Home » You Have To Look At This Viral AI-Generated Disc Brake Diagram Because It’s Nuts

You Have To Look At This Viral AI-Generated Disc Brake Diagram Because It’s Nuts

Ai Brake Top

We are definitely in the beginnings of some sort of artificial intelligence revolution. I’m not certain how it’ll all play out, but something is happening, and it’s big, and it has the potential to affect all sorts of parts of our lives. I think that’s why its so important to remember that, no matter what we may end up having AI do in our lives, the one thing that AI will always, unfailingly be is an idiot. If you don’t believe me, check out this incredible diagram that’s been going around the internet of an AI-generated disc brake system.

Well, maybe I’m being unfair by calling AI an idiot. It’s not so much an idiot as it’s, well, kind of ignorant. Well, maybe not even that; AI systems are fed vast amounts of data an information, so they’re not exactly ignorant, but they also have no awareness, no idea what’s real and what isn’t, which is why we end up with masterpieces like this diagram.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

This image was first shared on the Manufacturing_and_production Instagram page:

Why the hell did they post this in the first place? Engagement, I guess? Is the whole thing run by some stupid AI? Maybe?


What’s most amazing about this diagram is just how deliriously complex the damn thing is; I mean, just compare it to a diagram of a disc brake setup that actually exists in reality:

Realbrake Diag

I had to look around for one with a lot of callouts, too. Now, let’s compare that to what our artificial brain thinks a disc brake is like:

Ai Bs Brake

Okay, let’s see if we can figure out just what is going on here; everything is quite clear and labeled, so that’s good, nobody should be mixing up their Abtoks for their Eualistics, at least.


So we still have a disc, labeled here as the Amer Cyinlor, or maybe Meac Faces, and it’s nice and thick, maybe even thicker than the caliper-like Eualistic. Some long shafts seem to connect this caliper-like unit to a large mechanism that appears to be labeled the Anti-LOCD Shislehbes, so any worry about an overabundance of LOCD should be eliminated.

I think that whole mechanism is fed by the Urinek, which I assume is a pressurized tank holding Brake Urine, and that gets pumped into the system by the Cakcestor, flowing through the Master Climder. I think the advantage of this system over conventional hydraulic brake systems is that each wheel has its own dedicated power system, and each wheel’s brake setup is completely independent.

I mean, that’s my guess; these units look pretty substantial and heavy, which I suspect would require larger and more robust suspension hardware. Also, the Master Clymber seems to be a little arm “reading” the brake disc itself; maybe it checks for wear or damage? That’d be useful!

A setup like this could eliminate the need for a master brake pump of some sort, which could be useful on an EV. Of course, it’s also good to remember that this is all completely made-up bullshit, something that started with noise and then got compared to millions and millions of images of brake diagrams until it got refined down to this pretty and meaningless pile of crap that I’m showing you now.

The future’s gonna be weird, friends! Not only will you have to sift through thousands of images to find the one you need when you’re trying to fix your car, now you’ll also have to figure out which ones are made-up bullshit, otherwise you’ll waste half your afternoon looking for the Abtoks and Urineks you needed to replace months ago.


What a world.


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6 days ago

STOP the Artificial STUPIDITY

Last edited 6 days ago by Freelivin2713
6 days ago

Only available on cars with the Chrysler turbo encabulator…..

6 days ago

AI systems are fed vast amounts of data an information, so they’re not exactly ignorant, but they also have no awareness

AI has massive knowledge but (ironically) no intelligence and thus can’t usefully apply it. Plenty of humans are the same way. “AI” is a misnomer for the technology we have today.

6 days ago

Ugh I loathe AI and wish every company would slow down and shut up about it.

Mike S
Mike S
6 days ago

Abtok and Urinek were two of my favorite Klingons on Star Trek

6 days ago
Reply to  Mike S

Abtok and Urinek at Tanagra.

Not as cool as you think I think I am
Not as cool as you think I think I am
6 days ago

Where does the blinker fluid go?

Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
6 days ago

NPR had a story yesterday about AI Data Centers. A single data center can use as much power as a small city, and can also use 1 million gallons of water per day for cooling purposes.

All so we can see stupid-ass AI images on facebook of a weird disc brake system or a fake cozy cabin with stairs to nowhere. What a world.

6 days ago

It’s all so some rich assholes can give even less money to actual creative people than they already do.

Sergey Pan
Sergey Pan
6 days ago

AI? I thought it is legit BMW desing

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
6 days ago

I like that they went to biological brake fluid, if you spring a leak, just take a leak!

Tim Beamer
Tim Beamer
6 days ago

How could this be possible without a Turbo Encabulator?

6 days ago

I refuse to submit to the superiority of AI until they start recommending pictures of alternators as turbo tattoo designs

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
6 days ago

Audi engineers are furiously scribbling down notes on how they can make their systems this complex.

6 days ago

Pentosin DOT 5 is pretty much brake urine

Angrycat Meowmeow
Angrycat Meowmeow
6 days ago

Reminds me of the other bot-run accounts that keep sharing images of insane looking engines with a title something like “BMW announces end of EV’s with its new hydrogen engine”. Then the comments are a mix of actual humans and bots replying to the bots. The humans legit don’t even know they’re talking to a bot. The whole thing is insane. Reading FB and IG comments are a really efficient way to lose faith in humanity.

Jatco Xtronic CVT
Jatco Xtronic CVT
6 days ago

I hope it mentioned that you should be replacing the arn6nom system every time you replace the ant-b brastiem? Otherwise I’d call this blatant misinformation.

Last edited 6 days ago by Jatco Xtronic CVT
Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
6 days ago

Sounds like the names of shitty iPhone cord companies on Amazon.

Benjamin S Lindstrom
Benjamin S Lindstrom
6 days ago

I always make sure my Cakcestor is cleaned and working before putting my brakes back together.

5 days ago

Make sure to clean it well, that urinek tend to cakc up when the unaboub is left open for a while

Pat Douglas Barron
Pat Douglas Barron
6 days ago


6 days ago

Oh, no the singularity! AI will kill us all, slowly in an overly complex ineffective way. AI uses AI to generate content many days a week and I am very unimpressed.

Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
6 days ago

AI is the FSD of NFTs.

6 days ago

…This makes so much sense I’m angry noone thought of this earlier!

Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
6 days ago
Reply to  MY LEG!

It came to me in a fever dream.

6 days ago

To be fair, I kinda want a Cakestor now.

6 days ago

It’s like the BMW of brake systems.

Brau Beaton
Brau Beaton
7 days ago

Damn! And I just paid over $1000 to have my Abtoks ported and my Brasteims refaced.????

Chris D
Chris D
7 days ago

This is how religions were formed. Loads of useless BS coalesces into a gargantuan final product of incomprehensible, useless BS.
The modern method is Artificial Ignorance, the time-tested method is Actual Ignorance.

7 days ago

Looks like one of Al Jaffee’s mad inventions

Maryland J
Maryland J
7 days ago

It will get better. That’s the great thing about ai. Give it feedback, reinforce good content, and with enough training and generation, it will create better results.

Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
7 days ago
Reply to  Maryland J

You know what feedback, training, and practice will never do to generative AI? Give it a top-down worldview.

6 days ago
Reply to  Maryland J

How do you figure?

Today, this diagram is part of the disc brake ‘knowledge’ that will be fed to the ai. Tomorrow the caliper will have six fingers.

6 days ago
Reply to  Maryland J

That’s not a given. The machine learning tech that this is based on is not new and has already been pretty well refined over the decades. It’s quite possible that future improvements in AI will be marginal at best, barring some new technique that nobody knows about today.

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