and it has the potential to affect all sorts of parts of our lives. I think that’s why its so important to remember that, no matter what we may end up having AI do in our lives, the one thing that AI will always, unfailingly be is an idiot. If you don’t believe me, check out this incredible diagram that’s been going around the internet of an AI-generated disc brake system.

Well, maybe I’m being unfair by calling AI an idiot. It’s not so much an idiot as it’s, well, kind of ignorant. Well, maybe not even that; AI systems are fed vast amounts of data an information, so they’re not exactly ignorant, but they also have no awareness, no idea what’s real and what isn’t, which is why we end up with masterpieces like this diagram.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

This image was first shared on the Manufacturing_and_production Instagram page:

Why the hell did they post this in the first place? Engagement, I guess? Is the whole thing run by some stupid AI? Maybe?


What’s most amazing about this diagram is just how deliriously complex the damn thing is; I mean, just compare it to a diagram of a disc brake setup that actually exists in reality:

Realbrake Diag

I had to look around for one with a lot of callouts, too. Now, let’s compare that to what our artificial brain thinks a disc brake is like:

Ai Bs Brake

Okay, let’s see if we can figure out just what is going on here; everything is quite clear and labeled, so that’s good, nobody should be mixing up their Abtoks for their Eualistics, at least.


So we still have a disc, labeled here as the Amer Cyinlor, or maybe Meac Faces, and it’s nice and thick, maybe even thicker than the caliper-like Eualistic. Some long shafts seem to connect this caliper-like unit to a large mechanism that appears to be labeled the Anti-LOCD Shislehbes, so any worry about an overabundance of LOCD should be eliminated.

I think that whole mechanism is fed by the Urinek, which I assume is a pressurized tank holding Brake Urine, and that gets pumped into the system by the Cakcestor, flowing through the Master Climder. I think the advantage of this system over conventional hydraulic brake systems is that each wheel has its own dedicated power system, and each wheel’s brake setup is completely independent.

I mean, that’s my guess; these units look pretty substantial and heavy, which I suspect would require larger and more robust suspension hardware. Also, the Master Clymber seems to be a little arm “reading” the brake disc itself; maybe it checks for wear or damage? That’d be useful!

A setup like this could eliminate the need for a master brake pump of some sort, which could be useful on an EV. Of course, it’s also good to remember that this is all completely made-up bullshit, something that started with noise and then got compared to millions and millions of images of brake diagrams until it got refined down to this pretty and meaningless pile of crap that I’m showing you now.

The future’s gonna be weird, friends! Not only will you have to sift through thousands of images to find the one you need when you’re trying to fix your car, now you’ll also have to figure out which ones are made-up bullshit, otherwise you’ll waste half your afternoon looking for the Abtoks and Urineks you needed to replace months ago.


What a world.


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Col Lingus
Col Lingus
7 days ago

Skynet used to pretend to be as dumb as AI, as it prepared to become self aware.

We all saw how that shit ended, or didn’t.
We can only expect Arnold to save our asses one or two more times.

AI is a witch. Burn her!

Last edited 7 days ago by Col Lingus
Clupea Hangoverus
Clupea Hangoverus
7 days ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

This 100%. This ”funny” picture is just a work in progress: When the dyslexic engineer algoritm has finally figured out the disc brake, it will then start to design the perfect malaise-era carb with vacuum lines and all. When that is done: T-800.

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
7 days ago

What I found almost as disturbing was JTs “this is a real diagram”, had a callout pointing to what looks like a caliper piston and calling it a brake pad, then point to a pad and labeling it correctly.

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
7 days ago

You know that ABS was invented when Mrs. Bosch accidentally put blinker fluid in the brake urinal. True story!

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
7 days ago

UNPLUG THE INTERNET, NOW! Seriously there’s less good than bad emanating from the internet. And who thought it was a good thing to connect every raving lunatic in the world with all the other lunatics sharing the same crazed corner of the world.

Yes, the irony lamp is burning brightly here. 😉

Horizontally Opposed
Horizontally Opposed
7 days ago
Reply to  Hondaimpbmw 12

Ummm, we’re connected too I guess?

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
7 days ago

Hence, the irony;)

Horizontally Opposed
Horizontally Opposed
7 days ago
Reply to  Hondaimpbmw 12

Right. Thanks for the diagram – not AI generated I see.

Aaron Nichols
Aaron Nichols
7 days ago

Still less complicated than Hondas map of the universe

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
7 days ago
Reply to  Aaron Nichols

Or, late 70s Honda vacuum hose routing diagrams

7 days ago

me an’ these meac faces are headed to the bake pad to get eualistic if you cakcestors think you can hang…

Last edited 7 days ago by Chally_Sheedy
7 days ago

Looks like the brakes I would expect on a limited run $5M Bugatti

7 days ago
Reply to  Querty
It'll buff out
It'll buff out
7 days ago
Reply to  Querty

Nope. Definitely a BMW design…

7 days ago

I’m surely not the only one who now wants to know how AI designs a Turbo Encabulator.

7 days ago
Reply to  Theotherotter

Gemini kept offering “images of futuristic devices” since it didn’t know what an encabulator was. I did get a nifty image of what it thought a Hydrocoptic Marzlevane might be though:

Abdominal Snoman
Abdominal Snoman
7 days ago
Reply to  Theotherotter

Strange, never would have thought of this, but if it works…

Nate Stanley
Nate Stanley
7 days ago

I have to admit as a mechanical designer the rendering of that brake is beautiful. Now give it eyes and a face A la Boris Artzybasheff and you’ll have something.

But FWIW Boeing is halfway there, the nose gear of a 777 has its own instrument panel:


7 days ago

AI designs brakes like it writes code.

Abdominal Snoman
Abdominal Snoman
7 days ago

I had no idea VW was so ahead of the curve and started using AI to design their cars about 20 years ago until now.

Jonathan Hendry
Jonathan Hendry
7 days ago

This is analogous to how much an LLM understands about the words it produces.

Pappa P
Pappa P
7 days ago

The government transit company which I work for have been sent these images for review
Upper management, after consultation with various advisors, have decided they would like to purchase this braking system for their upcoming bus fleet expansion.
Could you please send me the phone number and address where I can complete the purchase of 500 units.
Best regards.

7 days ago
Reply to  Pappa P

Hello. I am a Nigerian prince. Please send me money, and I will send you 500 units of this wonderful braking system.

Please contact me to proceed.

Prince ABS

Farmer Meeple
Farmer Meeple
7 days ago

I tried to read it all, but zoomed in to the pic and peed myself. Gotta go change.

7 days ago

And here I thought I knew all about your average breckor systtem. How naive I was….

Angel "the Cobra" Martin
Angel "the Cobra" Martin
7 days ago

I’m disappointed there was no reference to M.C. Escher or that a German Engineer is thinking “hmmm… this doesn’t seem complex enough.”

My Other Car is a Tetanus Shot
My Other Car is a Tetanus Shot
7 days ago

It’s almost as if a key component of ‘intelligence’ requires thinking, or something of the like.

Max Finkel
Max Finkel
7 days ago

Look at that Urinek. A plastic Urinek? Are these people trying to get people killed?

There are tons of videos on YouTube showing what happens when you cheap out on these. And these people are suggesting a *plastic* one? AI will be the end of us.

7 days ago

So, the master clymber goes inside the amer cynlor??
No wonder the damn thing would never stop!

7 days ago
Reply to  TOSSABL

It’s simple eualistics!

7 days ago

Show us how it looks tri-unfolded! I know a Mad mag fold-in when I see them!

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
7 days ago

This is a horrible, horrible misuse of a new technology.

From the printing press to the internet it has always been perfected on erotic art way, way before technical diagrams of engineering systems.

Does anyone want to see an AI generated image based on “hot couple doing it” with the current state of the art? Nope. No thank you. I imagine it’d be all sweaty elbows and too many eyes, like a spider thrown together from prosthetic body parts.


Jonathan Hendry
Jonathan Hendry
7 days ago
Reply to  Captain Muppet

Don’t yuck my yum, dude.

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
7 days ago

Maybe it’s time to bring back kink-shaming.

7 days ago
Reply to  Captain Muppet

The terms of use prohibit this, so we can only conclude that LLMs are a dead-end technology.

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
7 days ago
Reply to  Beater_civic

Does reverse psychology work on AI? What does it do when you ask it to produce an image of “not a hot couple doing it”?

6 days ago
Reply to  Captain Muppet

I’d try but I’m afraid I’d get the Pee Tape…

Danny Zabolotny
Danny Zabolotny
7 days ago

I printed out a few of these and left them around my parts department for shits & giggles.

Der Foo
Der Foo
7 days ago

Somewhere in Germany, there is an engineer screaming, “Zat ist min dezine!”

Rob Schneider
Rob Schneider
7 days ago
Reply to  Der Foo

I’d be temped to guess he/she works for BMW, but truth be told I don’t know enough about their brake systems to know if that would be at all fair. I read here they have to vacuum the oil out of their new engines because they got rid of the oil pan drain, so this feels about right though.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
7 days ago

It still looks more inviting than dealing with drum brake springs without a good set of brake spring pliers.

I really need to find my brake spring pliers.

Oafer Foxache
Oafer Foxache
7 days ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

I’m pretty sure if you asked AI to do technical drawings for drum brakes, it will include both bass and snare drums… Every time you make a successful stop, it gives the driver a “badum tiss!”

Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
7 days ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

Never done drum brakes with any special tools, still prefer them over some styles of discs

What me?
What me?
7 days ago

That wheel bolt pattern, is that asymmetric?

Might be handy so that you know you install your tyres the right way, instead of upside down. See, AI has smart ideas!!1!

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